❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
Next morning the king came to inquire after him.‘How has it fared with you this time?’ asked he.‘I have been playing at nine-pins,’ he answered, ‘and have lost a couple of farthings.’ ‘Have you not shuddered then?’ ‘What?’ said he, ‘I have had a wonderful time! If I did but know what it was to shudder!’The third night he sat down again on his bench and said quite sadly: ‘If I could but shudder.’ When it grew late, six tall men came in and brought a coffin.Then he said: ‘Ha, ha, that is certainly my little cousin, who died only a few days ago,’ and he beckoned with his finger, and cried: ‘Come, little cousin, come.’ They placed the coffin on the ground, but he went to it and took the lid off, and a dead man lay therein.He felt his face, but it was cold as ice.‘Wait,’ said he, ‘I will warm you a little,’ and went to the fire and warmed his hand and laid it on the dead man’s face, but he remained cold
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Next morning / the king came / to inquire after him.
다음날 아침 / 왕이 찾아왔다 / 그를 보려고.
‘How has it fared / with you / this time?’ / asked he.
‘이번에는 어떻게 됐소?’ / 그는 물었다.
‘I have been / playing at nine-pins,’ / he answered, / ‘and have lost / a couple of farthings.’
‘나는 / 나인핀을 하고 있었다,’ / 그가 대답했다, / ‘그리고 / 몇 개의 파딩을 잃었다.’
‘Have you not shuddered / then?’
‘그럼 떨리지 않았소?’
‘What?’ said he, / ‘I have had a wonderful time! / If I did but know / what it was / to shudder!’
‘뭐라고?’ 그가 말했다, / ‘나는 정말 멋진 시간을 보냈소! / 내가 알 수만 있다면 / 그것이 무엇인지 / 떨리는 것!’
The third night / he sat down / again on his bench / and said quite sadly:
셋째 날 밤 / 그는 앉았다 / 다시 그의 벤치에 / 그리고 매우 슬프게 말했다:
‘If I could but shudder.’
‘내가 떨 수 있다면.’
When it grew late, / six tall men came in / and brought a coffin.
늦어지자, / 여섯 명의 키 큰 남자들이 들어오며 / 관을 가져왔다.
Then he said: / ‘Ha, ha, / that is certainly / my little cousin, / who died / only a few days ago,’ / and he beckoned / with his finger, / and cried: / ‘Come, little cousin, / come.’
그러자 그가 말했다: / ‘하, 하, / 저게 분명히 / 내 작은 사촌이야, / 얼마 전에 죽은, / 그리고 그는 손짓을 했다 / 그의 손가락으로, / 그리고 외쳤다: / ‘와, 작은 사촌아, / 와.
They placed the coffin / on the ground, / but he went to it / and took the lid off, / and a dead man / lay therein.
그들은 관을 놓았다 / 땅에, / 하지만 그는 다가갔다 / 그것으로 / 그리고 뚜껑을 열었다, / 그리고 죽은 사람이 / 그곳에 누워 있었다.
He felt his face, / but it was cold as ice.
그는 그의 얼굴을 만졌다, / 그러나 그것은 얼음처럼 차가웠다.
‘Wait,’ said he, / ‘I will warm you / a little,’ / and went to the fire / and warmed his hand / and laid it / on the dead man’s face, / but he remained cold.
‘기다려,’ 그가 말했다, / ‘내가 너를 따뜻하게 해줄게 / 조금,’ / 그리고 불로 갔다 / 그리고 그의 손을 데웠다 / 그리고 그것을 놓았다 / 죽은 사람의 얼굴에, / 하지만 그는 여전히 차가웠다.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)