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Peter Pan 004 – Chapter IV.THE FLIGHT – 001
“Second to the right, and straight on till morning.”That, Peter had told Wendy, was the way to the Neverland; but even birds, carrying maps and consulting them at windy corners, could not have sighted it with these instructions.Peter, you see, just said anything that came into his head.At first his companions trusted him implicitly, and so great were the delights of flying that they wasted time circling round church spires or any other tall objects on the way that took their fancy.John and Michael raced, Michael getting a start.They recalled with contempt that not so long ago they had thought themselves fine fellows for being able to fly round a room.Not long ago.But how long ago? They were flying over the sea before this thought began to disturb Wendy seriously.John thought it was their second sea and their third night.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Second to the right, / and straight on till morning.
오른편 두 번째, / 그리고 아침까지 직진.
That, Peter had told Wendy, / was the way to the Neverland;
그것이, / 피터가 웬디에게 말했던, / 네버랜드로 가는 길이었어요;
but even birds, / carrying maps / and consulting them / at windy corners, / could not have sighted it / with these instructions.
하지만 새들도, / 지도를 들고 / 바람 부는 모퉁이에서 / 이를 참고해도, / 이런 지시로는 / 발견할 수 없었어요.
Peter, you see, / just said anything / that came into his head.
보세요, / 피터는 떠오르는대로 / 말을 했어요.
At first / his companions trusted him implicitly, / and so great were the delights of flying / that they wasted time / circling round church spires / or any other tall objects / on the way that took their fancy.
처음에는 / 그의 동료들이 절대적으로 그를 믿었고, / 비행하는 즐거움이 너무 커서 / 교회 첨탑이나 / 그들이 관심을 끌만한 / 높은 물체 주변을 / 선회하며 시간을 보냈어요.
John / and Michael raced, / Michael getting a start.
존과 마이클은 경주를 했고, / 마이클이 앞서 나갔어요.
They recalled / with contempt / that not so long ago / they had thought themselves / fine fellows / for being able to fly / round a room.
그들은 / 멸시하며, / 얼마 전까지만 해도 / 자신들을 / 훌륭한 녀석들이라고 생각한 것을 / 기억했어요, / 방 안을 / 날 수 있었던.
Not long ago. / But how long ago?
얼마 전까지만 해도. / 하지만 얼마나 오래 전일까요?
They were flying over the sea / before this thought / began to disturb Wendy seriously.
그들이 바다 위를 날고 있을 때 / 이 생각이 / 웬디를 심각하게 괴롭히기 시작했어요.
John thought / it was their second sea / and their third night.
존은 생각했어요, / 그것은 그들의 두 번째 바다이고 / 세 번째 밤이라고.
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