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Peter Pan 002 Chapter II THE SHADOW 011

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Peter Pan 002 – Chapter II.THE SHADOW – 011

It’s that nasty, sticky, sweet kind.”

“It will soon be over, father,” John said cheerily, and then in rushed Wendy with the medicine in a glass.

“I have been as quick as I could,” she panted.

“You have been wonderfully quick,” her father retorted, with a vindictive politeness that was quite thrown away upon her.
“Michael first,” he said doggedly.

“Father first,” said Michael, who was of a suspicious nature.

“I shall be sick, you know,” Mr.
Darling said threateningly.

“Come on, father,” said John.

“Hold your tongue, John,” his father rapped out.

Wendy was quite puzzled.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. It’s that nasty, / sticky, / sweet kind.

    그건 그 끈적끈적하고 달콤한 성가신 종류야.

  2. ⦁ nasty: 정말 싫은
    – The weather was nasty yesterday. (어제 날씨는 정말 싫었다.)

    ⦁ sticky: 끈적거리는
    – The sticky glue was hard to remove. (끈적거리는 풀은 제거하기 어려웠다.)

  3. “It will soon be over, / father,” John said cheerily, / and then in rushed Wendy / with the medicine in a glass.

    “곧 끝날 거예요, 아버지,” 존이 명랑하게 말했고, / 그리고 그때 웬디가 유리잔에 약을 들고 뛰어 들어왔다.

  4. ⦁ cheerily: 쾌활하게
    – She greeted everyone cheerily. (그녀는 모두를 쾌활하게 맞이했다.)

    ⦁ medicine: 약
    – She took her medicine with water. (그녀는 물과 함께 약을 복용했다.)

  5. “I have been as quick as I could,” she panted.
    “You have been wonderfully quick,” her father retorted, / with a vindictive politeness / that was quite thrown away upon her.
    “Michael first,” he said doggedly.
    “Father first,” said Michael, / who was of a suspicious nature.

    “가능한 빨리 왔어요,” 그녀가 헐떡였다.
    “정말 빨랐구나,” 그녀의 아버지가 복수심 가득한 공손함으로 대꾸했지만, / 웬디에게 그 말은 전혀 통하지 않았다.
    “마이클 먼저,” / 그가 완강하게 말했다.
    “아버지 먼저,” / 의심 많은 성격의 마이클이 말했다.

  6. ⦁ pant: 헐떡이다
    – She was panting after running up the stairs. (계단을 뛰어오른 후 그녀는 헐떡거렸다.)

    ⦁ vindictive: 복수심이 있는
    – Her vindictive actions surprised everyone. (그녀의 복수심에 찬 행동은 모두를 놀라게 했다.)

  7. “I shall be sick, / you know,” Mr. Darling said threateningly.

    “나 토할 거야, / 알지?” 달링 씨가 위협적으로 말했다.

  8. ⦁ sick: 아픈
    – He felt sick after eating too much. (그는 너무 많이 먹은 후 아팠다.)

    ⦁ threaten: 위협하다
    – The storm threatens to destroy the crops. (폭풍은 작물을 파괴할 위협을 한다.)

  9. “Come on, / father,” / said John.
    “Hold your tongue, / John,” / his father rapped out.
    Wendy was quite puzzled.

    “이봐요, 아버지,” / 존이 말했다.
    “당장 입 다물어, / 존,” 그의 아버지가 퉁명스레 말했다.
    웬디는 꽤 당황했다.

  10. ⦁ puzzled: 당황한
    – She looked puzzled by the question. (그녀는 그 질문에 당황해 보였다.)

    ⦁ rap out: 거칠게 말하다
    – He rapped out orders to his subordinates. (그는 부하들에게 명령을 거칠게 말했다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)