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Peter Pan 004 – Chapter IV.THE FLIGHT – 016
Tink was not all bad; or, rather, she was all bad just now, but, on the other hand, sometimes she was all good.Fairies have to be one thing or the other, because being so small they unfortunately have room for one feeling only at a time.They are, however, allowed to change, only it must be a complete change.At present she was full of jealousy of Wendy.What she said in her lovely tinkle Wendy could not of course understand, and I believe some of it was bad words, but it sounded kind, and she flew back and forward, plainly meaning “Follow me, and all will be well.”What else could poor Wendy do? She called to Peter and John and Michael, and got only mocking echoes in reply.She did not yet know that Tink hated her with the fierce hatred of a very woman.And so, bewildered, and now staggering in her flight, she followed Tink to her doom..
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Tink was not all bad; / or, rather, she was all bad just now, / but, on the other hand, / sometimes she was all good.
팅크는 전적으로 나쁜 존재는 아니었다; / 아니, 사실 지금 당장은 전부 나쁜 존재였지만, / 또 다른 한편으로는 / 그녀가 전적으로 좋은 존재일 때도 있었다.
⦁ bad: 나쁜 – The weather was bad yesterday. (어제 날씨가 나빴다.)⦁ good: 좋은 – She has a good heart. (그녀는 착한 마음을 가지고 있다.) -
Fairies have to be / one thing or the other, / because being so small / they unfortunately have room / for one feeling only at a time.
요정들은 / 한가지 혹은 다른 하나여야 한다, / 왜냐하면 너무 작아서 / 불행히도 / 한 번에 하나의 감정만 수용할 수 있기 때문이다.
⦁ small: 작은 – The cat is small and cute. (고양이는 작고 귀엽다.)⦁ unfortunately: 불행히도 – Unfortunately, we missed the bus. (불행히도, 우리는 버스를 놓쳤다.) -
They are, however, / allowed to change, / only it must be / a complete change.
하지만, / 그들은 변할 수 있다, / 다만 그것은 / 완전한 변화이어야 한다.
⦁ change: 변화 – Change is a part of life. (변화는 삶의 일부이다.)⦁ complete: 완전한 – The project is complete. (프로젝트가 완료되었다.) -
At present she was / full of jealousy of Wendy.
현재 그녀는 / 웬디에 대한 질투로 가득 차 있었다.
⦁ jealousy: 질투 – Her jealousy was obvious. (그녀의 질투는 분명했다.)⦁ present: 현재의 – At present, we are out of stock. (현재 우리는 재고가 없다.) -
What she said / in her lovely tinkle / Wendy could not of course understand, / and I believe / some of it was bad words, / but it sounded kind, / and she flew back and forward, / plainly meaning “Follow me, / and all will be well.”
그녀가 / 맑은 소리로 한 말은 / 웬디가 당연히 이해할 수 없었고, / 그리고 나는 믿는다 / 그 일부는 나쁜 말인지, / 그러나 그것은 친절하게 들렸고, / 그녀는 앞뒤로 날아다니며, / 분명히 “따라와, / 그러면 모든 것이 잘 될 거야”라고 의미했다.
⦁ understand: 이해하다 – Do you understand this problem? (이 문제를 이해하나요?)⦁ kind: 친절한 – She is very kind to strangers. (그녀는 낯선 사람들에게 매우 친절하다.) -
What else could poor Wendy do? / She called to Peter and John and Michael, / and got only mocking echoes in reply.
불쌍한 웬디가 또 무엇을 할 수 있었을까? / 그녀는 피터와 존과 마이클을 불렀지만, / 대답으로 듣게 된 것은 조롱하는 메아리뿐이었다.
⦁ poor: 불쌍한 – The poor dog was lost. (그 불쌍한 개는 길을 잃었다.)⦁ call: 부르다 – She called his name loudly. (그녀는 그의 이름을 큰 소리로 불렀다.) -
She did not yet know / that Tink hated her / with the fierce hatred / of a very woman.
그녀는 아직 / 팅크가 그녀를 미워하는 것을 / 아주 격렬하게 / 모르는 상태였다.
⦁ hatred: 미움 – Their hatred toward each other was intense. (그들의 서로에 대한 미움은 강렬했다.)⦁ fierce: 격렬한 – The competition was fierce. (경쟁이 치열했다.) -
And so, bewildered, / and now staggering in her flight, / she followed Tink to her doom.
그래서, 혼란스러운 상태로, / 지금 비틀거리며 비행하는 가운데, / 그녀는 자신의 불행을 향해 팅크를 따라갔다.
⦁ bewildered: 당황한 – She looked bewildered during the test. (그녀는 시험 동안 당황한 표정이었다.)⦁ doom: 불행 – The city’s doom seemed inevitable. (그 도시는 파멸이 불가피해 보였다.)
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