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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 061 – IRON HANS – 010
The cook, however, had pity on him, and exchanged him for the gardener’s boy.And now the boy had to plant and water the garden, hoe and dig, and bear the wind and bad weather.Once in summer when he was working alone in the garden, the day was so warm he took his little cap off that the air might cool him.As the sun shone on his hair it glittered and flashed so that the rays fell into the bedroom of the king’s daughter, and up she sprang to see what that could be.Then she saw the boy, and cried to him: ‘Boy, bring me a wreath of flowers.’ He put his cap on with all haste, and gathered wild field-flowers and bound them together.When he was ascending the stairs with them, the gardener met him, and said: ‘How can you take the king’s daughter a garland of such common flowers? Go quickly, and get another, and seek out the prettiest and rarest.’ ‘Oh, no,’ replied the boy, ‘the wild ones have more scent, and will please her better.’ When he got into the room, the king’s daughter said: ‘Take your cap off, it is not seemly to keep it on in my presence.’ He again said: ‘I may not, I have a sore head.’ She, however, caught at his cap and pulled it off, and then his golden hair rolled down on his shoulders, and it was splendid to behold
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The cook, / however, / had pity on him, / and exchanged him / for the gardener’s boy.
그러나 요리사는 그를 불쌍히 여겨 정원사의 아들로 바꿨다.
And now / the boy / had to plant / and water the garden, / hoe and dig, / and bear / the wind / and bad weather.
이제 소년은 정원에 식물을 심고 물을 주며, 괭이질하고 땅을 파며, 바람과 나쁜 날씨를 견뎌야 했다.
Once / in summer / when he was working alone / in the garden, / the day was so warm / he took his little cap off / that the air might cool him.
여름 어느 날, 그가 정원에서 혼자 일하고 있을 때, 너무 더워서 그의 작은 모자를 벗어 바람을 쐬었다.
As the sun / shone on his hair / it glittered and flashed / so that the rays / fell into the bedroom / of the king’s daughter, / and up she sprang / to see / what that could be.
햇살이 그의 머리카락에 비칠 때 그것은 반짝이고 번쩍여서 그 광선이 왕의 딸의 침실로 들어갔고, 그녀는 그것이 무엇일지 보기 위해 벌떡 일어났다.
Then she saw / the boy, / and cried to him: / ‘Boy, bring me a wreath / of flowers.’
그러고 나서 그녀는 소년을 보고 외쳤다: ‘소년이여, 내게 꽃 화환을 가져다 줘.’
He put his cap on / with all haste, / and gathered wild field-flowers / and bound them together.
그는 황급히 모자를 쓰고 들꽃을 모아 화환으로 묶었다.
When he was ascending the stairs / with them, / the gardener met him, / and said: / ‘How can you take / the king’s daughter / a garland / of such common flowers? / Go quickly, / and get another, / and seek out / the prettiest / and rarest.’
그가 그것을 들고 계단을 오르고 있을 때, 정원사가 그를 만나 말했다: ‘어찌 그런 평범한 꽃으로 왕의 딸에게 화환을 주려는가? 어서 가서 다른 것을 가져오라, 가장 예쁘고 희귀한 것을 찾아라.’
‘Oh, no,’ / replied the boy, / ‘the wild ones / have more scent, / and will please her better.’
‘오, 아니에요,’ 소년이 대답했다. ‘들꽃이 더 향기가 좋고, 그녀를 더 기쁘게 할 거예요.’
When he got into the room, / the king’s daughter said: / ‘Take your cap off, / it is not seemly / to keep it on / in my presence.’
그가 방으로 들어갔을 때, 왕의 딸이 말했다: ‘모자를 벗어요, 내 앞에서 쓰고 있는 것은 예의가 아니에요.’
He again said: / ‘I may not, / I have a sore head.’
그는 다시 말했다: ‘저는 안 돼요, 머리가 아프거든요.’
She, / however, / caught at his cap / and pulled it off, / and then his golden hair / rolled down / on his shoulders, / and it was splendid to behold.
그러나 그녀는 그의 모자를 잡아 벗겼고, 그의 금빛 머리카락이 어깨 위로 흘러내렸으며 그것은 보기에 장관이었다.
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