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Peter Pan 002 – Chapter II.THE SHADOW – 016
When he had tied her up in the back-yard, the wretched father went and sat in the passage, with his knuckles to his eyes.In the meantime Mrs.Darling had put the children to bed in unwonted silence and lit their night-lights.They could hear Nana barking, and John whimpered, “It is because he is chaining her up in the yard,” but Wendy was wiser.“That is not Nana’s unhappy bark,” she said, little guessing what was about to happen; “that is her bark when she smells danger.”Danger!“Are you sure, Wendy?”“Oh, yes.”Mrs.Darling quivered and went to the window.It was securely fastened.She looked out, and the night was peppered with stars.They were crowding round the house, as if curious to see what was to take place there, but she did not notice this, nor that one or two of the smaller ones winked at her.Yet a nameless fear clutched at her heart and made her cry, “Oh, how I wish that I wasn’t going to a party to-night!”Even Michael, already half asleep, knew that she was perturbed, and he asked, “Can anything harm us, mother, after the night-lights are lit?”“Nothing, precious,” she said; “they are the eyes a mother leaves behind her to guard her children.”She went from bed to bed singing enchantments over them, and little Michael flung his arms round her.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
When he had tied her up /in the back-yard, /the wretched father went /and sat in the passage, /with his knuckles to his eyes.
그가 그녀를 뒷마당에 묶었을 때, 불쌍한 아버지는 눈을 비비며 복도에 앉았다.
In the meantime /Mrs. Darling had put the children to bed /in unwonted silence /and lit their night-lights.They could hear Nana barking, /and John whimpered, /“It is because he is chaining her up /in the yard,” /but Wendy was wiser.
그 동안 Darling 부인은 아이들을 조용히 침대에 눕히고 그들의 야간 등을 켰다. 아이들은 Nana가 짖는 소리를 들었고, John은 “그가 그녀를 마당에 묶고 있어서 그래,”라고 훌쩍였지만, Wendy는 더 똑똑했다.
“That is not Nana’s unhappy bark,” /she said, /little guessing what was about to happen; /“that is her bark /when she smells danger.”
“그건 Nana가 슬퍼서 짖는 소리가 아니야,” 그녀는 무슨 일이 일어날지 전혀 짐작하지 못한 채 말했다; “그건 그녀가 위험을 감지했을 때 짖는 소리야.”
Danger!“Are you sure, Wendy?” /“Oh, yes.”Mrs. Darling quivered /and went to the window.It was securely fastened.She looked out, /and the night was peppered with stars.They were crowding round the house, /as if curious to see /what was to take place there, /but she did not notice this, /nor that one or two of the smaller ones winked at her.
위험!“정말이야, Wendy?”“그래.”Darling 부인은 떨며 창문으로 갔다.창문은 단단히 잠겨 있었다.그녀가 밖을 보니, 밤하늘에는 별들이 가득했다.그 별들은 집 주위를 둘러싸고 있었고, 마치 그곳에서 무슨 일이 일어날지 궁금해하는 것처럼 보였지만, 그녀는 이를 알아채지 못했다. 작은 별들 중 하나나 두 개가 그녀에게 윙크를 하는 것도 알아채지 못했다.
Yet a nameless fear clutched at her heart /and made her cry, /“Oh, how I wish /that I wasn’t going to a party to-night!”Even Michael, /already half asleep, /knew that she was perturbed, /and he asked, /“Can anything harm us, mother, /after the night-lights are lit?”
하지만 말할 수 없는 두려움이 그녀의 심장을 움켜쥐었고, 그녀는 외쳤다, “아, 오늘 밤 파티에 가지 않았으면 좋겠어!”이미 잠에 반쯤 든 Michael조차도 그녀가 불안해하고 있다는 것을 알아차리고 물었다, “어머니, 야간 등이 켜진 후에는 우리에게 해를 끼칠 수 있는 게 있나요?”
“Nothing, precious,” /she said; /“they are the eyes a mother leaves behind her /to guard her children.”She went from bed to bed /singing enchantments over them, /and little Michael flung his arms round her.
“아무것도 없단다, 소중한 아이야,” /그녀가 말했다; /”그것들은 엄마가 떠난 후에도 아이들을 지켜주는 눈이란다.”그녀는 침대에서 침대로 옮겨 다니며 아이들에게 마법의 노래를 불렀고, 어린 Michael은 그녀를 끌어안았다.
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