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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 062 – CAT-SKIN – 004
Thus Cat-skin lived for a long time very sorrowfully.‘Ah! pretty princess!’ thought she, ‘what will now become of thee?’ But it happened one day that a feast was to be held in the king’s castle, so she said to the cook, ‘May I go up a little while and see what is going on? I will take care and stand behind the door.’ And the cook said, ‘Yes, you may go, but be back again in half an hour’s time, to rake out the ashes.’ Then she took her little lamp, and went into her cabin, and took off the fur skin, and washed the soot from off her face and hands, so that her beauty shone forth like the sun from behind the clouds.She next opened her nutshell, and brought out of it the dress that shone like the sun, and so went to the feast.Everyone made way for her, for nobody knew her, and they thought she could be no less than a king’s daughter.But the king came up to her, and held out his hand and danced with her; and he thought in his heart, ‘I never saw any one half so beautiful.’When the dance was at an end she curtsied; and when the king looked round for her, she was gone, no one knew wither
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Thus Cat-skin lived for a long time / very sorrowfully.
이렇게 해서 캣스킨은 오랫동안 매우 슬프게 지냈다.
⦁ lived: 살았다 – She lived in the countryside for years. (그녀는 시골에서 오랫동안 살았다.) ⦁ sorrowfully: 슬프게 – He spoke sorrowfully about his past. (그는 과거에 대해 슬프게 이야기했다.) -
‘Ah! pretty princess!’ / thought she, / ‘what will now become of thee?’
아! 예쁜 공주님! 이제 너에게 무슨 일이 일어날까?
⦁ princess: 공주 – The princess wore a beautiful gown. (공주는 아름다운 드레스를 입었다.) ⦁ become: ~이 되다 – What will become of the old building? (그 오래된 건물은 어떻게 될까?) -
But it happened one day / that a feast was to be held / in the king’s castle, / so she said to the cook, / ‘May I go up a little while / and see what is going on? / I will take care / and stand behind the door.’
그러나 어느 날 왕의 성에서 잔치가 열리게 되어 그녀가 요리사에게 말했다. ‘잠시 위로 올라가서 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 볼 수 있을까요? 저는 문 뒤에 서 있을게요.’
⦁ feast: 잔치 – There was a feast to celebrate the victory. (승리를 축하하기 위해 잔치가 열렸다.) ⦁ castle: 성 – The castle stood on a hilltop. (성은 언덕 꼭대기에 서 있었다.) -
And the cook said, / ‘Yes, / you may go, / but be back again / in half an hour’s time, / to rake out the ashes.’
요리사는 말했다. ‘네, 하지만 다시 돌아오는 시간은 반 시간 후입니다. 재를 긁어내야 하니까요.’
⦁ half an hour: 30분 – It takes half an hour to get there. (거기에 가는 데 30분이 걸린다.) ⦁ rake: 긁어모으다 – She used a rake to gather the leaves. (그녀는 낙엽을 긁어모으기 위해 갈퀴를 사용했다.) -
Then she took her little lamp, / and went into her cabin, / and took off the fur skin, / and washed the soot / from off her face and hands, / so that her beauty shone forth / like the sun from behind the clouds.
그녀는 작은 램프를 들고 자신의 오두막으로 가서 가죽을 벗고 얼굴과 손에서 그을음을 씻어내어 그녀의 아름다움이 구름 뒤의 태양처럼 빛나게 했다.
⦁ lamp: 램프 – She turned on the lamp to read. (그녀는 읽기 위해 램프를 켰다.) ⦁ soot: 그을음 – The chimney was full of soot. (굴뚝은 그을음으로 가득 차 있었다.) -
She next opened her nutshell, / and brought out of it / the dress / that shone like the sun, / and so went to the feast.
그 다음에 그녀는 견과 껍질을 열고 그 안에서 태양처럼 빛나는 드레스를 꺼내서 잔치로 갔다.
⦁ opened: 열었다 – She opened the box carefully. (그녀는 상자를 조심스럽게 열었다.) ⦁ dress: 드레스 – She wore a beautiful dress to the party. (그녀는 파티에 아름다운 드레스를 입었다.) -
Everyone made way for her, / for nobody knew her, / and they thought / she could be no less / than a king’s daughter.
모두가 그녀에게 길을 양보했다. 왜냐하면 아무도 그녀를 몰랐기 때문이다. 그리고 그들은 그녀가 왕의 딸임에 틀림없다고 생각했다.
⦁ everyone: 모두 – Everyone laughed at the joke. (모두가 그 농담에 웃었다.) ⦁ king’s daughter: 왕의 딸 – The king’s daughter was well-loved by the people. (왕의 딸은 사람들에게 사랑받았다.) -
But the king came up to her, / and held out his hand / and danced with her; / and he thought in his heart, / ‘I never saw any one / half so beautiful.’
그러나 왕은 그녀에게 다가가 손을 내밀고 그녀와 춤을 추었다. 그리고 마음속으로 ‘이렇게 아름다운 사람은 본 적이 없다’라고 생각했다.
⦁ danced: 춤추었다 – They danced all night long. (그들은 밤새도록 춤을 추었다.) ⦁ beautiful: 아름다운 – She looked beautiful in her dress. (그녀는 드레스를 입고 아름다워 보였다.) -
When the dance was at an end, / she curtsied; / and when the king looked round for her, / she was gone, / no one knew whither.
춤이 끝나자 그녀는 인사를 했다. 그리고 왕이 그녀를 찾으려고 둘러보았을 때, 그녀는 사라졌고 아무도 그녀가 어디로 갔는지 알지 못했다.
⦁ curtsied: 인사했다 – She curtsied to show her respect. (그녀는 존경을 표시하기 위해 인사했다.) ⦁ gone: 사라진 – By the time I returned, he was gone. (내가 돌아왔을 때 그는 사라졌다.)
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)