❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
Grimms’ Fairy Tales 061 – IRON HANS – 003
And from this time forth everyone could again go into the forest with safety.The king had a son of eight years, who was once playing in the courtyard, and while he was playing, his golden ball fell into the cage.The boy ran thither and said: ‘Give me my ball out.’ ‘Not till you have opened the door for me,’ answered the man.‘No,’ said the boy, ‘I will not do that; the king has forbidden it,’ and ran away.The next day he again went and asked for his ball; the wild man said: ‘Open my door,’ but the boy would not.On the third day the king had ridden out hunting, and the boy went once more and said: ‘I cannot open the door even if I wished, for I have not the key.’ Then the wild man said: ‘It lies under your mother’s pillow, you can get it there.’ The boy, who wanted to have his ball back, cast all thought to the winds, and brought the key
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
And from this time forth / everyone could again / go into the forest / with safety.
그리고 이제부터는 모든 사람들이 다시 안전하게 숲에 들어갈 수 있게 되었다.
The king had a son / of eight years, / who was once playing / in the courtyard, / and while he was playing, / his golden ball / fell into the cage.
왕에게는 8살짜리 아들이 있었는데, 한 번은 뜰에서 놀고 있다가, 노는 도중에 그의 금공이 우리 속으로 떨어졌다.
The boy ran thither / and said: ‘Give me my ball out.’ / ‘Not till you have opened the door for me,’ / answered the man.
소년은 그리로 달려가서 말했다: ‘내 공을 꺼내 줘.’ ‘네가 나에게 문을 열어주기 전에는 안 된다,’라고 남자가 대답했다.
‘No,’ / said the boy, / ‘I will not do that; / the king has forbidden it,’ / and ran away.
‘안돼,’라고 소년은 말했다. ‘나는 그렇게 할 수 없어; 왕이 금지했어,’라고 말하며 도망쳤다.
The next day / he again went / and asked for his ball; / the wild man said: / ‘Open my door,’ / but the boy would not.
다음 날 그는 다시 가서 그의 공을 달라고 요청했다; 야생인은 말했다: ‘내 문을 열어줘,’ 하지만 소년은 그러지 않았다.
On the third day / the king had ridden out hunting, / and the boy went once more / and said: / ‘I cannot open the door even if I wished, / for I have not the key.’
세 번째 날 왕이 사냥을 나가고, 소년은 다시 가서 말했다: ‘내가 원해도 문을 열 수 없어요, 내가 열쇠를 가지고 있지 않으니까요.’
Then the wild man said: / ‘It lies under your mother’s pillow, / you can get it there.’
그러자 야생인이 말했다: ‘그것은 네 어머니의 베개 밑에 있어, 너는 거기서 그것을 가져갈 수 있어.’
The boy, / who wanted to have his ball back, / cast all thought to the winds, / and brought the key.
그의 공을 되찾고 싶었던 소년은, 모든 생각을 내던지고, 그 열쇠를 가져왔다.
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