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Peter Pan 005 – Chapter V.THE ISLAND COME TRUE – 010
“All I remember about my mother,” Nibs told them, “is that she often said to my father, ‘Oh, how I wish I had a cheque-book of my own!’ I don’t know what a cheque-book is, but I should just love to give my mother one.”While they talked they heard a distant sound.You or I, not being wild things of the woods, would have heard nothing, but they heard it, and it was the grim song:“Yo ho, yo ho, the pirate life, The flag o’ skull and bones, A merry hour, a hempen rope, And hey for Davy Jones.”At once the lost boys—but where are they? They are no longer there.Rabbits could not have disappeared more quickly.I will tell you where they are.With the exception of Nibs, who has darted away to reconnoitre, they are already in their home under the ground, a very delightful residence of which we shall see a good deal presently.But how have they reached it? for there is no entrance to be seen, not so much as a large stone, which if rolled away, would disclose the mouth of a cave.Look closely, however, and you may note that there are here seven large trees, each with a hole in its hollow trunk as large as a boy.These are the seven entrances to the home under the ground, for which Hook has been searching in vain these many moons.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
“All I remember about my mother,” / Nibs told them, / “is that she often said to my father, / ‘Oh, how I wish I had a cheque-book of my own!'”
“내가 어머니에 대해 기억하는 모든 것은,” / Nibs가 그들에게 말했습니다, / “아버지에게 자주 이렇게 말하셨다는 겁니다, / ‘아, 나는 정말 내 수표책을 가지고 싶어요!'”
I don’t know / what a cheque-book is, / but I should just love / to give my mother one.
나는 수표책이 무엇인지 / 모르지만, / 어머니께 하나 드리고 싶습니다.
While they talked / they heard a distant sound.
말을 하는 동안 / 그들은 먼 소리를 들었습니다.
You or I, / not being wild things of the woods, / would have heard nothing, / but they heard it, / and it was the grim song:
당신이나 나는, / 숲의 야생 동물들이 아니기 때문에, / 아무것도 듣지 못했을 것입니다, / 하지만 그들은 들었습니다, / 그리고 그것은 잔인한 노래였습니다:
“Yo ho, / yo ho, / the pirate life, / The flag o’ skull and bones, / A merry hour, / a hempen rope, / And hey for Davy Jones.”
“요 호, / 요 호, / 해적 생활, / 해골과 뼈의 깃발, / 유쾌한 시간, / 삼줄, / 그리고 데비 존스를 위하여.”
At once / the lost boys—but where are they? / They are no longer there.
즉시 / 잃어버린 소년들—하지만 그들은 어디에 있습니까? / 그들은 더 이상 그 자리에 없습니다.
Rabbits / could not have disappeared / more quickly.
토끼들 / 더 빠르게 사라질 수 없었습니다.
I will tell you where they are. / With the exception of Nibs, who has darted away to reconnoitre, / they are already in their home under the ground, / a very delightful residence / of which we shall see a good deal presently.
나는 그들이 어디에 있는지 말해줄 것입니다. / 사전 탐색을 위해 달아난 Nibs를 제외하고, / 그들은 이미 지하의 그들의 집에 있습니다, / 매우 즐거운 거주지입니다 / 우리가 곧 많이 보게 될 것입니다.
But how have they reached it? / For there is no entrance to be seen, / not so much as a large stone, / which if rolled away, / would disclose the mouth of a cave.
하지만 그들은 어떻게 거기에 도달했을까요? / 보이는 입구가 없습니다, / 커다란 돌도, / 그것이 굴러갔더라면, / 동굴의 입구가 드러났을 텐데.
Look closely, however, / and you may note / that there are here seven large trees, / each with a hole in its hollow trunk / as large as a boy.
그러나 자세히 보면, / 여기 일곱 개의 큰 나무가 있고, / 각각 속이 빈 줄기에 / 소년만큼 큰 구멍이 있습니다.
These are the seven entrances / to the home under the ground, / for which Hook has been searching / in vain these many moons.
이것들은 지하의 집으로 가는 / 일곱 개의 입구이며, / 훅이 오랜 시간 동안 / 헛되이 찾아왔습니다.
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