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Peter Pan 001 Chapter I PETER BREAKS THROUGH 006

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Peter Pan 001 – Chapter I.PETER BREAKS THROUGH – 006

She had a genius for knowing when a cough is a thing to have no patience with and when it needs stocking around your throat.
She believed to her last day in old-fashioned remedies like rhubarb leaf, and made sounds of contempt over all this new-fangled talk about germs, and so on.
It was a lesson in propriety to see her escorting the children to school, walking sedately by their side when they were well behaved, and butting them back into line if they strayed.
On John’s footer days she never once forgot his sweater, and she usually carried an umbrella in her mouth in case of rain.
There is a room in the basement of Miss Fulsom’s school where the nurses wait.
They sat on forms, while Nana lay on the floor, but that was the only difference.
They affected to ignore her as of an inferior social status to themselves, and she despised their light talk.
She resented visits to the nursery from Mrs.
Darling’s friends, but if they did come she first whipped off Michael’s pinafore and put him into the one with blue braiding, and smoothed out Wendy and made a dash at John’s hair.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. She had a genius / for knowing / when a cough / is a thing / to have no patience with / and when it needs / stocking around your throat.

    그녀는 기침에 인내심을 가질 필요가 없을 때와 목에 무언가를 감싸야 할 때를 아는 탁월한 능력을 가졌습니다.

  2. ⦁ genius: 천재, 재능
    – She is a musical genius. (그녀는 음악의 천재입니다.)

    ⦁ patience: 인내
    – You need patience when learning a new language. (새 언어를 배울 때는 인내가 필요합니다.)

  3. She believed / to her last day / in old-fashioned remedies / like rhubarb leaf, / and made sounds of contempt / over all this new-fangled talk / about germs, / and so on.

    그녀는 마지막 순간까지 / 루바브 잎과 같은 / 구식 치료법을 믿었으며, / 세균에 관한 모든 새롭고 현대적인 이야기들에 / 경멸의 소리를 냈습니다.

  4. ⦁ remedies: 치료법
    – Home remedies can be very effective for minor ailments. (가벼운 질병에 대해서는 가정 치료법이 매우 효과적일 수 있습니다.)

    ⦁ contempt: 경멸
    – She looked at the messy room with contempt. (그녀는 지저분한 방을 경멸스럽게 바라봤습니다.)

  5. It was a lesson / in propriety / to see her / escorting the children / to school, / walking sedately / by their side / when they were well behaved, / and butting them / back into line / if they strayed.

    아이들을 학교까지 데려다주며, / 그들이 행동을 잘할 때는 / 조용히 그들 옆에서 걷고, / 그들이 빗나갈 때는 / 다시 줄 맞춰 걷게 하는 / 그녀를 보는 것은 / 예절에 관한 교훈이었습니다.

  6. ⦁ propriety: 예의, 예절
    – He questioned the propriety of their actions. (그는 그들의 행동의 예의에 대해 질문했습니다.)

    ⦁ sedately: 점잖게, 조용히
    – She walked sedately down the hall. (그녀는 복도를 점잖게 걸었습니다.)

  7. On John’s footer days / she never once forgot / his sweater, / and she usually carried / an umbrella / in her mouth / in case of rain.

    John이 축구를 하는 날, / 그녀는 그의 스웨터를 잊지 않았고, / 보통 비가 올 경우를 대비해 / 입에 우산을 물고 다녔습니다.

  8. ⦁ forgot: 잊다
    – I forgot to lock the door. (나는 문을 잠그는 것을 잊었습니다.)

    ⦁ umbrella: 우산
    – Don’t forget your umbrella; it’s going to rain. (우산을 잊지 마세요. 비가 올 거예요.)

  9. There is a room / in the basement / of Miss Fulsom’s school / where the nurses wait.

    Fulsom 선생님의 학교 지하실에 / 간호사들이 기다리는 / 방이 하나 있습니다.

  10. ⦁ basement: 지하실
    – The basement is used for storage. (지하실은 저장 공간으로 사용됩니다.)

    ⦁ nurses: 간호사들
    – The nurses were very caring. (간호사들은 매우 친절했습니다.)

  11. They sat / on forms, / while Nana lay / on the floor, / but that was / the only difference.

    그들은 / 의자에 앉아 있는 동안 / Nana는 / 바닥에 누워 있었지만, / 그것이 / 유일한 차이였습니다.

  12. ⦁ forms: 의자들/의자 형태
    – The forms were lined up against the wall. (의자들이 벽에 따라 줄지어 있었습니다.)

    ⦁ difference: 차이
    – There is a slight difference in color. (색상에 약간의 차이가 있습니다.)

  13. They affected / to ignore her / as of an inferior / social status / to themselves, / and she despised / their light talk.

    그들은 / 자신의 불리한 / 사회적 지위를 가진 사람처럼 / 그녀를 무시하려 했고, / 그녀는 / 그들의 가벼운 대화를 / 경멸했습니다.

  14. ⦁ ignore: 무시하다
    – It’s not polite to ignore someone who is talking to you. (당신에게 이야기하는 사람을 무시하는 것은 예의가 아닙니다.)

    ⦁ despised: 경멸하다
    – She despised his manner of speaking. (그녀는 그의 말투를 경멸했습니다.)

  15. She resented / visits to the nursery / from Mrs. Darling’s friends, / but if they did come / she first whipped off / Michael’s pinafore / and put him / into the one / with blue braiding, / and smoothed out / Wendy and made / a dash / at John’s hair.

    그녀는 / Darling 부인의 친구들이 / 보육실을 방문하는 것을 싫어했지만, / 그들이 오면 / 먼저 Michael의 앞치를 벗기고, / 파란 브레이딩이 있는 앞치마로 갈아입히고, / Wendy를 다듬고, / John의 머리를 / 신속하게 정돈했습니다.

  16. ⦁ resented: 싫어하다, 화를 내다
    – He resented being told what to do. (그는 지시를 받는 것을 싫어했습니다.)

    ⦁ whipped off: 빠르게 벗기다
    – She whipped off her hat as soon as she came inside. (그녀는 들어오자마자 모자를 빠르게 벗었습니다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)