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Peter Pan 002 Chapter II THE SHADOW 017

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Peter Pan 002 – Chapter II.THE SHADOW – 017

“Mother,” he cried, “I’m glad of you.” They were the last words she was to hear from him for a long time.

27 was only a few yards distant, but there had been a slight fall of snow, and Father and Mother Darling picked their way over it deftly not to soil their shoes.
They were already the only persons in the street, and all the stars were watching them.
Stars are beautiful, but they may not take an active part in anything, they must just look on for ever.
It is a punishment put on them for something they did so long ago that no star now knows what it was.
So the older ones have become glassy-eyed and seldom speak (winking is the star language), but the little ones still wonder.
They are not really friendly to Peter, who had a mischievous way of stealing up behind them and trying to blow them out; but they are so fond of fun that they were on his side to-night, and anxious to get the grown-ups out of the way.
So as soon as the door of 27 closed on Mr.
and Mrs.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. “Mother,” / he cried, / “I’m glad / of you.” They were / the last words / she was to hear / from him / for a long time.

    “엄마,” 그가 외쳤다, “난 당신이 / 있어서 기뻐요.” 이것이 / 그가 그녀에게 / 오랫동안 / 마지막으로 / 들려준 / 말이었다.

  2. ⦁ glad: 기쁜/기쁘게하다
    – She was glad to see her friend. (그녀는 친구를 만나서 기뻤다)

    ⦁ hear: 듣다
    – I can hear the birds singing. (나는 새들이 노래하는 소리를 들을 수 있다)

  3. No. / 27 was / only a few yards distant, / but there had been / a slight fall of snow, / and Father and Mother Darling / picked their way / over it deftly / not to soil / their shoes.

    27번지는 / 단지 몇 야드 떨어져 있었지만, / 약간의 눈이 내렸고, / 달링 부부는 / 눈 위를 / 재빠르게 / 걸어갔다/ 신발을 더럽히지 않기 위해서.

  4. ⦁ slight: 약간의
    – There was a slight breeze. (미미한 바람이 있었다)

    ⦁ soil: 더럽히다/흙
    – The children soiled their clothes playing outside. (아이들이 밖에서 놀다가 옷을 더럽혔다)

  5. They were / already the only persons / in the street, / and all the stars / were watching them.

    그들은 / 이미 거리에서 / 유일한 사람들이었고, / 모든 별들이 / 그들을 지켜보고 있었다.

  6. ⦁ only: 유일한
    – He was the only one who knew the answer. (그는 대답을 아는 유일한 사람이었다)

    ⦁ watch: 지켜보다
    – The guard watches the gates. (경비원이 대문을 지켜본다)

  7. Stars are beautiful, / but they / may not take an active part / in anything, / they must just look on / for ever.

    별들은 아름답지만, / 그들은 / 어떤 일에도 / 적극적으로 참여할 수 없다,/ 그들은 / 영원히 / 지켜보기만 해야 한다.

  8. ⦁ active: 활동적인
    – He is very active in sports. (그는 스포츠에 매우 활발하다)

    ⦁ look: 보다
    – She looked at the painting. (그녀는 그림을 보았다)

  9. It is a punishment / put on them / for something they did / so long ago / that no star now knows / what it was.

    그것은 / 오래전에 / 그들이 한 일에 대한 / 벌이다, / 이제는 어떤 별도 / 그것이 무엇이었는지 / 알지 못한다.

  10. ⦁ punishment: 벌
    – The punishment was severe. (벌이 가혹했다)

    ⦁ knew: 알았다
    – She knew the answer. (그녀는 답을 알았다)

  11. So the older ones / have become / glassy-eyed and / seldom speak / (winking is the star language), / but the little ones / still wonder.

    그래서 / 나이가 많은 별들은 / 무표정해지고 / 거의 말을 하지 않는다 / (눈짓은 별의 언어입니다), / 하지만 / 어린 별들은 여전히 / 궁금해합니다.

  12. ⦁ wonder: 궁금해하다/놀람
    – I wonder what happened. (무슨 일이 일어났는지 궁금하다)

    ⦁ speak: 말하다
    – Can you speak more slowly? (좀 더 천천히 말해줄래요?)

  13. They are not / really friendly / to Peter, / who had a mischievous way / of stealing up behind them / and trying to / blow them out; / but they are / so fond of fun / that they were on / his side / to-night, / and anxious to get / the grown-ups / out of the way.

    그들은 실제로 / 피터에게 / 그렇게 친절하지 않았다, / 피터는 그들 뒤로 슬쩍 가서 / 그들을 / 불어 끄려는 / 장난스러운 / 방법을 가지고 있었다; / 하지만 그들은 재미를 / 너무 좋아해서 / 오늘 밤에는 / 피터 편에 있었다, / 그리고 어른들을 / 치우고 싶어 했다.

  14. ⦁ mischievous: 장난기 있는
    – He has a mischievous grin. (그는 장난기 있는 웃음을 지었다)

    ⦁ anxious: 불안한/열망하는
    – She was anxious about the exam. (그녀는 시험 때문에 불안했다)

  15. So as soon as / the door of 27 closed / on Mr. / and Mrs.

    그래서 27번지의 문이 / 미스터와 / 미세스 / 를 닫자마자.

  16. ⦁ door: 문
    – Close the door behind you. (문을 뒤로 닫아라)

    ⦁ soon: 곧
    – We will arrive soon. (우리는 곧 도착할 것입니다)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)