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‘Just think,’ said he, ‘when I asked him how he was going to earn his bread, he actually wanted to learn to shudder.’ ‘If that be all,’ replied the sexton, ‘he can learn that with me.
Send him to me, and I will soon polish him.’ The father was glad to do it, for he thought: ‘It will train the boy a little.’ The sexton therefore took him into his house, and he had to ring the church bell.
After a day or two, the sexton awoke him at midnight, and bade him arise and go up into the church tower and ring the bell.
‘You shall soon learn what shuddering is,’ thought he, and secretly went there before him; and when the boy was at the top of the tower and turned round, and was just going to take hold of the bell rope, he saw a white figure standing on the stairs opposite the sounding hole.
‘Who is there?’ cried he, but the figure made no reply, and did not move or stir.
‘Give an answer,’ cried the boy, ‘or take yourself off, you have no business here at night.’

The sexton, however, remained standing motionless that the boy might think he was a ghost

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. ‘Just think,’/ said he,/ ‘when I asked him how he was going to earn his bread,/ he actually wanted to learn to shudder.

    ‘생각 좀 해보게,’ 그가 말했다. ‘내가 그에게 어떻게 생계를 꾸려갈 거냐고 물었을 때, 그는 오싹함을 배우고 싶다고 했네.’

  2. ⦁ earn: 벌다
    – He wants to earn a lot of money. (그는 많은 돈을 벌고 싶어한다.)

    ⦁ shudder: 오싹하다
    – She began to shudder in fear. (그녀는 두려움에 오싹하기 시작했다.)

  3. ‘If that be all,’/ replied the sexton,/ ‘he can learn that with me. ‘

    ‘그게 다라면,’ 성직자가 대답했다, ‘그는 나와 함께 그것을 배울 수 있을 거야.’

  4. ⦁ replied: 대답했다
    – She replied to his question confidently. (그녀는 그의 질문에 자신 있게 대답했다.)

    ⦁ learn: 배우다
    – Children learn by imitating adults. (아이들은 어른을 모방하며 배운다.)

  5. ‘Send him to me,/ and I will soon polish him.’

    ‘그를 나에게 보내게, 곧 그를 다듬어 주겠네.’

  6. ⦁ polish: 다듬다
    – He polished his shoes until they shone. (그는 신발이 빛날 때까지 닦았다.)

    ⦁ soon: 곧
    – We will soon arrive at our destination. (우리는 곧 목적지에 도착할 것이다.)

  7. The father was glad to do it,/ for he thought:/ ‘It will train the boy a little.’

    아버지는 그것을 기쁘게 받아들였고, 그는 생각했다: ‘이것이 소년을 조금 훈련시킬 것이다.’

  8. ⦁ glad: 기쁜
    – She was glad to hear the good news. (그녀는 좋은 소식을 듣고 기뻤다.)

    ⦁ train: 훈련시키다
    – They trained the dog to sit and stay. (그들은 개에게 앉고 기다리라고 훈련했다.)

  9. The sexton therefore took him into his house,/ and he had to ring the church bell.

    그래서 성직자는 그를 자기 집으로 데려가서, 그는 교회 종을 울려야 했다.

  10. ⦁ therefore: 그래서
    – He studied hard, and therefore he passed the test. (그는 열심히 공부했고, 그래서 시험에 합격했다.)

    ⦁ ring: 울리다
    – The bell rings every hour. (종은 매 시간마다 울린다.)

  11. After a day or two,/ the sexton awoke him at midnight,/ and bade him arise and go up into the church tower and ring the bell.

    하루나 이틀 후, 성직자는 한밤중에 그를 깨워서 일어나 교회 탑으로 올라가서 종을 울리게 했다.

  12. ⦁ awake: 깨우다
    – She awoke her friend in the morning. (그녀는 아침에 친구를 깨웠다.)

    ⦁ tower: 탑
    – The tower stands tall in the city. (그 탑은 도시에 우뚝 서 있다.)

  13. ‘You shall soon learn what shuddering is,’/ thought he,/ and secretly went there before him;/ and when the boy was at the top of the tower and turned round,/ and was just going to take hold of the bell rope,/ he saw a white figure standing on the stairs opposite the sounding hole.

    ‘곧 오싹함이 무엇인지 배울 것이다,’ 생각하며, 그가 먼저 몰래 그곳으로 갔다. 소년이 탑 꼭대기에 올라가서 돌아섰을 때, 종 줄을 잡으려는 찰나 계단에 하얀 형상이 소리 통로 맞은편에 서 있는 것을 보았다.

  14. ⦁ secretly: 몰래
    – She secretly planned a surprise party. (그녀는 몰래 깜짝 파티를 계획했다.)

    ⦁ figure: 형상
    – A mysterious figure appeared in the dark. (어둠 속에 신비로운 형상이 나타났다.)

  15. ‘Who is there?’/ cried he,/ but the figure made no reply,/ and did not move or stir.

    ‘누구냐?’ 소년이 외쳤지만, 형상은 대답하지 않았고, 움직이지도 않았다.

  16. ⦁ cry: 외치다
    – He cried for help. (그는 도움을 외쳤다.)

    ⦁ stir: 움직이다
    – Do not stir from your seat. (자리에서 움직이지 마라.)

  17. ‘Give an answer,’/ cried the boy,/ ‘or take yourself off,/ you have no business here at night.’

    ‘대답해,’ 소년이 외쳤다, ‘아니면 꺼져, 밤에 여기 있을 일이 아니잖아.’

  18. ⦁ answer: 대답
    – She gave a quick answer. (그녀는 빠르게 대답했다.)

    ⦁ business: 일
    – It’s none of your business. (그건 당신 일이 아니다.)

  19. The sexton, however, remained standing motionless/ that the boy might think he was a ghost.

    그러나 성직자는 소년이 그를 유령으로 생각하도록 꼼짝 않고 서 있었다.

  20. ⦁ motionless: 움직이지 않는
    – The deer stood motionless in the forest. (사슴은 숲에서 움직이지 않고 서 있었다.)

    ⦁ ghost: 유령
    – Many people believe in ghosts. (많은 사람들이 유령을 믿는다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)