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Grimms Fairy Tales 061 IRON HANS 008

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 061 – IRON HANS – 008

You can imagine how terrified the poor boy was! He took his pocket-handkerchief and tied it round his head, in order that the man might not see it.
When he came he already knew everything, and said: ‘Take the handkerchief off.’ Then the golden hair streamed forth, and let the boy excuse himself as he might, it was of no use.
‘You have not stood the trial and can stay here no longer.
Go forth into the world, there you will learn what poverty is.
But as you have not a bad heart, and as I mean well by you, there is one thing I will grant you; if you fall into any difficulty, come to the forest and cry: “Iron Hans,” and then I will come and help you.
My power is great, greater than you think, and I have gold and silver in abundance.’

Then the king’s son left the forest, and walked by beaten and unbeaten paths ever onwards until at length he reached a great city

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. You can imagine / how terrified / the poor boy was!

    불쌍한 소년이 얼마나 두려웠을지 상상이 가시죠?

  2. ⦁ imagine: 상상하다
    – It’s hard to imagine life without electricity. (전기 없이 사는 것을 상상하기 어렵다.)

    ⦁ terrified: 겁먹은, 두려운
    – She was absolutely terrified of the dark. (그녀는 어둠을 매우 두려워했다.)

  3. He took his pocket-handkerchief / and tied it / round his head, / in order that the man / might not see it.

    그는 손수건을 꺼내 머리 주위에 묶어 남자가 그것을 보지 못하게 하였습니다.

  4. ⦁ handkerchief: 손수건
    – He used a handkerchief to wipe his tears. (그는 눈물을 닦기 위해 손수건을 사용했다.)

    ⦁ round: 둘레에
    – She tied a ribbon round her neck. (그녀는 목 둘레에 리본을 묶었다.)

  5. When he came / he already knew everything, / and said: / ‘Take the handkerchief off.’

    그가 왔을 때, 그는 이미 모든 것을 알고 있었고, “손수건을 벗겨라.”고 말했습니다.

  6. ⦁ knew: 알았다
    – She knew the answer immediately. (그녀는 즉시 답을 알았다.)

    ⦁ take: 가져가다
    – Please take this book with you. (이 책을 가져가세요.)

  7. Then the golden hair / streamed forth, / and let the boy excuse himself / as he might, / it was of no use.

    그리고 금빛 머리카락이 흘러나오자, 소년이 어떻게 변명해도 소용이 없었습니다.

  8. ⦁ golden: 황금빛의
    – The golden sunset was breathtaking. (황금빛 노을이 숨막힐 듯 아름다웠다.)

    ⦁ excuse: 변명하다
    – He tried to excuse his behavior by blaming others. (그는 다른 사람들을 탓하며 자신의 행동을 변명하려 했다.)

  9. ‘You have not / stood the trial / and can stay here / no longer. / Go forth / into the world, / there you will learn / what poverty is.

  10. But as you have / not a bad heart, / and as I mean well / by you, / there is one thing / I will grant you; / if you fall / into any difficulty, / come to the forest / and cry: / “Iron Hans,” / and then I will come / and help you.

    “너는 시험에 통과하지 못해 여기 있을 수 없다. 세상으로 나가서 빈곤이 무엇인지 배워라. 하지만 네가 나쁜 마음을 가진 것은 아니고, 내가 너를 잘 보살펴 주고 싶으니, 한 가지는 허락하겠다. 네가 어려움에 빠지면 숲으로 와서 ‘아이언 한스’라고 외치면 내가 와서 너를 도와주겠다.”

  11. ⦁ trial: 시험
    – The trial period lasted for three months. (시험 기간은 3개월 동안 지속되었다.)

    ⦁ poverty: 빈곤
    – Many people live in poverty without basic necessities. (많은 사람들이 기본 필수품 없이 빈곤 속에서 살고 있다.)

  12. My power is great, / greater than you think, / and I have gold / and silver / in abundance.’

    “내 능력은 네가 생각하는 것보다 더 크며, 나에게는 금과 은이 풍부하다.”

  13. ⦁ power: 힘
    – The king had absolute power over his people. (왕은 그의 백성들에 대해 절대적인 권력을 가졌다.)

    ⦁ abundance: 풍부함
    – There was an abundance of food at the festival. (축제에서 음식이 풍부했다.)

  14. Then the king’s son / left the forest, / and walked by beaten / and unbeaten paths / ever onwards / until at length / he reached a great city.

    그러고 나서 왕의 아들은 숲을 떠나, 포장된 길과 포장되지 않은 길을 걸어 마침내 큰 도시에 도착했습니다.

  15. ⦁ left: 떠났다
    – He left the house early in the morning. (그는 아침 일찍 집을 떠났다.)

    ⦁ city: 도시
    – The city was bustling with activity. (도시는 활동으로 붐볐다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)