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Peter Pan 004 – Chapter IV.THE FLIGHT – 014
In the black topper the light was completely hidden, and they flew on in silence.It was the stillest silence they had ever known, broken once by a distant lapping, which Peter explained was the wild beasts drinking at the ford, and again by a rasping sound that might have been the branches of trees rubbing together, but he said it was the redskins sharpening their knives.Even these noises ceased.To Michael the loneliness was dreadful.“If only something would make a sound!” he cried.As if in answer to his request, the air was rent by the most tremendous crash he had ever heard.The pirates had fired Long Tom at them.The roar of it echoed through the mountains, and the echoes seemed to cry savagely, “Where are they, where are they, where are they?”Thus sharply did the terrified three learn the difference between an island of make-believe and the same island come true.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
In the black topper / the light was completely hidden, / and they flew on / in silence.
검은 모자 속에서 / 빛은 완전히 숨겨졌고, / 그들은 침묵 속에서 / 날아갔다.
⦁ hidden: 숨겨진 – The treasure was hidden under the old tree. (보물은 오래된 나무 아래에 숨겨져 있었다.) ⦁ silence: 침묵 – The silence in the room was overwhelming. (방의 침묵은 압도적이었다.)
It was the stillest silence / they had ever known, / broken once by a distant lapping, / which Peter explained / was the wild beasts / drinking at the ford, / and again by a rasping sound / that might have been / the branches of trees rubbing together, / but he said / it was the redskins sharpening their knives.
그것은 그들이 / 경험한 가장 고요한 침묵이었으며, / 멀리서 들려오는 물결 소리로 깨졌는데, / 피터는 / 그것이 야생 동물이 / 여울에서 물을 마시는 소리라고 설명했고, / 또 다른 소리는 / 나뭇가지들이 서로 비비는 소리였을지도 모르지만, / 그는 그것이 / 붉은 피부 사람들이 / 칼을 가는 소리라고 말했다.
⦁ distant: 먼 – They could hear distant thunder. (그들은 먼 곳에서 천둥 소리를 들을 수 있었다.) ⦁ rasping: 삐걱거리는 – The door opened with a rasping sound. (문이 삐걱거리는 소리와 함께 열렸다.)
Even these noises ceased.
심지어 이 소리들마저 멈췄다.
⦁ ceased: 멈췄다 – The fighting ceased at dawn. (전투는 새벽에 멈췄다.) -
To Michael / the loneliness was dreadful.
마이클에게 / 그 외로움은 끔찍했다.
⦁ loneliness: 외로움 – Loneliness is a common feeling among the elderly. (외로움은 노인들 사이에서 흔한 감정이다.) ⦁ dreadful: 끔찍한 – The storm was dreadful. (폭풍은 끔찍했다.) -
“If only something would make a sound!” / he cried.
“무언가 소리를 내기만 하면 좋겠어요!” / 그가 외쳤다.
⦁ cried: 외쳤다 – She cried out in pain. (그녀는 고통 속에서 외쳤다.)
As if in answer to his request, / the air was rent / by the most tremendous crash / he had ever heard.
그의 요청에 대한 답변이라도 되는 것처럼, / 공기가 찢어졌다 / 그가 들어본 적 있는 가장 거대한 충돌 소리에 의해.
⦁ tremendous: 거대한 – There was a tremendous explosion. (거대한 폭발이 있었다.) ⦁ crash: 충돌 – The car crash was fatal. (자동차 충돌은 치명적이었다.)
The pirates had fired Long Tom at them.
해적들이 롱 톰을 그들에게 발사했다.
⦁ pirates: 해적 – Pirates have been plundering the coast. (해적들이 해안을 약탈해 왔다.) ⦁ fired: 발사했다 – The soldier fired his weapon. (군인이 그의 무기를 발사했다.)
The roar of it echoed / through the mountains, / and the echoes seemed to cry savagely, / “Where are they, / where are they, / where are they?”
그 소음은 울려퍼졌다 / 산을 통해, / 그리고 그 메아리는 사납게 외치는 것 같았다, / “그들은 어디에 있는가, / 그들은 어디에 있는가, / 그들은 어디에 있는가?”
⦁ roar: 소음 – The lion’s roar echoed through the jungle. (사자의 포효가 정글에 울려 퍼졌다.) ⦁ echoed: 울려퍼졌다 – Her voice echoed in the empty hall. (그녀의 목소리가 빈 홀에 울려 퍼졌다.)
Thus sharply / did the terrified three learn / the difference between an island of make-believe / and the same island come true.
이렇게 날카롭게 / 두려움에 질린 세 사람은 배웠다 / 상상의 섬과 / 진짜 섬 사이의 차이를.
⦁ terrified: 두려움에 질린 – The terrified passengers screamed. (두려움에 질린 승객들이 비명을 질렀다.) ⦁ difference: 차이 – There is a clear difference between the two. (두 명 사이에는 분명한 차이가 있다.)
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