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Peter Pan 002 – Chapter II.THE SHADOW – 005
She was wearing Wendy’s bracelet on her arm; she had asked for the loan of it.Wendy loved to lend her bracelet to her mother.She had found her two older children playing at being herself and father on the occasion of Wendy’s birth, and John was saying:“I am happy to inform you, Mrs.Darling, that you are now a mother,” in just such a tone as Mr.Darling himself may have used on the real occasion.Wendy had danced with joy, just as the real Mrs.Darling must have done.Then John was born, with the extra pomp that he conceived due to the birth of a male, and Michael came from his bath to ask to be born also, but John said brutally that they did not want any more.Michael had nearly cried.“Nobody wants me,” he said, and of course the lady in the evening-dress could not stand that.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
She was wearing Wendy’s bracelet / on her arm; / she had asked / for the loan of it.
그녀는 웬디의 팔찌를 팔에 차고 있었다; 그녀는 그걸 잠시 빌린 것이었다.
Wendy loved / to lend her bracelet / to her mother.
웬디는 팔찌를 엄마에게 빌려주는 것을 좋아했다.
She had found / her two older children / playing at being herself and father / on the occasion / of Wendy’s birth, / and John was saying:
그녀는 두 아이들이 웬디가 태어났을 때의 상황을 상상하며 자신과 아빠의 역할 놀이를 하고 있는 것을 발견했다, 그리고 존이 말했다:
“I am happy to inform you, / Mrs. Darling, / that you are now a mother,” / in just such a tone / as Mr. Darling himself / may have used / on the real occasion.
“기쁜 소식입니다, 달링 부인, 이제 당신은 엄마가 되셨습니다,” 마치 진짜 상황에서 달링 씨가 사용했을 법한 그 목소리로.
Wendy had danced / with joy, / just as the real Mrs. Darling / must have done.
웬디는 기쁨에 춤을 추었고, 실제 달링 부인도 그렇게 했을 것이다.
Then John was born, / with the extra pomp that he conceived / due to the birth of a male, / and Michael came from his bath / to ask / to be born also, / but John said / brutally / that they did not want any more.
그 후 존이 태어났는데, 남자라는 이유로 그가 상상한 특별한 화려함 속에서, 그리고 마이클은 목욕을 마치고 와서 자신도 태어나고 싶다고 말했다, 그러나 존은 더 이상 누구도 원하지 않는다고 냉혹하게 말했다.
Michael had nearly cried. / “Nobody wants me,” / he said, / and of course / the lady in the evening-dress / could not stand that.
마이클은 거의 울 뻔했다. “아무도 나를 원하지 않아,” 그가 말했다, 그리고 물론, 드레스를 입은 여자는 그것을 참을 수 없었다.
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