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Peter Pan 003 Chapter III COME AWAY COME AWAY 004

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Peter Pan 003 – Chapter III.COME AWAY, COME AWAY! – 004

“Is that all?”

“Yes,” he said rather sharply.
He felt for the first time that it was a shortish name.

“I’m so sorry,” said Wendy Moira Angela.

“It doesn’t matter,” Peter gulped.

She asked where he lived.

“Second to the right,” said Peter, “and then straight on till morning.”

“What a funny address!”

Peter had a sinking.
For the first time he felt that perhaps it was a funny address.

“No, it isn’t,” he said.

“I mean,” Wendy said nicely, remembering that she was hostess, “is that what they put on the letters?”

He wished she had not mentioned letters.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. “Is that / all?”

    “그게 다야?”

  2. “Yes,” / he said / rather sharply.

    “응,” 그가 약간 날카롭게 말했다.

  3. ⦁ sharply: 날카롭게
    – She spoke softly, yet sharply. (그녀는 부드럽게 말했지만, 날카로웠다.)

    ⦁ rather: 약간, 다소
    – The task was rather difficult. (그 과제는 다소 어려웠다.)
  1. He felt / for the first time / that it was / a shortish name.

    그는 처음으로 그것이 짧은 이름이라고 느꼈다.

  2. “I’m so sorry,” / said Wendy Moira Angela.

    “정말 미안해,” 웬디 모이라 안젤라가 말했다.

  3. ⦁ shortish: 비교적 짧은
    – His speech was shortish compared to others. (그의 연설은 다른 사람들에 비해 비교적 짧았다.)

    ⦁ first: 첫, 처음
    – She came first in the race. (그녀는 경주에서 첫 번째로 들어왔다.)
  1. “It doesn’t matter,” / Peter gulped.

    “상관없어,” 피터가 삼키며 말했다.

  2. She asked / where he lived.

    그가 어디 사는지 물었다.

  3. ⦁ matter: 중요하다
    – It doesn’t matter to me. (나에게는 중요하지 않다.)

    ⦁ gulped: 삼키다
    – He gulped down his drink. (그는 그의 음료를 한 모금에 삼켰다.)
  1. “Second to the right,” / said Peter, / “and then straight on / till morning.”

    “오른쪽 두 번째,” 피터가 말했다, “그리고 아침까지 직진이야.”

  2. “What a funny address!”

    “정말 이상한 주소네!”

  3. ⦁ second: 두 번째
    – He was the second to arrive. (그는 두 번째로 도착했다.)

    ⦁ straight: 직진하여, 곧장
    – Go straight on this road. (이 길을 곧장 가세요.)
  1. Peter had / a sinking.

    피터는 가라앉는 기분을 느꼈다.

  2. For the first time / he felt / that perhaps / it was a funny address.

    처음으로 피터는 아마도 그것이 이상한 주소라고 느꼈다.

  3. “No, it isn’t,” / he said.

    “아니야, 그렇지 않아,” 그가 말했다.

  4. ⦁ sinking: 가라앉는 기분
    – He felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. (그는 위에 가라앉는 기분을 느꼈다.)

    ⦁ perhaps: 아마도
    – Perhaps we will meet again. (아마도 우리는 다시 만날 것이다.)
  1. “I mean,” / Wendy said / nicely, / remembering that she was hostess, / “is that what they put / on the letters?”

    “내 말은,” 웬디가 좋게 말했다, 자신이 주인이라는 것을 기억하며, “그게 편지에 적히는 건가요?”

  2. He wished / she had / not mentioned letters.

    그는 그녀가 편지를 언급하지 않았기를 바랐다.

  3. ⦁ letters: 편지들
    – I received two letters today. (나는 오늘 두 통의 편지를 받았다.)

    ⦁ mentioned: 언급된
    – She mentioned your name during the discussion. (그녀가 논의 중에 너의 이름을 언급했다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)