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Peter Pan 004 – Chapter IV.THE FLIGHT – 002
Sometimes it was dark and sometimes light, and now they were very cold and again too warm.Did they really feel hungry at times, or were they merely pretending, because Peter had such a jolly new way of feeding them? His way was to pursue birds who had food in their mouths suitable for humans and snatch it from them; then the birds would follow and snatch it back; and they would all go chasing each other gaily for miles, parting at last with mutual expressions of good-will.But Wendy noticed with gentle concern that Peter did not seem to know that this was rather an odd way of getting your bread and butter, nor even that there are other ways.Certainly they did not pretend to be sleepy, they were sleepy; and that was a danger, for the moment they popped off, down they fell.The awful thing was that Peter thought this funny.“There he goes again!” he would cry gleefully, as Michael suddenly dropped like a stone.“Save him, save him!” cried Wendy, looking with horror at the cruel sea far below.Eventually Peter would dive through the air, and catch Michael just before he could strike the sea, and it was lovely the way he did it; but he always waited till the last moment, and you felt it was his cleverness that interested him and not the saving of human life.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Sometimes it was dark / and sometimes light, / and now they were very cold / and again too warm.
때로는 어둡고 때로는 밝았으며, 이제는 매우 춥기도 하고 다시 너무 따뜻하기도 했다.
Did they really feel hungry / at times, / or were they merely pretending, / because Peter had such a jolly new way of feeding them?
그들이 가끔 정말로 배고픔을 느꼈는지, 아니면 단지 Peter가 그들을 먹이기 시작한 재미있는 새로운 방법 때문에 그냥 그러는 척한 것인지 궁금했다.
His way was / to pursue birds / who had food / in their mouths suitable for humans / and snatch it from them; / then the birds would follow / and snatch it back; / and they would all go chasing each other / gaily for miles, / parting at last / with mutual expressions of good-will.
그의 방법은 인간에게 적합한 음식을 입에 물고 있는 새들을 쫓아가서 그들로부터 음식을 빼앗는 것이었다; 그러면 새들은 따라와서 다시 음식을 빼앗으려 했고; 그들은 서로 몇 마일 동안 즐겁게 추격하곤 했으며, 마침내 서로의 호의를 담아 헤어졌다.
But Wendy noticed / with gentle concern / that Peter did not seem to know / that this was rather an odd way / of getting your bread and butter, / nor even that there are other ways.
하지만 Wendy는 다정하게 염려하며 Peter가 이것이 빵과 버터를 얻는 다소 이상한 방법이라는 것을 알지 못하는 것 같다고 알아챘다; 그리고 심지어 다른 방법이 있다는 것도 모르는 것 같았다.
Certainly / they did not pretend to be sleepy, / they were sleepy; / and that was a danger, / for the moment they popped off, / down they fell.
확실히, 그들은 졸린 척하지 않았다, 그들은 정말 졸렸다; 그리고 그것은 위험이었다, 그들이 잠에 빠지는 순간, 곧바로 아래로 떨어졌다.
The awful thing was / that Peter thought this funny.
무서운 것은 Peter가 이것을 재미있다고 생각했다는 것이다.
“There he goes again!” / he would cry gleefully, / as Michael suddenly dropped / like a stone.
“또 떨어진다!” 라고 그는 기쁘게 외쳤다, Michael이 갑자기 돌처럼 떨어질 때.
“Save him, save him!” / cried Wendy, / looking with horror / at the cruel sea / far below.
“그를 구해줘, 구해줘!” 라고 Wendy가 외쳤다, 멀리 아래의 잔인한 바다를 공포에 차서 바라보며.
Eventually / Peter would dive through the air, / and catch Michael / just before he could strike the sea, / and it was lovely / the way he did it; / but he always waited / till the last moment, / and you felt / it was his cleverness / that interested him / and not the saving of human life.
결국 Peter는 공중에서 급강하하고, 바다에 부딪히기 직전에 Michael을 잡아냈고, 그가 그렇게 하는 방법은 정말 멋졌다; 그러나 그는 언제나 마지막 순간까지 기다렸고, 당신은 그가 인간의 생명을 구하는 것보다 자신의 기지가 더 흥미롭다고 생각하는 것 같다고 느꼈다.
– The room was dark and silent. (방은 어둡고 조용했다.)
⦁ warm: 따뜻한
– The blanket is warm. (담요는 따뜻하다.)
– He pretended to be asleep. (그는 자는 척했다.)
⦁ jolly: 즐거운
– They had a jolly time at the party. (그들은 파티에서 즐거운 시간을 보냈다.)
– He pursued his dreams with determination. (그는 결단력 있게 자신의 꿈을 추적했다.)
⦁ suitable: 적합한
– This dress is suitable for the occasion. (이 드레스는 그 행사에 적합하다.)
– Her concern for him was evident. (그녀의 그에 대한 걱정은 분명했다.)
⦁ odd: 이상한
– The odd behavior puzzled everyone. (이상한 행동이 모두를 혼란스럽게 했다.)
– The baby looks sleepy. (아기가 졸려 보인다.)
⦁ awful: 끔찍한
– The weather was awful. (날씨가 끔찍했다.)
– The children laughed gleefully. (아이들이 기쁘게 웃었다.)
⦁ horror: 공포
– He watched in horror as the events unfolded. (그는 일이 벌어지는 것을 공포에 차서 지켜보았다.)
– The swimmer dived into the pool. (수영선수가 풀장으로 뛰어들었다.)
⦁ cleverness: 기지
– She admired his cleverness in solving the puzzle. (그녀는 퍼즐을 푸는 그의 기지에 감탄했다.)
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)