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Peter Pan 004 Chapter IV THE FLIGHT 007

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Peter Pan 004 – Chapter IV.THE FLIGHT – 007

“John, there’s the lagoon.”

“Wendy, look at the turtles burying their eggs in the sand.”

“I say, John, I see your flamingo with the broken leg!”

“Look, Michael, there’s your cave!”

“John, what’s that in the brushwood?”

“It’s a wolf with her whelps.
Wendy, I do believe that’s your little whelp!”

“There’s my boat, John, with her sides stove in!”

“No, it isn’t.
Why, we burned your boat.”

“That’s her, at any rate.
I say, John, I see the smoke of the redskin camp!”

“Where? Show me, and I’ll tell you by the way smoke curls whether they are on the war-path.”

“There, just across the Mysterious River.”

“I see now.
Yes, they are on the war-path right enough.”

Peter was a little annoyed with them for knowing so much, but if he wanted to lord it over them his triumph was at hand, for have I not told you that anon fear fell upon them?

It came as the arrows went, leaving the island in gloom.

In the old days at home the Neverland had always begun to look a little dark and threatening by bedtime.
Then unexplored patches arose in it and spread, black shadows moved about in them, the roar of the beasts of prey was quite different now, and above all, you lost the certainty that you would win.
You were quite glad that the night-lights were on.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. John, there’s the lagoon.

    존, 저기 석호가 있어.

  2. ⦁ lagoon: 석호
    – The calm waters of the lagoon were perfect for swimming. (석호의 잔잔한 물은 수영하기에 완벽했다.)

    ⦁ there: 저기에
    – There is a bird in the tree. (저기에 나무에 새가 있어.)

  3. Wendy, look at / the turtles / burying their eggs / in the sand.

    웬디, 거북이들이 모래 속에 / 알을 파묻고 있어.

  4. ⦁ turtle: 거북이
    – The turtle swam gracefully through the water. (거북이는 물속에서 우아하게 헤엄쳤다.)

    ⦁ bury: 묻다
    – The dog buried its bone in the yard. (개가 뼈를 마당에 묻었다.)

  5. I say, John, / I see your flamingo / with the broken leg!

    존, 내가 말하는데, / 부러진 다리를 가진 / 네 플라밍고가 보여!

  6. Look, Michael, / there’s your cave!

    봐, 마이클, / 저기 네 동굴이 있어!

  7. ⦁ flamingo: 플라밍고
    – The flamingo stood on one leg by the water. (플라밍고는 물가에서 한쪽 다리로 서 있었다.)

    ⦁ cave: 동굴
    – The cave was dark and mysterious. (동굴은 어둡고 신비했다.)

  8. John, what’s that / in the brushwood?

    존, 저게 뭐야? / 덤불 속에 있는

  9. It’s a wolf / with her whelps.

    늑대야 / 그녀의 새끼들과 함께 있는

  10. Wendy, I do believe / that’s your little whelp!

    웬디, / 내가 믿어 / 저건 네 작은 새끼야!

  11. There’s my boat, John, / with her sides / stove in!

    저기가 내 배야, 존, / 그녀의 측면이 / 부서진.

  12. ⦁ brushwood: 덤불
    – The deer was hiding in the brushwood. (사슴은 덤불 속에 숨어 있었다.)

    ⦁ whelp: 새끼
    – The mother dog cared for her whelps. (어미 개가 새끼들을 돌보았다.)

  13. No, it isn’t. / Why, we burned / your boat.

    아니, / 저건 아니야. / 왜냐하면, / 우리가 네 배를 불태웠잖아.

  14. That’s her, / at any rate. / I say, John, / I see the smoke / of the redskin camp!

    어쨌든, / 저건 그녀야. / 내가 말하는데, 존, / 저기 연기가 보여 / 인디언 캠프의.

  15. Where? Show me, / and I’ll tell you / by the way smoke curls / whether they are / on the war-path.

    어디? / 나에게 보여줘, / 그러면 내가 네게 말해줄게 / 연기가 말려 올라가는 방식으로 / 그들이 전쟁 중인지.

  16. There, just across / the Mysterious River.

    저기, / 신비의 강을 / 건너 바로.

  17. ⦁ burn: 불태우다
    – They burned the old house down. (그들은 오래된 집을 불태웠다.)

    ⦁ smoke: 연기
    – The smoke rose from the chimney. (연기는 굴뚝에서 올라갔다.)

  18. I see now. / Yes, they are / on the war-path / right enough.

    이제 보여. / 네, 그들은 전쟁 중인 것이 / 분명해.

  19. Peter was a little annoyed / with them / for knowing so much, / but if he wanted / to lord it over them / his triumph was at hand, / for have I not told you / that anon fear fell upon them?

    피터는 조금 짜증이 났다 / 그들이 너무 많은 것을 알아서, / 하지만 그가 원했다면 / 그들 위에 군림하려고 / 그의 승리는 손에 있었다, / 왜냐하면 내가 너에게 말하지 않았나 / 어느 순간 두려움이 그들에게 엄습했다고?

  20. It came as / the arrows went, / leaving the island in gloom.

    그것은 왔다 / 화살이 날아가면서, / 섬을 어둠 속에 남기고.

  21. In the old days / at home / the Neverland had always begun / to look a little dark / and threatening / by bedtime.

    옛날 우리 집에서 / 네버랜드는 항상 조금 어두워지기 / 시작하곤 했다 / 그리고 위협적이었지 / 잠잘 시간이 되면.

  22. ⦁ annoyed: 짜증난
    – She was annoyed by the constant noise. (그녀는 끊임없는 소음에 짜증이 났다.)

    ⦁ gloom: 어둠
    – The room was filled with gloom. (방은 어둠으로 가득했다.)

  23. Then unexplored patches / arose in it / and spread, / black shadows moved about in them, / the roar of the beasts of prey / was quite different now, / and above all, / you lost the certainty that you would win.

    그 후 미탐험 지역들이 / 그것 안에서 생겨났고 / 퍼졌다, / 검은 그림자들이 그 안에서 움직였고, / 맹수들의 울음소리가 / 이제 꽤 다르게 들렸다, / 그리고 무엇보다도, / 승리할 것이라는 확신을 잃었다.

  24. You were quite glad / that the night-lights were on.

    밤등이 켜져 있다는 사실에 / 정말 기뻤다.

  25. ⦁ unexplored: 미탐험의
    – There are still many unexplored areas in the jungle. (정글에는 아직도 많은 미탐험 지역들이 있다.)

    ⦁ roar: 울음소리
    – The roar of the lion echoed through the savannah. (사자의 울음소리가 사바나를 통해 울려 퍼졌다.)

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