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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 063 – SNOW-WHITE AND ROSE-RED – 007
‘You stupid, prying goose!’ answered the dwarf: ‘I was going to split the tree to get a little wood for cooking.The little bit of food that we people get is immediately burnt up with heavy logs; we do not swallow so much as you coarse, greedy folk.I had just driven the wedge safely in, and everything was going as I wished; but the cursed wedge was too smooth and suddenly sprang out, and the tree closed so quickly that I could not pull out my beautiful white beard; so now it is tight and I cannot get away, and the silly, sleek, milk-faced things laugh! Ugh! how odious you are!’The children tried very hard, but they could not pull the beard out, it was caught too fast.‘I will run and fetch someone,’ said Rose-red.‘You senseless goose!’ snarled the dwarf; ‘why should you fetch someone? You are already two too many for me; can you not think of something better?’ ‘Don’t be impatient,’ said Snow-white, ‘I will help you,’ and she pulled her scissors out of her pocket, and cut off the end of the beard.As soon as the dwarf felt himself free he laid hold of a bag which lay amongst the roots of the tree, and which was full of gold, and lifted it up, grumbling to himself: ‘Uncouth people, to cut off a piece of my fine beard
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
‘You stupid, / prying goose!’ / answered the dwarf: / ‘I was going to split / the tree / to get a little wood / for cooking.
‘이 멍청하고, / 참견하기 좋아하는 거위 같으니!’ / 난쟁이가 대답했다. / ‘나는 나무를 쪼개서 / 약간의 나무를 얻으려던 참이었어 / 요리를 위해.
The little bit of food / that we people get / is immediately burnt up / with heavy logs; / we do not swallow / so much as / you coarse, / greedy folk.
우리 사람들이 얻는 약간의 음식은 / 무거운 통나무로 / 불에 타버리니; / 우리는 너희들처럼 / 많이 삼키지 않는다. / 거칠고 / 탐욕스러운 사람들아.
I had just driven / the wedge safely in, / and everything / was going / as I wished;
나는 막 쐐기를 안전하게 박았고, / 모든 것이 / 원하는 대로 / 진행되고 있었다;
but the cursed wedge / was too smooth / and suddenly / sprang out, / and the tree closed / so quickly / that I could not pull out / my beautiful white beard;
하지만 저주받은 쐐기는 / 너무 매끄러워서 / 갑자기 / 튀어나왔고, / 나무가 너무 빠르게 닫혀 / 아름다운 흰 수염을 / 뽑지 못했다;
so now it is tight / and I cannot get away, / and the silly, sleek, / milk-faced things laugh!
이제 그것이 꽉 끼어서 / 나는 도망칠 수 없으며, / 멍청한, 매끈한, / 우유빛 얼굴의 것들이 웃는다!
Ugh! / how odious / you are!’
으! / 너희들은 / 얼마나 혐오스러운지!’
The children tried very hard, / but they could not pull the beard out, / it was caught too fast.
아이들은 매우 열심히 노력했지만, / 그들은 수염을 뽑아낼 수 없었고, / 너무 세게 잡혔다.
‘I will run / and fetch someone,’ / said Rose-red.
‘내가 뛰어가서 / 누군가를 데려올게,’ / 로즈레드가 말했다.
‘You senseless goose!’ / snarled the dwarf;
‘너는 무감각한 거위 같으니!’ / 난쟁이가 으르렁댔다;
‘why should you fetch someone? / You are already two too many / for me; / can you not think / of something better?’
‘왜 너는 누군가를 데려오려고 하니? / 너희 둘은 이미 나에게 너무 많다고; / 더 나은 해결책을 / 생각할 수는 없는 거니?’
‘Don’t be impatient,’ / said Snow-white, / ‘I will help you,’ / and she pulled her scissors out of her pocket, / and cut off / the end of the beard.
‘조바심 내지 마,’ / 스노우화이트가 말했다, / ‘내가 도와줄게,’ / 그리고 그녀는 주머니에서 가위를 꺼내서 / 수염 끝을 / 잘랐다.
As soon as the dwarf / felt himself free / he laid hold of a bag / which lay / amongst the roots of the tree, / and which was full of gold, / and lifted it up, / grumbling to himself: / ‘Uncouth people, / to cut off a piece / of my fine beard
난쟁이가 / 자신이 자유로워졌음을 느끼자마자 / 그는 가방을 붙잡았고 / 나무 뿌리 사이에 놓여 있던 / 그것은 금으로 가득 차 있었으며, / 들어 올리며 혼자 중얼거렸다: / ‘무례한 사람들, / 내 멋진 수염의 / 일부를 자르다니
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