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Grimms Fairy Tales 063 SNOW WHITE AND ROSE RED 009

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 063 – SNOW-WHITE AND ROSE-RED – 009

The girls came just in time; they held him fast and tried to free his beard from the line, but all in vain, beard and line were entangled fast together.
There was nothing to do but to bring out the scissors and cut the beard, whereby a small part of it was lost.
When the dwarf saw that he screamed out: ‘Is that civil, you toadstool, to disfigure a man’s face? Was it not enough to clip off the end of my beard? Now you have cut off the best part of it.
I cannot let myself be seen by my people.
I wish you had been made to run the soles off your shoes!’ Then he took out a sack of pearls which lay in the rushes, and without another word he dragged it away and disappeared behind a stone.

It happened that soon afterwards the mother sent the two children to the town to buy needles and thread, and laces and ribbons

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. The girls / came just in time; / they held him fast / and tried to free his beard / from the line, / but all in vain, / beard and line / were entangled fast together.

    소녀들은 제때 도착했다; 그들은 그를 꽉 붙잡고 그의 수염을 낚싯줄에서 풀려고 했지만, 소용이 없었다, 수염과 낚싯줄이 단단히 얽혀 있었다.

  2. ⦁ came: 다가오다
    – She came to the party late. (그녀는 파티에 늦게 도착했다.)

    ⦁ entangled: 얽히다
    – The fish got entangled in the net. (물고기가 그물에 걸렸다.)

  3. There was nothing to do but / to bring out the scissors / and cut the beard, / whereby a small part of it / was lost.

    가위를 꺼내서 수염을 자르는 것 외에는 할 수 있는 일이 없었고, 그로 인해 수염의 작은 부분이 잃어졌다.

  4. ⦁ scissors: 가위
    – She grabbed the scissors to cut the paper. (그녀는 종이를 자르기 위해 가위를 집었다.)

    ⦁ whereby: 그로 인해
    – He made a plan whereby he could save money. (그는 돈을 절약할 수 있는 계획을 세웠다.)

  5. When the dwarf saw that / he screamed out: / ‘Is that civil, / you toadstool, / to disfigure a man’s face? / Was it not enough / to clip off the end of my beard? / Now you have cut off the best part of it.

    I cannot let myself be seen / by my people.

  6. 난쟁이가 그것을 보고 외쳤다: ‘그것이 점잖은가, 이 괴팍한 놈아, 사람의 얼굴을 훼손하는 것이? 내 수염 끝을 자르는 것으로 충분하지 않았나? 이제 최고의 부분을 잘라버렸구나. 나는 내 사람들 앞에 나설 수 없다.’

    ⦁ disfigure: 훼손하다
    – The accident disfigured his face. (그 사고로 그의 얼굴이 훼손되었다.)

    ⦁ toadstool: 독버섯 같은 사람
    – He called me a toadstool for making a mistake. (그는 내가 실수한 것 때문에 나를 독버섯이라 불렀다.)

  7. I wish / you had been made / to run the soles / off your shoes!’

    Then he took out a sack / of pearls / which lay in the rushes, / and without another word / he dragged it away / and disappeared behind a stone.

  8. 너가 네 신발의 밑창이 달아 없어질 때까지 / 달리게 되었으면 좋겠다!’ 그런 다음 / 그는 정글 속에 앉아 있던 / 진주 주머니를 꺼내 / 한 마디 말도 없이 / 그것을 끌고 가서 / 바위 뒤로 사라졌다.

    ⦁ sack: 자루
    – He carried a sack of potatoes. (그는 감자 자루를 들고 있었다.)

    ⦁ pearls: 진주
    – She wore a necklace of pearls. (그녀는 진주 목걸이를 걸었다.)

  9. It happened / that soon afterwards / the mother sent the two children / to the town / to buy needles and thread, / and laces and ribbons.

    곧 이어, 어머니가 두 아이들을 바늘과 실, 레이스와 리본을 사기 위해 / 마을로 보냈다.

  10. ⦁ soon: 곧
    – We’ll be leaving soon. (우리는 곧 출발할 것이다.)

    ⦁ needles: 바늘
    – She threaded the needle. (그녀는 바늘에 실을 꿰었다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)