❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
‘That is no part of our bargain,’ said the youth, ‘the bench is mine.’ The man wanted to push him away; the youth, however, would not allow that, but thrust him off with all his strength, and seated himself again in his own place.Then still more men fell down, one after the other; they brought nine dead men’s legs and two skulls, and set them up and played at nine-pins with them.The youth also wanted to play and said: ‘Listen you, can I join you?’ ‘Yes, if you have any money.’ ‘Money enough,’ replied he, ‘but your balls are not quite round.’ Then he took the skulls and put them in the lathe and turned them till they were round.‘There, now they will roll better!’ said he.‘Hurrah! now we’ll have fun!’ He played with them and lost some of his money, but when it struck twelve, everything vanished from his sight.He lay down and quietly fell asleep
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
‘That is no part / of our bargain,’ / said the youth, / ‘the bench is mine.’
‘그건 우리의 약속에 없었다.’ / 젊은이 (청년)가 말했다, / ‘벤치는 내 것이다.’
The man / wanted / to push him away; / the youth, however, / would not / allow that, / but thrust him off / with all his strength, / and seated himself again / in his own place.
그 남자는 / 그를 밀어내고 싶어 했다; / 그러나 젊은이는 / 그것을 허락하지 않고, / 온 힘을 다해 / 그를 밀어내고, / 다시 자기 자리로 앉았다.
Then / still more men / fell down, one / after the other; / they brought nine dead men’s legs / and two skulls, / and set them up / and played at nine-pins / with them.
그러고 나서 / 더 많은 남자들이 / 한 명씩 넘어졌다; / 그들은 아홉 개의 죽은 자의 다리 /와 두 개의 해골을 가져와 / 그들을 세우고 / 나인 핀 볼링을 쳤다.
The youth also / wanted / to play / and said: / ‘Listen you, / can I join you?’ / ‘Yes, / if you have any money.’ / ‘Money enough,’ / replied he, / ‘but your balls / are not quite round.’
젊은이도 / 놀고 싶어 했고 / 말하였다, / ‘저기, / 나도 너희들과 함께 / 놀 수 있니?’ / ‘해, / 돈이 있으면.’ / ‘돈은 충분히 있어,’ / 그가 대답했다, / ‘하지만 너희 공들은 / 둥글지 않아.’
Then / he took the skulls / and put them / in the lathe / and turned them / till they were round.
그러고 나서 / 그는 해골들을 가지고 / 그것들을 선반에 / 넣고 / 둥글게 될 때까지 / 돌렸다.
‘There, / now they will roll better!’ / said he.
‘됐어, / 이제 그것들은 잘 구를 거야!’ / 그가 말했다.
‘Hurrah! / now we’ll have fun!’ / He played with them / and lost some of his money, / but when it struck twelve, / everything vanished / from his sight.
‘만세! / 이제 우리 재미있을 거야!’ / 그는 그들과 놀았고 / 약간의 돈을 잃었다, / 하지만 12시가 되었을 때, / 모든 것이 / 그의 시야에서 사라졌다.
He lay down / and quietly / fell asleep.
그는 누운 다음 / 조용히 / 잠이 들었다.
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