❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
Grimms’ Fairy Tales 061 – IRON HANS – 005
The king sent out people to seek for him in the fields, but they did not find him.Then he could easily guess what had happened, and much grief reigned in the royal court.When the wild man had once more reached the dark forest, he took the boy down from his shoulder, and said to him: ‘You will never see your father and mother again, but I will keep you with me, for you have set me free, and I have compassion on you.If you do all I bid you, you shall fare well.Of treasure and gold have I enough, and more than anyone in the world.’ He made a bed of moss for the boy on which he slept, and the next morning the man took him to a well, and said: ‘Behold, the gold well is as bright and clear as crystal, you shall sit beside it, and take care that nothing falls into it, or it will be polluted.I will come every evening to see if you have obeyed my order.’ The boy placed himself by the brink of the well, and often saw a golden fish or a golden snake show itself therein, and took care that nothing fell in
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The king / sent out people / to seek for him / in the fields, / but they did not find him.
왕은 사람들을 들판으로 보냈지만, 그를 찾지 못했습니다.
⦁ seek: 찾다 – He went out to seek his fortune. (그는 자신의 운을 찾아 나섰다.) ⦁ field: 들판 – The cattle are grazing in the fields. (소들이 들판에서 풀을 뜯고 있다.) -
Then / he could easily guess / what had happened, / and much grief / reigned in the royal court.
그러자 그는 무슨 일이 일어났는지 쉽게 짐작할 수 있었고, 왕궁에는 많은 슬픔이 가득했습니다.
⦁ grief: 슬픔 – She felt deep grief over her loss. (그녀는 잃은 것에 대해 깊은 슬픔을 느꼈다.) ⦁ royal: 왕의 – The royal family attended the event. (왕족은 그 행사에 참석했다.) -
When / the wild man / had once more / reached the dark forest, / he took the boy / down from his shoulder, / and said to him:
‘You will never see / your father and mother again, / but I will keep you / with me, / for you have set me free, / and I have compassion on you.
야생인이 어두운 숲에 다시 도착했을 때, 그는 소년을 어깨에서 내려놓고 말했습니다: ‘너는 다시는 너의 부모님을 보지 못할 것이다. 그러나 내가 너를 데리고 있겠다. 네가 나를 자유롭게 했고, 나는 너를 동정한다.
⦁ wild: 야생의 – The wild animals roamed freely in the forest. (야생 동물들이 숲에서 자유롭게 돌아다녔다.) ⦁ compassion: 동정 – He showed great compassion for the poor. (그는 가난한 사람들에게 큰 동정을 보였다.) -
If you do / all I bid you, / you shall fare well.
Of treasure and gold / have I enough, / and more than / anyone in the world.’
내가 명령하는 모든 것을 하면, 너는 잘 지낼 것이다. 보물과 금은 충분히 있으니, 이 세상 누구보다도 많다.
⦁ fare: 지내다 – He fared better than expected. (그는 예상보다 잘 지냈다.) ⦁ treasure: 보물 – They found hidden treasure in the cave. (그들은 동굴에서 숨겨진 보물을 발견했다.) -
He made a bed / of moss / for the boy / on which he slept, / and the next morning / the man took him / to a well, / and said:
그는 소년을 위해 이끼로 침대를 만들어 주었고, 소년은 그 위에서 잠을 잤습니다. 다음 날 아침, 그 남자는 소년을 우물로 데리고 가서 말했습니다:
⦁ moss: 이끼 – The rock was covered in green moss. (바위는 녹색 이끼로 덮여 있었다.) ⦁ well: 우물 – They drew water from the well. (그들은 우물에서 물을 퍼 올렸다.) -
‘Behold, / the gold well / is as bright / and clear / as crystal, / you shall sit beside it, / and take care / that nothing falls / into it, / or it will be polluted.
‘보아라, 황금 우물은 수정처럼 밝고 맑다. 너는 그 옆에 앉아 아무것도 그 안으로 떨어지지 않게 조심해야 한다. 그렇지 않으면 오염될 것이다.
⦁ behold: 보다 – Behold the beauty of the sunset. (노을의 아름다움을 보라.) ⦁ polluted: 오염된 – The river was heavily polluted. (강은 심하게 오염되었다.) -
I will come / every evening / to see if you / have obeyed my order.’
The boy placed himself / by the brink / of the well, / and often saw / a golden fish / or a golden snake / show itself therein, / and took care / that nothing fell in.
나는 매일 저녁 네가 내 명령을 따랐는지 확인하러 올 것이다.’ 소년은 우물가에 자리 잡았고, 종종 금빛 물고기나 금빛 뱀이 나타나는 것을 보았으며, 아무것도 떨어지지 않도록 주의했습니다.
⦁ brink: 가장자리 – He stood on the brink of the cliff. (그는 절벽 가장자리에 서 있었다.) ⦁ obey: 따르다 – Soldiers must obey their commanders. (군인은 지휘관의 명령을 따라야 한다.)
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