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Grimms Fairy Tales 062 CAT SKIN 001

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 062 – CAT-SKIN – 001

There was once a king, whose queen had hair of the purest gold, and was so beautiful that her match was not to be met with on the whole face of the earth.
But this beautiful queen fell ill, and when she felt that her end drew near she called the king to her and said, ‘Promise me that you will never marry again, unless you meet with a wife who is as beautiful as I am, and who has golden hair like mine.’ Then when the king in his grief promised all she asked, she shut her eyes and died.
But the king was not to be comforted, and for a long time never thought of taking another wife.
At last, however, his wise men said, ‘this will not do; the king must marry again, that we may have a queen.’ So messengers were sent far and wide, to seek for a bride as beautiful as the late queen.
But there was no princess in the world so beautiful; and if there had been, still there was not one to be found who had golden hair

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. There was once a king, / whose queen had hair / of the purest gold, / and was so beautiful / that her match was not to be met with / on the whole face of the earth.

    옛날에 왕이 있었는데, 그 왕비는 가장 순수한 황금빛 머리를 가졌으며 너무 아름다워서 지구상 어디에도 그녀와 견줄 수 있는 사람이 없었습니다.

  2. ⦁ purest: 가장 순수한 – The purest water comes from the mountains. (가장 순수한 물은 산에서 나옵니다.)

    ⦁ beautiful: 아름다운 – She wore a beautiful dress to the party. (그녀는 파티에 아름다운 드레스를 입고 갔다.)

  3. But this beautiful queen fell ill, / and when she felt that her end drew near / she called the king to her / and said, / ‘Promise me that you will never marry again, / unless you meet with a wife who is as beautiful as I am, / and who has golden hair like mine.’

    하지만 이 아름다운 왕비는 병에 걸렸고, 자신이 곧 죽을 것을 느꼈을 때 왕을 불러 말했습니다. “나만큼 아름답고, 나처럼 황금빛 머리를 가진 아내를 만나기 전까지는 절대 재혼하지 않겠다고 약속해 주세요.”

  4. ⦁ ill: 병이 난 – He fell ill after the trip. (그는 여행 후에 병이 걸렸습니다.)

    ⦁ promise: 약속하다 – They promise to be back by noon. (그들은 정오까지 돌아오겠다고 약속했습니다.)

  5. Then when the king in his grief promised all she asked, / she shut her eyes / and died.

    그렇게 왕은 슬픔에 잠겨 그녀가 요청한 모든 것을 약속했을 때, 그녀는 눈을 감고 죽었습니다.

  6. ⦁ grief: 슬픔 – His grief was palpable. (그의 슬픔은 느껴질 정도였습니다.)

    ⦁ shut: 닫다 – Please shut the door behind you. (뒤에 문을 닫아주세요.)

  7. But the king was not to be comforted, / and for a long time never thought of / taking another wife.

    하지만 왕은 위로를 받을 수 없었고, 오랫동안 다시 결혼할 생각을 하지 않았습니다.

  8. ⦁ comforted: 위로를 받은 – She was comforted by her friends. (그녀는 친구들에게 위로를 받았습니다.)

    ⦁ thought: 생각했다 – He thought about the problem carefully. (그는 문제를 신중히 생각했습니다.)

  9. At last, however, his wise men said, / ‘this will not do; / the king must marry again, / that we may have a queen.’

    마침내, 그의 지혜로운 신하들이 말했습니다. “이래서는 안 됩니다; 왕은 다시 결혼하셔야 합니다. 그래야 우리가 왕비를 가질 수 있습니다.”

  10. ⦁ wise: 지혜로운 – Wise choices lead to success. (지혜로운 선택이 성공으로 이끕니다.)

    ⦁ queen: 왕비 – The queen attended the ceremony. (왕비는 그 행사에 참석했습니다.)

  11. So messengers were sent far and wide, / to seek for a bride as beautiful as the late queen.

    그래서 사방으로 사신들을 보내, 고인이 된 왕비만큼 아름다운 신부를 찾으려 했습니다.

  12. ⦁ messengers: 사신들 – Messengers brought news from the front. (사신들은 전선에서 온 소식을 전했습니다.)

    ⦁ seek: 찾다 – They seek solutions to the problem. (그들은 문제의 해결책을 찾고 있습니다.)

  13. But there was no princess in the world so beautiful; / and if there had been, / still there was not one to be found / who had golden hair.

    하지만 세상에 그렇게 아름다운 공주는 없었습니다; 만약 있었다 해도, 여전히 황금빛 머리를 가진 사람은 없었습니다.

  14. ⦁ princess: 공주 – The princess lived in a beautiful castle. (공주는 아름다운 성에 살았습니다.)

    ⦁ golden: 황금빛의 – The morning light was golden. (아침 햇살은 황금빛이었습니다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)