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Peter Pan 001 Chapter I PETER BREAKS THROUGH 014

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Peter Pan 001 – Chapter I.PETER BREAKS THROUGH – 014

“My child,” the mother cried, “why did you not tell me of this before?”

“I forgot,” said Wendy lightly.
She was in a hurry to get her breakfast.

Oh, surely she must have been dreaming.

But, on the other hand, there were the leaves.
Darling examined them very carefully; they were skeleton leaves, but she was sure they did not come from any tree that grew in England.
She crawled about the floor, peering at it with a candle for marks of a strange foot.
She rattled the poker up the chimney and tapped the walls.
She let down a tape from the window to the pavement, and it was a sheer drop of thirty feet, without so much as a spout to climb up by.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. “My child,” / the mother cried, / “why did you not tell me / of this before?”

    “얘야,” / 엄마가 울부짖었다, / “왜 이 이야기를 / 전에는 말해주지 않았니?”

    ⦁ cried: 울부짖었다
    – She cried for help. (그녀는 도움을 요청하며 울부짖었다.)

    ⦁ tell: 말하다
    – Please tell me the truth. (제발 진실을 말해줘.)
  2. “I forgot,” / said Wendy lightly.
    She was in a hurry / to get her breakfast.

    “잊었어요,” / 웬디가 가볍게 말했다.
    웬디는 서둘러 / 아침을 먹으러 갔다.

    ⦁ forgot: 잊었다
    – He forgot my birthday. (그는 내 생일을 잊었다.)

    ⦁ hurry: 서두르다
    – We need to hurry. (우리는 서둘러야 한다.)
  3. Oh, / surely she must have been dreaming.

    아, / 분명 그녀는 꿈을 꾸었을 것이다.

    ⦁ surely: 확실히
    – Surely, you must know him. (확실히, 너는 그를 알겠지.)

    ⦁ dreaming: 꿈을 꾸다
    – She was dreaming of a better future. (그녀는 더 나은 미래를 꿈꾸고 있었다.)
  4. But, / on the other hand, / there were the leaves.

    하지만, / 다른 한편으로, / 그곳엔 나뭇잎들이 있었다.

    ⦁ other: 다른
    – On the other hand, it’s quite cold. (다른 한편으로는, 꽤 추워.)

    ⦁ leaves: 나뭇잎
    – The leaves are falling. (나뭇잎들이 떨어지고 있다.)
  5. Mrs. Darling / examined them / very carefully; / they were skeleton leaves, / but she was sure / they did not come / from any tree / that grew in England.

    달링 부인이 / 그것들을 살펴보았다 / 매우 주의 깊게; / 그것들은 골격 나뭇잎들이었지만, / 그녀는 확신했다 / 그것들은 오지 않았다 / 어떤 나무에서도 / 영국에서 자라는.

    ⦁ examined: 조사했다
    – The doctor examined the patient. (의사가 환자를 진찰했다.)

    ⦁ carefully: 주의 깊게
    – He handled the vase carefully. (그는 꽃병을 주의 깊게 다뤘다.)
  6. She crawled about the floor, / peering at it / with a candle / for marks / of a strange foot.

    그녀는 바닥을 기어다니며 / 그것을 들여다보았다 / 촛불을 들고 / 자국을 찾기 위해 / 낯선 발자국의.

    ⦁ crawled: 기어다녔다
    – The baby crawled across the floor. (아기가 바닥을 기어갔다.)

    ⦁ peering: 들여다보다
    – He was peering through the window. (그는 창문을 통해 들여다보고 있었다.)
  7. She rattled the poker / up the chimney / and tapped the walls.

    그녀는 포커를 흔들었다 / 굴뚝 위로 / 그리고 벽을 두드렸다.

    ⦁ rattled: 흔들었다
    – She rattled the keys in her hand. (그녀는 손에 있는 열쇠를 흔들었다.)

    ⦁ chimney: 굴뚝
    – Smoke was coming out of the chimney. (연기가 굴뚝에서 나오고 있었다.)
  8. She let down a tape / from the window / to the pavement, / and it was a sheer drop / of thirty feet, / without so much as a spout / to climb up by.

    그녀는 줄자를 내렸다 / 창문으로 / 보도까지, / 그리고 그것은 순전히 내리막이었다 / 30피트의, / 스파우트 하나 없이 / 올라갈 수 있는.

    ⦁ pavement: 보도
    – The pavement was wet after the rain. (비가 내린 후 보도는 젖어 있었다.)

    ⦁ sheer: 순전히
    – It was a sheer cliff. (그것은 순전히 절벽이었다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)