❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
But when he had made away with these two, and was about to sit down again by his fire, out from every hole and corner came black cats and black dogs with red-hot chains, and more and more of them came until he could no longer move, and they yelled horribly, and got on his fire, pulled it to pieces, and tried to put it out.He watched them for a while quietly, but at last when they were going too far, he seized his cutting-knife, and cried: ‘Away with you, vermin,’ and began to cut them down.Some of them ran away, the others he killed, and threw out into the fish-pond.When he came back he fanned the embers of his fire again and warmed himself.And as he thus sat, his eyes would keep open no longer, and he felt a desire to sleep.Then he looked round and saw a great bed in the corner
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
But when he had made away with these two, / and was about to sit down again / by his fire,
그러나 그가 그 두 마리를 처리하고 다시 그의 불가에 앉으려고 할 때,
out from every hole and corner / came black cats and black dogs / with red-hot chains,
모든 구멍과 구석에서 뜨거운 쇠사슬을 찬 검은 고양이와 검은 개들이 나왔다,
and more and more of them / came until he could no longer move, / and they yelled horribly,
그리고 그가 더 이상 움직일 수 없을 때까지 그 수는 점점 더 많아졌고 그들은 끔찍하게 소리쳤다,
and got on his fire, / pulled it to pieces, / and tried to put it out.
그리고 그의 불에 올라타 불을 흩어놓고 그것을 끄려고 했다.
He watched them for a while quietly, / but at last when they were going too far, / he seized his cutting-knife, / and cried: ‘Away with you, vermin.’
그는 조용히 잠시 동안 그들을 지켜봤지만, 결국 그들이 너무 지나치자 그의 칼을 잡고 외쳤다: ‘저리가, 해충들.’
and began to cut them down. / Some of them ran away, / the others he killed, / and threw out into the fish-pond.
그리고 그들을 베기 시작했다. 그들 중 일부는 도망갔고 나머지는 그가 죽여 연못에 던졌다.
When he came back / he fanned the embers of his fire again / and warmed himself.
그가 돌아와서 다시 불씨를 부채질하며 몸을 녹였다.
And as he thus sat, / his eyes would keep open no longer, / and he felt a desire to sleep.
그가 그렇게 앉아 있을 때, 그의 눈은 더 이상 뜰 수 없었고 잠이 오기 시작했다.
Then he looked round / and saw a great bed in the corner.
그러다 그는 주변을 둘러보고 구석에 있는 큰 침대를 보았다.
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