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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 055 – DOCTOR KNOWALL – 005
They led him to the spot where the money was concealed.With this the doctor was satisfied, and returned to the hall, sat down to the table, and said: ‘My lord, now will I search in my book where the gold is hidden.’ The fifth servant, however, crept into the stove to hear if the doctor knew still more.But the doctor sat still and opened his A B C book, turned the pages backwards and forwards, and looked for the cock.As he could not find it immediately he said: ‘I know you are there, so you had better come out!’ Then the fellow in the stove thought that the doctor meant him, and full of terror, sprang out, crying: ‘That man knows everything!’ Then Doctor Knowall showed the lord where the money was, but did not say who had stolen it, and received from both sides much money in reward, and became a renowned man.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
They led him / to the spot / where the money was / concealed.
그들은 그를 돈이 숨겨진 위치로 안내했다.
With this / the doctor was satisfied, / and returned / to the hall, / sat down / to the table, / and said: / ‘My lord, / now will I search / in my book / where the gold is / hidden.’
이것으로 의사는 만족했고, 홀로 돌아가 테이블에 앉아서 말했다: ‘주군이시여, 이제 책에서 금이 숨겨져 있는 곳을 찾아보겠습니다.’
The fifth servant, / however, / crept into the stove / to hear / if the doctor / knew still more.
그러나 다섯 번째 하인은 의사가 더 많은 것을 알고 있는지 알아보려고 난로 속으로 기어들어갔다.
But the doctor / sat still / and opened his A B C book, / turned the pages / backwards and forwards, / and looked for the cock.
하지만 의사는 가만히 앉아 ABC 책을 열고, 페이지를 앞뒤로 넘기며 수탉을 찾았다.
As he / could not find it / immediately / he said: / ‘I know / you are there, / so you / had better come out!’
그가 즉시 그것을 찾지 못하자 말했다: ‘나는 당신이 거기 있는 걸 알아요, 그러니 나오는 게 좋을 겁니다!’
Then the fellow / in the stove / thought that the doctor / meant him, / and full of terror, / sprang out, /crying: / ‘That man knows / everything!’
그러자 난로 속의 친구는 의사가 자신을 의미한다고 생각했고, 공포에 질려 튀어 나오며 외쳤다: ‘저 사람은 모든 것을 알고 있어!’
Then Doctor Knowall / showed the lord / where the money was, / but did not say / who had stolen it, / and received / from both sides / much money / in reward, / and became / a renowned man.
그러자 박사님은 주인에게 돈이 어디에 있는지 보여주었으나, 누가 그것을 훔쳤는지는 말하지 않았으며, 양쪽으로부터 많은 보상을 받고 유명한 사람이 되었다.
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