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Peter Pan 004 – Chapter IV.THE FLIGHT – 010
“If you like, we’ll go down and kill him.”“I don’t see him,” John said after a long pause.“I do.”“Suppose,” John said, a little huskily, “he were to wake up.”Peter spoke indignantly.“You don’t think I would kill him while he was sleeping! I would wake him first, and then kill him.That’s the way I always do.”“I say! Do you kill many?”“Tons.”John said “How ripping,” but decided to have tea first.He asked if there were many pirates on the island just now, and Peter said he had never known so many.“Who is captain now?”“Hook,” answered Peter, and his face became very stern as he said that hated word.“Jas.Hook?”“Ay.”Then indeed Michael began to cry, and even John could speak in gulps only, for they knew Hook’s reputation.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
If you like, / we’ll go down / and kill him.
네가 원하면, / 아래로 가서 / 그를 죽이자.
⦁ go down: 내려가다 – She decided to go down the stairs slowly. (그녀는 천천히 계단을 내려가기로 했다.) ⦁ kill: 죽이다 – The hunter wants to kill the deer. (사냥꾼은 사슴을 죽이고 싶어한다.) -
I don’t see him, / John said / after a long pause.
그를 보지 못했어, / 존이 말했다 / 오래 멈춘 후에.
⦁ see: 보다 – I can see the mountain from here. (여기서 산이 보여.) ⦁ pause: 멈춤 – He took a pause before speaking. (그는 말하기 전에 멈췄다.) -
I do.
나는 보여.
⦁ do: 하다 – Can you do this quickly? (이걸 빨리 할 수 있니?) ⦁ see: 보다 – Can you see the stars? (별을 볼 수 있니?) -
Suppose, / John said / a little huskily, / he were to wake up.
만약, / 존이 말했다 / 약간 목이 쉰 소리로, / 그가 깨어나면.
⦁ suppose: 가정하다 – Let’s suppose we win the game. (우리가 게임에서 이긴다고 가정해보자.) ⦁ wake up: 깨어나다 – He usually wakes up at 6 AM. (그는 보통 6시에 깨어난다.) -
Peter spoke / indignantly.
피터는 말하였다 / 분개하며.
⦁ speak: 말하다 – Can you speak louder? (더 크게 말해줄래?) ⦁ indignant: 분개한 – She was indignant at the unfair decision. (그녀는 그 불공평한 결정에 분개하였다.) -
You don’t think / I would kill him / while he was sleeping! / I would wake him first, /and then kill him. / That’s the way / I always do.
너는 생각하지 않아 / 내가 그를 죽일 거라고 / 그가 자고 있는 동안! / 나는 그를 깨울 거야, / 그리고 나서 죽일 거야. / 그것이 / 내가 항상 하는 방식이지.
⦁ think: 생각하다 – I think this is a good idea. (나는 이게 좋은 생각이라고 생각해.) ⦁ always: 항상 – She is always early for meetings. (그녀는 항상 회의에 일찍 온다.) -
I say! / Do you kill many?
어머! / 너 많이 죽이니?
⦁ say: 말하다 – What did you say? (뭐라고 말했니?) ⦁ many: 많은 – How many books do you have? (얼마나 많은 책을 가지고 있니?) -
엄청 많이.
⦁ tons: 엄청 많이 – She has tons of homework. (그녀는 숙제가 엄청 많다.) -
John said, / How ripping, / but decided to have tea first.
존은 말했다, / 정말 신나, / 하지만 차를 먼저 마시기로 했다.
⦁ decide: 결정하다 – They decided to go on a trip. (그들은 여행을 가기로 결정했다.) ⦁ first: 먼저 – Wash your hands first. (먼저 손을 씻어라.) -
He asked / if there were / many pirates / on the island just now, / and Peter said he had / never known so many.
그는 물었다 / 많은 해적이 있는지 / 섬에 지금, / 그리고 피터는 말했다 / 이렇게 많은 해적을 본 적이 없다고.
⦁ pirate: 해적 – The pirate had a big ship. (해적은 큰 배를 가지고 있었다.) ⦁ never: 결코 – I have never seen that movie. (나는 그 영화를 본 적 없어.) -
Who is captain now?
지금은 누가 선장이야?
⦁ captain: 선장 – The captain navigated the ship. (선장은 배를 조종했다.) ⦁ now: 지금 – What are you doing now? (지금 뭐 하고 있어?) -
Hook, / answered Peter, / and his face / became very stern / as he said / that hated word.
후크, / 피터가 대답했다, / 그의 얼굴은 / 매우 엄격해졌다 / 그가 말했다 / 그 증오하는 단어를.
⦁ become: 되다 – She became a doctor. (그녀는 의사가 되었다.) ⦁ hate: 증오하다 – I hate waking up early. (나는 일찍 일어나는 것을 증오한다.) -
⦁ Jas: 제임스의 약어 -
⦁ hook: 후크 – Captain Hook is a famous villain. (후크 선장은 유명한 악당이다.) -
⦁ ay: 그래 – Ay, I agree with you. (그래, 너에게 동의해.) -
Then indeed / Michael began / to cry, / and even John / could speak / in gulps only, / for they knew / Hook’s reputation.
그러자 / 졀리아는 / 울기 시작했다, / 존도 / 말을 할 수 있었다 / 단지 크게 삼키며, / 그들은 알고 있었다 / 후크의 명성을.
⦁ indeed: 확실히 – She is indeed very talented. (그녀는 확실히 매우 재능있다.) ⦁ reputation: 명성 – He has a reputation for being kind. (그는 친절하다는 명성이 있다.)
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)