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Peter Pan 004 Chapter IV THE FLIGHT 012

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Peter Pan 004 – Chapter IV.THE FLIGHT – 012

Unfortunately she could not fly so slowly as they, and so she had to go round and round them in a circle in which they moved as in a halo.
Wendy quite liked it, until Peter pointed out the drawbacks.

“She tells me,” he said, “that the pirates sighted us before the darkness came, and got Long Tom out.”

“The big gun?”

And of course they must see her light, and if they guess we are near it they are sure to let fly.”




“Tell her to go away at once, Peter,” the three cried simultaneously, but he refused.

“She thinks we have lost the way,” he replied stiffly, “and she is rather frightened.
You don’t think I would send her away all by herself when she is frightened!”

For a moment the circle of light was broken, and something gave Peter a loving little pinch.

“Then tell her,” Wendy begged, “to put out her light.”

“She can’t put it out.
That is about the only thing fairies can’t do.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Unfortunately / she could not fly / so slowly as they, / and so / she had to go / round and round them / in a circle / in which / they moved / as in a halo.

    불행히도, 그녀는 그들처럼 천천히 날 수 없었고, 그래서 그녀는 그들 주위를 둘러 원을 그리며 날아야만 했습니다. 그 원 안에서 그들은 마치 후광 속에서 움직이는 것처럼 보였습니다.

  2. ⦁ unfortunately: 불행히도
    – Unfortunately, he missed the train (불행히도, 그는 기차를 놓쳤다)

    ⦁ halo: 후광
    – The saint had a bright halo around his head (성자의 머리 주위에 밝은 후광이 있었다)

  3. Wendy / quite liked it, / until Peter / pointed out the drawbacks.

    Wendy는 그것을 꽤 좋아했지만, Peter가 단점을 지적하기 전까지였다.

  4. ⦁ drawback: 단점
    – One major drawback of the plan is its high cost (그 계획의 주요 단점 중 하나는 높은 비용이다)

    ⦁ point out: 지적하다
    – He pointed out the mistakes in the report (그는 보고서의 실수를 지적했다)

  5. “She tells me,” / he said, / “that the pirates / sighted us / before the darkness came, / and got Long Tom out.”

    “그녀가 나에게 말했어,” 그가 말했다, “해적들이 어둠이 오기 전에 우리를 발견했고, Long Tom을 꺼냈다고.”

  6. ⦁ pirate: 해적
    – The pirate ship appeared on the horizon (해적선이 수평선에 나타났다)

    ⦁ sight: 발견하다
    – We sighted the island at dawn (우리는 새벽에 섬을 발견했다)

  7. “The big gun?” / Wendy asked.

    “큰 대포?” Wendy가 물었다.

  8. ⦁ gun: 대포
    – The soldiers loaded the big gun (군인들이 큰 대포를 장전했다)

    ⦁ big: 큰
    – They built a big house (그들은 큰 집을 지었다)

  9. “Yes. / And of course / they must see / her light, / and if they guess / we are near it / they are sure to let fly.”

    “그래. 그리고 물론 그들은 그녀의 불빛을 봐야만 하고, 만약 그들이 우리가 그 근처에 있다고 생각한다면, 그들은 틀림없이 발사한다고.”

  10. ⦁ guess: 생각하다
    – I guess you are right (네가 맞겠지)

    ⦁ light: 불빛
    – The light in the room was dim (방 안의 불빛이 어두웠다)

  11. “Wendy!” / “John!” / “Michael!”

    “Wendy!” “John!” “Michael!”

  12. ⦁ name: 이름
    – She called his name loudly (그녀는 그의 이름을 크게 불렀다)

    ⦁ shout: 외치다
    – They shouted for help (그들은 도움을 요청하며 외쳤다)

  13. “Tell her / to go away / at once, / Peter,” / the three cried / simultaneously, / but he refused.

    “그녀에게 당장 떠나라고 말해, Peter,” 세 명이 동시에 외쳤지만, 그는 거절했다.

  14. ⦁ refuse: 거절하다
    – She refused to answer (그녀는 대답을 거절했다)

    ⦁ simultaneously: 동시에
    – The alarm went off simultaneously (경보기가 동시에 울렸다)

  15. “She thinks / we have lost the way,” / he replied stiffly, / “and she is / rather frightened.

    “그녀는 우리가 길을 잃었다고 생각해,” 그가 딱딱하게 대답했다, “그리고 그녀는 약간 무서워하고 있어.

  16. ⦁ lose: 잃다
    – We lost our way in the forest (우리는 숲에서 길을 잃었다)

    ⦁ frightened: 무서워하는
    – The child was frightened by the thunder (그 아이는 천둥 소리에 겁을 먹었다)

  17. You don’t think / I would send her away / all by herself / when she is frightened!”

    네가 생각하기에 내가 그녀를 혼자 무서워할 때 떠나보낼 것 같아?

  18. ⦁ send away: 떠나보내다
    – He sent his friend away after the dispute (그는 논쟁 후 친구를 떠나보냈다)

    ⦁ herself: 그녀 자신
    – She did it all by herself (그녀는 홀로 그것을 해냈다)

  19. For a moment / the circle of light was broken, / and something gave / Peter / a loving little pinch.

    잠시 동안, 빛의 원이 끊겼고, 무언가가 Peter에게 사랑스러운 작은 꼬집음을 주었다.

  20. ⦁ circle: 원
    – They made a circle around the campfire (그들은 모닥불 주위에 원을 만들었다)

    ⦁ pinch: 꼬집다
    – She pinched his arm lightly (그녀는 그의 팔을 가볍게 꼬집었다)

  21. “Then tell her,” / Wendy begged, / “to put out / her light.”

    그럼 그녀에게 불을 끄라고 말해줘, Wendy가 애원했다.

  22. ⦁ beg: 애원하다
    – The child begged for a toy (그 아이는 장난감을 애원했다)

    ⦁ put out: 끄다
    – They put out the fire quickly (그들은 불을 빨리 껐다)

  23. “She can’t put it out. / That is about / the only thing / fairies can’t do.

    그녀는 불을 끌 수 없어. 그것이 요정들이 할 수 없는 유일한 일 중 하나야.

  24. ⦁ only: 유일한
    – He is the only one who knows (그는 아는 유일한 사람이다)

    ⦁ fairy: 요정
    – The fairy waved its wand (그 요정은 지팡이를 흔들었다)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)