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Grimms Fairy Tales 054 THE KING OF THE GOLDEN MOUNTAIN 003

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 054 – THE KING OF THE GOLDEN MOUNTAIN – 003

At the sight of this he was overjoyed, and forgetting all about his son, went into trade again, and became a richer merchant than before.

Meantime little Heinel grew up, and as the end of the twelve years drew near the merchant began to call to mind his bond, and became very sad and thoughtful; so that care and sorrow were written upon his face.
The boy one day asked what was the matter, but his father would not tell for some time; at last, however, he said that he had, without knowing it, sold him for gold to a little, ugly-looking, black dwarf, and that the twelve years were coming round when he must keep his word.
Then Heinel said, ‘Father, give yourself very little trouble about that; I shall be too much for the little man.’

When the time came, the father and son went out together to the place agreed upon: and the son drew a circle on the ground, and set himself and his father in the middle of it.
The little black dwarf soon came, and walked round and round about the circle, but could not find any way to get into it, and he either could not, or dared not, jump over it

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. At the sight of this / he was overjoyed, / and forgetting all about his son, / went into trade again, / and became a richer merchant / than before.

    이를 보고 그는 매우 기뻐하며 아들을 전혀 잊고 다시 무역을 시작했고 이전보다 더 부자가 되었다.

  2. ⦁ sight: 시야
    – He caught sight of a rare bird. (그는 희귀한 새를 발견했다.)

    ⦁ overjoyed: 매우 기쁜
    – She was overjoyed at the news. (그녀는 그 소식에 매우 기뻤다.)

  3. Meantime little Heinel / grew up, / and as the end of the twelve years / drew near / the merchant began / to call to mind his bond, / and became very sad and thoughtful; / so that care and sorrow / were written / upon his face.

    그 동안 작은 하이넬은 자랐고, 12년의 끝이 다가옴에 따라 상인은 자신의 약속을 떠올리기 시작하여 매우 슬프고 생각에 잠기게 되었다. 그의 얼굴에는 걱정과 슬픔이 서려 있었다.

  4. ⦁ meantime: 그동안
    – In the meantime, I’ll finish the report. (그동안에 내가 보고서를 끝내겠다.)

    ⦁ thoughtful: 생각에 잠긴
    – He looked thoughtful for a moment. (그는 잠시 생각에 잠긴 모습이었다.)

  5. The boy one day / asked what was the matter, / but his father / would not tell / for some time; / at last, however, / he said / that he had, / without knowing it, / sold him for gold / to a little, ugly-looking, black dwarf, / and that the twelve years / were coming round / when he must keep his word.

    어느 날 소년은 무슨 일이냐고 물었지만, 아버지는 한동안 말하지 않았다. 그러나 결국 그는 자기 자신도 모르는 사이에 아들을 작은, 못생긴 검은 난쟁이에게 금으로 팔았으며 이제 12년이 다가오고 있다고 말했다.

  6. ⦁ matter: 문제
    – What’s the matter? (무슨 일이야?)

    ⦁ ugly: 못생긴
    – The house looks ugly. (그 집은 못생겼다.)

  7. Then Heinel said, / ‘Father, / give yourself very little trouble about that; / I shall be too much / for the little man.’

    그러자 하이넬이 말했다. ‘아버지, 그것에 대해 너무 걱정하지 마세요. 제가 그 작은 남자에게 너무 강할 겁니다.’

  8. ⦁ trouble: 걱정
    – Don’t trouble yourself with that. (그것에 대해 걱정하지 마세요.)

    ⦁ little: 작은
    – It’s a little problem. (그건 작은 문제다.)

  9. When the time came, / the father and son / went out together / to the place agreed upon: / and the son drew a circle / on the ground, / and set himself / and his father / in the middle of it.

    때가 되자, 아버지와 아들은 약속된 장소로 함께 나갔다. 아들은 땅에 원을 그리고 자신과 아버지를 그 중심에 둔다.

  10. ⦁ together: 함께
    – Let’s go together. (같이 가자.)

    ⦁ agreed: 동의한
    – They agreed on a plan. (그들은 계획에 동의했다.)

  11. The little black dwarf / soon came, / and walked round and round / about the circle, / but could not find any way / to get into it, / and he either could not, / or dared not, / jump over it.

    작은 검은 난쟁이는 곧 나타나서 원을 빙빙 돌며 탐색했지만, 그 안으로 들어갈 방법을 찾지 못했다. 그는 그것을 뛰어넘지 못하거나 감히 뛰어넘지 않았다.

  12. ⦁ circle: 원
    – Draw a circle. (원을 그려라.)

    ⦁ dare: 감히 ~하다
    – He didn’t dare to speak. (그는 감히 말을 하지 않았다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)