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Grimms Fairy Tales 062 CAT SKIN 002

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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 062 – CAT-SKIN – 002

So the messengers came home, and had had all their trouble for nothing.

Now the king had a daughter, who was just as beautiful as her mother, and had the same golden hair.
And when she was grown up, the king looked at her and saw that she was just like this late queen: then he said to his courtiers, ‘May I not marry my daughter? She is the very image of my dead wife: unless I have her, I shall not find any bride upon the whole earth, and you say there must be a queen.’ When the courtiers heard this they were shocked, and said, ‘Heaven forbid that a father should marry his daughter! Out of so great a sin no good can come.’ And his daughter was also shocked, but hoped the king would soon give up such thoughts; so she said to him, ‘Before I marry anyone I must have three dresses: one must be of gold, like the sun; another must be of shining silver, like the moon; and a third must be dazzling as the stars: besides this, I want a mantle of a thousand different kinds of fur put together, to which every beast in the kingdom must give a part of his skin.’ And thus she thought he would think of the matter no more.
But the king made the most skilful workmen in his kingdom weave the three dresses: one golden, like the sun; another silvery, like the moon; and a third sparkling, like the stars: and his hunters were told to hunt out all the beasts in his kingdom, and to take the finest fur out of their skins: and thus a mantle of a thousand furs was made.

When all were ready, the king sent them to her; but she got up in the night when all were asleep, and took three of her trinkets, a golden ring, a golden necklace, and a golden brooch, and packed the three dresses—of the sun, the moon, and the stars—up in a nutshell, and wrapped herself up in the mantle made of all sorts of fur, and besmeared her face and hands with soot

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. So the messengers / came home, / and had had / all their trouble / for nothing.

    그래서 사신들은 집으로 돌아왔고, / 그들의 노력이 / 아무 쓸모도 없었다.

  2. ⦁ messengers: 사신
    – The messengers delivered the king’s decree. (사신들은 왕의 명령을 전달했다.)

    ⦁ trouble: 고생
    – They went through a lot of trouble to find the treasure. (그들은 보물을 찾기 위해 많은 고생을 겪었다.)

  3. Now the king / had a daughter, / who was just as beautiful / as her mother, / and had the same golden hair.

    이제 왕에게는 / 딸이 있었는데, / 그녀는 어머니처럼 아름답고 / 같은 황금빛 머리카락을 가지고 있었다.

  4. ⦁ beautiful: 아름다운
    – She was known for her beautiful smile. (그녀는 아름다운 미소로 알려져 있었다.)

    ⦁ golden: 황금의
    – The ring had a golden hue. (그 반지에는 황금빛이 있었다.)

  5. And when she / was grown up, / the king looked / at her / and saw that / she was just like / this late queen:

    그리고 그녀가 / 자라났을 때, / 왕은 그녀를 바라봤고 / 그녀가 고 / 왕비와 / 똑같다는 것을 / 보았다:

  6. ⦁ grown: 성장한
    – The grown children visited their parents. (성장한 아이들은 부모님을 방문했다.)

    ⦁ late: 고인의, 늦은
    – They honored the late king with a memorial. (그들은 고 왕을 기념하며 추모했다.)

  7. then he said / to his courtiers, / ‘May I not marry / my daughter? / She is the very image / of my dead wife: / unless I have her, / I shall not find any bride / upon the whole earth, / and you say / there must be a queen.’

    그러고 나서 / 그는 신하들에게 말했다, / ‘내 딸과 결혼해도 될까? / 그녀는 죽은 아내의 / 모습 그대로야: / 그녀를 가지지 않으면, / 나는 지구 전체에서 / 아무 신부도 찾지 못할 것이네, / 그리고 답하기를 / 여왕은 있어야 한다네.’

  8. ⦁ courtiers: 신하들
    – The courtiers served the king loyally. (신하들은 충성스럽게 왕을 봉사했다.)

    ⦁ marry: 결혼하다
    – They decided to marry after a long courtship. (그들은 오랜 연애 끝에 결혼하기로 결심했다.)

  9. When the courtiers / heard this / they were shocked, / and said, ‘Heaven forbid / that a father should marry / his daughter! / Out of so great a sin / no good can come.’

    신하들은 / 이것을 듣고 / 충격을 받았으며, / 말했다, ‘하늘이여, 아버지가 딸과 결혼하는 것을 / 금하시옵소서! / 너무 큰 죄악에서 / 아무런 선도 올 수 없을 것입니다.’

  10. ⦁ shocked: 충격받은
    – She was shocked by the news. (그녀는 그 소식에 충격을 받았다.)

    ⦁ forbid: 금하다
    – The rule forbids eating in the library. (규칙은 도서관에서의 식사를 금한다.)

  11. And his daughter / was also shocked, / but hoped / the king would soon / give up such thoughts; / so she said / to him, / ‘Before I marry anyone / I must have / three dresses: / one must be of gold, / like the sun; / another must be of shining silver, / like the moon; / and a third must be dazzling / as the stars: / besides this, / I want a mantle / of a thousand different kinds of fur / put together, / to which every beast / in the kingdom / must give / a part of his skin.’

    그리고 그의 딸도 / 충격을 받았지만, / 하지만 희망했다 / 왕이 곧 / 그러한 생각들을 포기하기를; / 그래서 그녀는 말했다 / 그에게, / ‘내가 누구와 결혼하기 전에 / 나는 / 세 개의 드레스가 필요합니다: / 하나는 황금색이어야 하고, / 태양처럼; / 또 하나는 은빛이어야 하며, / 달처럼; / 그리고 세 번째는 눈부셔야 합니다 / 별들처럼: / 이 외에도, / 나는 망토를 원합니다 / 천 가지 다른 종류의 모피로 / 만들어진, / 왕국의 모든 짐승들이 / 그의 피부의 일부를 / 줘야 하며.’

  12. ⦁ thoughts: 생각
    – She couldn’t get the thoughts out of her head. (그녀는 그 생각들을 머리에서 떨칠 수 없었다.)

    ⦁ dazzling: 눈부신
    – The performance was simply dazzling. (그 공연은 그야말로 눈부셨다.)

  13. And thus she thought / he would think / of the matter / no more.

    그래서 그녀는 생각했다 / 그가 더 이상 / 그 문제에 대해 / 생각하지 않을 것이라고.

  14. ⦁ think: 생각하다
    – I need time to think about it. (나는 그것에 대해 생각할 시간이 필요하다.)

    ⦁ matter: 문제
    – This is a serious matter. (이것은 심각한 문제이다.)

  15. But the king / made / the most skilful workmen / in his kingdom / weave / the three dresses: / one golden, / like the sun; / another silvery, / like the moon; / and a third sparkling, / like the stars:

    하지만 왕은 / 만들었다 / 가장 능숙한 기술자들이 / 그의 왕국에서 / 세 드레스를 짜도록: / 하나는 황금색으로, / 태양처럼; / 두 번째는 은색으로, / 달처럼; / 세 번째는 반짝이는, / 별들처럼:

  16. ⦁ skilful: 능숙한
    – He is a skilful artist. (그는 능숙한 예술가이다.)

    ⦁ weave: 짜다
    – They weave baskets from natural fibers. (그들은 천연 섬유로 바구니를 짠다.)

  17. and his hunters / were told / to hunt out / all the beasts / in his kingdom, / and to take / the finest fur / out of their skins: / and thus / a mantle of a thousand furs / was made.

    그리고 그의 사냥꾼들은 / 지시받았다 / 모든 짐승들을 사냥하라고 / 그의 왕국 안에 있는, / 그리고 그들의 가죽에서 / 가장 좋은 모피를 / 가지라고: / 그리고 그렇게 해서 / 천 가지 모피로 된 망토가 / 만들어졌다.

  18. ⦁ hunters: 사냥꾼들
    – The hunters tracked the deer through the forest. (사냥꾼들은 숲을 통해 사슴을 추적했다.)

    ⦁ finest: 최고의, 가장 좋은
    – Only the finest ingredients were used. (오직 최고의 재료만 사용되었다.)

  19. When all were ready, / the king sent them / to her; / but she got up / in the night / when all were asleep, / and took three of her trinkets, / a golden ring, / a golden necklace, / and a golden brooch, / and packed the three dresses—of the sun, the moon, and the stars—up in a nutshell, / and wrapped herself up / in the mantle / made of all sorts of fur, / and besmeared her face and hands / with soot.

    모든 것이 준비되었을 때, / 왕은 그것들을 / 그녀에게 보냈다; / 하지만 그녀는 일어났다 / 밤에 / 모두가 잠들었을 때, / 그리고 그녀의 작은 장신구 세 개를 가져갔다, / 황금 반지 하나, / 황금 목걸이 하나, / 그리고 황금 브로치 하나, / 그리고 세 드레스를 준비했다—태양, 달, 그리고 별들의— 한 개의 견과 껍질에 싸서, / 그리고 자신을 싸맸다 / 모든 종류의 모피로 만들어진 망토에, / 그리고 그녀의 얼굴과 손을 / 검댕으로 더럽혔다.

  20. ⦁ trinkets: 작은 장신구
    – She loves collecting trinkets from her travels. (그녀는 여행에서 작은 장신구를 수집하는 것을 좋아한다.)

    ⦁ besmeared: 더럽히다
    – The canvas was besmeared with paint. (캔버스는 페인트로 더러워졌다.)

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