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Grimms Fairy Tales 054 THE KING OF THE GOLDEN MOUNTAIN 010

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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 054 – THE KING OF THE GOLDEN MOUNTAIN – 010

Then he sat himself down, and said, ‘I am very much tired; sit by me, I will rest my head in your lap, and sleep a while.’ As soon as he had fallen asleep, however, she drew the ring from his finger, and crept softly away, and wished herself and her son at home in their kingdom.
And when he awoke he found himself alone, and saw that the ring was gone from his finger.
‘I can never go back to my father’s house,’ said he; ‘they would say I am a sorcerer: I will journey forth into the world, till I come again to my kingdom.’

So saying he set out and travelled till he came to a hill, where three giants were sharing their father’s goods; and as they saw him pass they cried out and said, ‘Little men have sharp wits; he shall part the goods between us.’ Now there was a sword that cut off an enemy’s head whenever the wearer gave the words, ‘Heads off!’; a cloak that made the owner invisible, or gave him any form he pleased; and a pair of boots that carried the wearer wherever he wished.
Heinel said they must first let him try these wonderful things, then he might know how to set a value upon them.
Then they gave him the cloak, and he wished himself a fly, and in a moment he was a fly

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Then he sat himself down, / and said, ‘I am very much tired; / sit by me, / I will rest my head / in your lap, / and sleep a while.’

    그러고 나서 그는 자리에 앉아 말했습니다, ‘나는 매우 피곤해; 내 옆에 앉아, 나는 머리를 너의 무릎에 기대고 잠시 쉴 거야.’

  2. ⦁ tired: 피곤한
    – She felt tired after the long walk. (그녀는 긴 산책 후에 피곤함을 느꼈다.)

    ⦁ rest: 쉬다
    – He decided to rest for a while. (그는 잠시 쉬기로 결정했다.)

  3. As soon as he had fallen asleep, / however, she drew the ring / from his finger, / and crept softly away, / and wished herself / and her son / at home / in their kingdom.

    그러나 그가 잠이 들자마자, 그녀는 그의 손가락에서 반지를 빼서 조용히 자리를 떠났고, 그녀와 그녀의 아들이 그들의 왕국에 있는 집으로 돌아가기를 빌었습니다.

  4. ⦁ asleep: 잠든
    – The baby is asleep in his cot. (아기는 그의 요람에서 잠들어 있다.)

    ⦁ finger: 손가락
    – He hurt his finger playing basketball. (그는 농구를 하다가 손가락을 다쳤다.)

  5. And when he awoke / he found himself alone, / and saw that the ring / was gone from his finger.

    그리고 그가 깨어났을 때 그는 자신이 혼자 있음을 알았고, 손가락에서 반지가 사라진 것을 보았습니다.

  6. ⦁ alone: 혼자인
    – She felt alone in the big city. (그녀는 큰 도시에서 혼자라고 느꼈다.)

    ⦁ gone: 사라진
    – The money was gone from the table. (테이블에서 돈이 사라졌다.)

  7. ‘I can never go back / to my father’s house,’ / said he; / ‘they would say / I am a sorcerer: / I will journey forth / into the world, / till I come again / to my kingdom.’

    ‘나는 결코 아버지의 집으로 돌아갈 수 없어,’ 그가 말했습니다; ‘그들은 내가 마법사라고 할 거야: 나는 세상으로 여정을 떠날 거야, 내가 다시 내 왕국에 올 때까지.’

  8. ⦁ never: 결코 ~않다
    – I will never forget this moment. (나는 이 순간을 결코 잊지 않을 것이다.)

    ⦁ kingdom: 왕국
    – The king ruled his kingdom wisely. (왕은 그의 왕국을 지혜롭게 다스렸다.)

  9. So saying / he set out / and travelled / till he came to a hill, / where three giants / were sharing their father’s goods.

    And as they saw him pass / they cried out / and said, / ‘Little men have sharp wits; / he shall part / the goods / between us.’

    그렇게 말하고 그는 출발하여, 그가 언덕에 도착할 때까지 여행했습니다. 그곳에서 세 명의 거인이 그들 아버지의 재산을 나누고 있었습니다. 그들이 그가 지나가는 것을 보자마자 그들은 소리쳤습니다, ‘작은 남자는 영리해; 그는 우리 사이에서 재산을 나누게 할 거야.’

  10. ⦁ giant: 거인
    – The giant was larger than any human. (그 거인은 어느 인간보다도 더 컸다.)

    ⦁ goods: 상품, 재산
    – The store sells a variety of goods. (그 가게는 다양한 상품을 판다.)

  11. Now there was a sword / that cut off an enemy’s head / whenever the wearer / gave the words, / ‘Heads off!’; / a cloak that made the owner / invisible, / or gave him any form / he pleased; / and a pair of boots / that carried the wearer / wherever he wished.

    지금 거기에는 소유자가 ‘헤즈 오프!’라고 말할 때마다 적의 머리를 잘라내는 칼, 소유자를 투명하게 하거나 그가 원하는 어떤 형태로도 변하게 하는 망토, 그리고 소유자를 원하는 곳으로 데려다 주는 신발 한 켤레가 있었습니다.

  12. ⦁ sword: 칼
    – The knight drew his sword. (기사님은 그의 칼을 뽑았다.)

    ⦁ cloak: 망토
    – She wore a red cloak. (그녀는 빨간 망토를 입었다.)

  13. Heinel said / they must first let him try / these wonderful things, / then he might know / how to set a value / upon them.

    하이넬은 그들이 먼저 그가 이 놀라운 것들을 시도하게 해야 한다고 말했습니다, 그러면 그는 그것들에 어떤 가치를 매겨야 할지 알 수 있을 것이라 했습니다.

  14. ⦁ wonderful: 놀라운
    – It’s a wonderful day today. (오늘은 아주 좋은 날이다.)

    ⦁ value: 가치
    – The value of this painting is very high. (이 그림의 가치는 매우 높다.)

  15. Then they gave him the cloak, / and he wished himself a fly, / and in a moment / he was a fly.

    그러자 그들은 그에게 망토를 주었고, 그는 자신이 파리가 되길 원했습니다, 그러자 순간적으로 그는 파리가 되었습니다.

  16. ⦁ cloak: 망토
    – He put on a magic cloak. (그는 마법의 망토를 입었다.)

    ⦁ moment: 순간
    – Wait a moment, please. (잠시만 기다려 주세요.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)