❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
Take these and go into the wide world, and tell no one from whence you come, and who is your father, for I have reason to be ashamed of you.’ ‘Yes, father, it shall be as you will.If you desire nothing more than that, I can easily keep it in mind.’When the day dawned, therefore, the boy put his fifty talers into his pocket, and went forth on the great highway, and continually said to himself: ‘If I could but shudder! If I could but shudder!’ Then a man approached who heard this conversation which the youth was holding with himself, and when they had walked a little farther to where they could see the gallows, the man said to him: ‘Look, there is the tree where seven men have married the ropemaker’s daughter, and are now learning how to fly.Sit down beneath it, and wait till night comes, and you will soon learn how to shudder.’ ‘If that is all that is wanted,’ answered the youth, ‘it is easily done; but if I learn how to shudder as fast as that, you shall have my fifty talers.Just come back to me early in the morning.’ Then the youth went to the gallows, sat down beneath it, and waited till evening came.And as he was cold, he lighted himself a fire, but at midnight the wind blew so sharply that in spite of his fire, he could not get warm.And as the wind knocked the hanged men against each other, and they moved backwards and forwards, he thought to himself: ‘If you shiver below by the fire, how those up above must freeze and suffer!’ And as he felt pity for them, he raised the ladder, and climbed up, unbound one of them after the other, and brought down all seven
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Take these / and go into / the wide world, / and tell no one / from whence you come, / and who is your father, / for I have reason / to be ashamed of you.
이것을 가지고 넓은 세상으로 나가라. 어디에서 왔는지, 아버지가 누구인지 아무에게도 말하지 마라. 너 때문에 부끄럽게 생각하기 때문이다.
‘Yes, father, / it shall be / as you will. / If you desire / nothing more than that, / I can easily / keep it in mind.’
예, 아버지. 아버지 뜻대로 하겠습니다. 그것 이상의 것을 바라지 않으신다면, 쉽게 기억할 수 있습니다.
When the day / dawned, therefore, / the boy put his / fifty talers / into his pocket, / and went forth / on the great highway, / and continually said / to himself: / ‘If I could / but shudder! / If I could / but shudder!’
날이 밝았을 때, 소년은 50탈러를 주머니에 넣고 큰 길로 나섰다. 그리고 계속 혼잣말로 말했다. ‘만약 내가 떨 수 있다면! 떨 수 있다면!’
Then a man / approached who heard / this conversation / which the youth / was holding / with himself, / and when they had walked / a little farther / to where they / could see the gallows, / the man said to him: / ‘Look, there is / the tree / where seven men / have married / the ropemaker’s daughter, / and are now / learning how to fly.’
그때 한 남자가 다가오더니 청년이 혼자 중얼거리는 대화를 들었다. 그들이 조금 더 걸어가서 처형틀이 보이는 곳에 이르렀을 때, 남자가 말했다. ‘저기, 일곱 명의 남자가 줄 만드는 사람의 딸과 결혼하고 이제 날기 배우는 나무가 보여.’
‘Sit down / beneath it, / and wait till / night comes, / and you will soon / learn how to / shudder.’
‘그 아래에 앉아 밤이 될 때까지 기다려라. 그러면 곧 떨게 될 것이다.’
‘If that is / all that is wanted,’ / answered the youth, / ‘it is easily done; / but if I learn / how to shudder / as fast as that, / you shall have / my fifty talers. / Just come back / to me early / in the morning.’
‘그게 전부라면,’ 청년은 대답했다. ‘그건 쉽게 할 수 있겠소. 하지만 내가 그렇게 빨리 떨게 된다면, 당신에게 내 50탈러를 주겠소. 아침 일찍 나에게로 돌아오시오.’
Then the youth / went to the gallows, / sat down beneath it, / and waited till / evening came.
그러고 나서 청년은 처형틀로 가서 그 아래에 앉아 저녁이 올 때까지 기다렸다.
And as he / was cold, / he lighted himself / a fire, / but at midnight / the wind blew / so sharply / that in spite / of his fire, / he could not / get warm.
그리고 그는 추워서 불을 피웠다. 그러나 자정이 되자 바람이 너무 강하게 불어 그의 불에도 불구하고 따뜻해지지 않았다.
And as the wind / knocked the hanged men / against each other, / and they moved / backwards and forwards, / he thought to himself: / ‘If you shiver / below by the fire, / how those up above / must freeze / and suffer!’
그리고 바람이 교수대에 매달린 시체들을 서로 부딪히게 하여 이리저리 움직이게 하자, 그는 생각했다. ‘네가 불 옆에서 떤다면, 저 위에 있는 사람들은 얼마나 더 춥고 고통스럽겠는가!’
And as he felt / pity for them, / he raised the ladder, / and climbed up, / unbound one / of them after the other, / and brought down / all seven.
그리고 그들에게 연민을 느껴 사다리를 올리고, 위로 올라가 하나씩 풀어주어 일곱을 모두 내려주었다.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)