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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 056 – THE SEVEN RAVENS – 001
There was once a man who had seven sons, and last of all one daughter.Although the little girl was very pretty, she was so weak and small that they thought she could not live; but they said she should at once be christened.So the father sent one of his sons in haste to the spring to get some water, but the other six ran with him.Each wanted to be first at drawing the water, and so they were in such a hurry that all let their pitchers fall into the well, and they stood very foolishly looking at one another, and did not know what to do, for none dared go home
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
There was once a man / who had seven sons, / and last of all / one daughter.
옛날에 일곱 아들이 있는 남자가 있었고, 마지막으로 딸 하나가 있었다.
Although the little girl / was very pretty, / she was so weak and small / that they thought / she could not live; / but they said / she should at once / be christened.
비록 그 작은 소녀는 매우 예뻤지만, 너무 약하고 작아서 사람들이 그녀가 살 수 없을 것이라고 생각했다. 하지만 그들은 그녀가 즉시 세례를 받아야 한다고 말했다.
So the father / sent one of his sons / in haste / to the spring / to get some water, / but the other six / ran with him.
그래서 아버지는 아들 중 하나를 샘으로 보내 물을 가져오게 했지만, 나머지 여섯 명도 함께 달려갔다.
Each wanted / to be first / at drawing the water, / and so they were / in such a hurry / that all let their pitchers / fall into the well, / and they stood / very foolishly / looking at one another, / and did not know / what to do, / for none dared / go home.
각자는 물을 먼저 긷고 싶어서 모두가 서둘렀고, 그래서 그들의 물동이를 샘에 떨어뜨려 버렸다. 그들은 아주 어리석게 서로를 쳐다보며 서 있었고, 어떻게 해야 할지 몰랐다. 아무도 감히 집에 가지 못했다.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)