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Grimms Fairy Tales 063 SNOW WHITE AND ROSE RED 003

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 063 – SNOW-WHITE AND ROSE-RED – 003

Snow-white and Rose-red kept their mother’s little cottage so neat that it was a pleasure to look inside it.
In the summer Rose-red took care of the house, and every morning laid a wreath of flowers by her mother’s bed before she awoke, in which was a rose from each tree.
In the winter Snow-white lit the fire and hung the kettle on the hob.
The kettle was of brass and shone like gold, so brightly was it polished.
In the evening, when the snowflakes fell, the mother said: ‘Go, Snow-white, and bolt the door,’ and then they sat round the hearth, and the mother took her spectacles and read aloud out of a large book, and the two girls listened as they sat and spun.
And close by them lay a lamb upon the floor, and behind them upon a perch sat a white dove with its head hidden beneath its wings

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Snow-white and Rose-red / kept their mother’s little cottage / so neat / that it was a pleasure / to look inside it.

    백설공주와 장미공주는 어머니의 작은 오두막집을 너무 깨끗하게 유지해서 내부를 보는 것이 기쁨이었습니다.

  2. ⦁ cottage: 오두막
    – They lived in a small cottage by the sea. (그들은 바닷가에 있는 작은 오두막에 살았다.)

    ⦁ pleasure: 기쁨
    – It was a pleasure to meet you. (당신을 만나서 기쁩니다.)

  3. In the summer / Rose-red took care / of the house, / and every morning / laid a wreath of flowers / by her mother’s bed / before she awoke, / in which was a rose / from each tree.

    여름에는 장미공주가 집을 돌보았고, 매일 아침 어머니가 깨어나기 전에 어머니의 침대 옆에 화환을 놓았으며, 그곳에는 각 나무에서 온 한 송이의 장미가 있었습니다.

  4. ⦁ wreath: 화환
    – They hung a wreath on the door. (그들은 문에 화환을 걸었다.)

    ⦁ awoke: 깨어났다
    – He awoke in the middle of the night. (그는 한밤중에 깨어났다.)

  5. In the winter / Snow-white lit the fire / and hung the kettle / on the hob.

    겨울에는 백설공주가 불을 지피고 난로에 주전자를 걸었습니다.

  6. ⦁ lit: 불을 지폈다
    – She lit the candles for the party. (그녀는 파티를 위해 양초에 불을 밝혔다.)

    ⦁ hob: 난로
    – She boiled water on the hob. (그녀는 난로에서 물을 끓였다.)

  7. The kettle / was of brass / and shone like gold, / so brightly was it polished.

    주전자도 황동으로 만들어져 금처럼 빛났으며, 그렇게 밝게 닦아져 있었습니다.

  8. ⦁ brass: 황동
    – The door was decorated with brass handles. (문은 황동 손잡이로 장식되었다.)

    ⦁ polished: 닦은
    – The floor was polished to a high sheen. (바닥은 아주 반짝이도록 닦여 있었다.)

  9. In the evening, / when the snowflakes fell, / the mother said: / ‘Go, Snow-white, / and bolt the door,’ / and then they sat round the hearth, / and the mother took her spectacles / and read aloud / out of a large book, / and the two girls listened / as they sat and spun.

    저녁에 눈송이가 내리면 어머니는 ‘가서 문을 잠가라, 백설공주’라고 말했고, 그들은 난로 주위에 앉아 어머니는 안경을 쓰고 큰 책을 소리 내어 읽었으며, 두 소녀는 앉아서 실을 잣으며 듣고 있었습니다.

  10. ⦁ bolt: 잠그다
    – She bolted the door for the night. (그녀는 밤에 문을 잠갔다.)

    ⦁ spectacles: 안경
    – He put on his spectacles to read the letter. (그는 편지를 읽기 위해 안경을 썼다.)

  11. And close by them / lay a lamb / upon the floor, / and behind them / upon a perch / sat a white dove / with its head hidden / beneath its wings.

    그리고 그들 가까이에 양 한 마리가 바닥에 누워 있었고, 그들 뒤에는 횃대에 머리를 날개 밑에 숨긴 흰 비둘기가 앉아 있었습니다.

  12. ⦁ lamb: 양
    – The lamb followed its mother closely. (양은 어미를 바짝 따라갔다.)

    ⦁ perch: 횃대
    – The bird sat on the perch, watching the room. (새는 횃대에 앉아 방을 지켜보고 있었다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)