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Grimms Fairy Tales 061 IRON HANS 002

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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 061 – IRON HANS – 002

The king, however, would not give his consent, and said: ‘It is not safe in there; I fear it would fare with you no better than with the others, and you would never come out again.’ The huntsman replied: ‘Lord, I will venture it at my own risk, of fear I know nothing.’

The huntsman therefore betook himself with his dog to the forest.
It was not long before the dog fell in with some game on the way, and wanted to pursue it; but hardly had the dog run two steps when it stood before a deep pool, could go no farther, and a naked arm stretched itself out of the water, seized it, and drew it under.
When the huntsman saw that, he went back and fetched three men to come with buckets and bale out the water.
When they could see to the bottom there lay a wild man whose body was brown like rusty iron, and whose hair hung over his face down to his knees.
They bound him with cords, and led him away to the castle.
There was great astonishment over the wild man; the king, however, had him put in an iron cage in his courtyard, and forbade the door to be opened on pain of death, and the queen herself was to take the key into her keeping

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. The king, / however, would not give his consent, / and said: / ‘It is not safe in there; / I fear / it would fare with you / no better than with the others, / and you would never come out again.’

    하지만 왕은 동의하지 않으며 말했다: “거기는 안전하지 않아; 네가 다른 사람들처럼 부딪히고 돌아오지 못할까봐 걱정된다.”

  2. ⦁ consent: 동의
    – The manager gave his consent to the project. (매니저는 그 프로젝트에 동의를 했다.)

    ⦁ fare: 잘하다, 지내다
    – Let’s see how you fare in the competition. (경쟁에서 네가 어떻게 하는지 보자.)

  3. The huntsman replied: / ‘Lord, I will venture it at my own risk, / of fear / I know nothing.’

    사냥꾼이 대답했다: “주군, 제가 저 스스로의 위험을 무릅쓰고 시도하겠습니다. 두려움은 모릅니다.”

  4. ⦁ venture: 위험을 무릅쓰고 시도하다
    – He decided to venture into the unknown forest. (그는 미지의 숲으로 모험에 나서기로 결정했다.)

    ⦁ risk: 위험
    – Taking this path is a great risk. (이 길을 가는 것은 큰 위험이다.)

  5. The huntsman therefore betook himself with his dog to the forest. / It was not long before / the dog fell in with some game on the way, / and wanted to pursue it; / but hardly had the dog run two steps / when it stood before a deep pool, / could go no farther, / and a naked arm stretched itself out of the water, / seized it, / and drew it under.

    사냥꾼은 따라서 개와 함께 숲으로 들어갔다. 얼마 지나지 않아 개가 게임을 발견하고 쫓으려 했지만, 두 걸음을 뛰자마자 깊은 웅덩이 앞에 서 멈추었다. 물속에서 벗은 팔이 나와 개를 붙잡아 물속으로 끌고 갔다.

  6. ⦁ game: 사냥감
    – The hunters spotted some game in the distance. (사냥꾼들이 저 멀리 사냥감을 발견했다.)

    ⦁ seize: 잡다
    – The police seized the stolen goods. (경찰이 훔친 물건을 압수했다.)

  7. When the huntsman saw that, / he went back / and fetched three men / to come with buckets / and bale out the water.

    사냥꾼은 그것을 보고 돌아가서 세 사람을 데려와 한 손으로 물을 퍼내기 시작했다.

  8. ⦁ fetch: 데려오다, 가져오다
    – Can you fetch me some water? (물을 좀 가져다줄 수 있어?)

    ⦁ bale: 퍼내다
    – The crew worked hard to bale water out of the boat. (승무원들은 배에서 물을 퍼내느라 열심히 일했다.)

  9. When they could see to the bottom / there lay a wild man / whose body was brown like rusty iron, / and whose hair hung over his face down to his knees.

    그들이 밑바닥을 볼 수 있게 되었을 때, 녹슨 쇠처럼 갈색인 몸과 무릎까지 내려온 긴 머리카락을 가진 야생인이 누워 있었다.

  10. ⦁ rusty: 녹슨
    – The old gate was rusty and difficult to open. (오래된 문이 녹슬어서 열기 힘들었다.)

    ⦁ hang: 매달리다, 늘어지다
    – The heavy curtains hung down to the floor. (무거운 커튼이 바닥까지 늘어져 있었다.)

  11. They bound him with cords, / and led him away to the castle. / There was great astonishment over the wild man; / the king, however, / had him put in an iron cage in his courtyard, / and forbade the door to be opened on pain of death, / and the queen herself / was to take the key into her keeping.

    그들은 그를 줄로 묶고 성으로 데려갔다. 야생인을 본 사람들은 크게 놀랐다; 그러나 왕은 그를 뜰에 있는 철 우리에 넣고, 문을 열면 사형에 처하겠다고 명령하며, 왕비가 직접 열쇠를 보관하도록 했다.

  12. ⦁ astonishment: 놀람
    – She looked at him in astonishment. (그녀는 놀라서 그를 쳐다보았다.)

    ⦁ forbid: 금지하다
    – The law forbids smoking in public places. (법은 공공장소에서의 흡연을 금지한다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)