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Peter Pan 005 Chapter V THE ISLAND COME TRUE 019

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Peter Pan 005 – Chapter V.THE ISLAND COME TRUE – 019

“What would Peter do?” they cried simultaneously.

Almost in the same breath they cried, “Peter would look at them through his legs.”

And then, “Let us do what Peter would do.”

It is quite the most successful way of defying wolves, and as one boy they bent and looked through their legs.
The next moment is the long one, but victory came quickly, for as the boys advanced upon them in the terrible attitude, the wolves dropped their tails and fled.

Now Nibs rose from the ground, and the others thought that his staring eyes still saw the wolves.
But it was not wolves he saw.

“I have seen a wonderfuller thing,” he cried, as they gathered round him eagerly.
“A great white bird.
It is flying this way.”

“What kind of a bird, do you think?”

“I don’t know,” Nibs said, awestruck, “but it looks so weary, and as it flies it moans, ‘Poor Wendy.’”

“Poor Wendy?”

“I remember,” said Slightly instantly, “there are birds called Wendies.”

“See, it comes!” cried Curly, pointing to Wendy in the heavens.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. “What would Peter do?” / they cried simultaneously.

    “피터라면 어떻게 할까?” 그들이 동시에 외쳤다.

  2. ⦁ simultaneously: 동시에
    – The two events happened simultaneously. (두 사건이 동시에 일어났다.)

    ⦁ cried: 외쳤다
    – They cried for help. (그들이 도움을 청했다.)

  3. Almost in the same breath / they cried, “Peter would look / at them / through his legs.”

    거의 동시에 그들이 외쳤다, “피터라면 다리 사이로 그들을 볼거야.”

  4. ⦁ breath: 숨
    – She took a deep breath. (그녀는 깊게 숨을 들이쉬었다.)

    ⦁ through: ~을 통해
    – Look through the window. (창문을 통해 보세요.)

  5. And then, / “Let us do / what Peter would do.”

    그리고 나서, “피터라면 어떻게 할지 우리도 그렇게 하자.”

  6. ⦁ let: ~하게 하다
    – Let me go. (나를 가게 해줘.)

    ⦁ would: ~하곤 했다
    – She would always sing. (그녀는 항상 노래를 부르곤 했다.)

  7. It is / quite the most successful way / of defying wolves, / and as one boy / they bent / and looked / through their legs.

    그것은 늑대들을 물리치는 데 / 꽤 가장 성공적인 방법이다, / 그래서 하나의 소년처럼 / 그들은 몸을 굽히고 / 다리 사이로 보았다.

  8. ⦁ defying: 도전하는
    – He was defying the rules. (그는 규칙에 도전하고 있었다.)

    ⦁ bent: 굽혔다
    – She bent down to pick up the pen. (그녀는 펜을 줍기 위해 몸을 굽혔다.)

  9. The next moment / is the long one, / but victory came quickly, / for as the boys advanced upon them / in the terrible attitude, / the wolves dropped their tails / and fled.

    다음 순간은 / 긴 순간이었지만, / 승리가 빠르게 찾아왔다, / 왜냐하면 소년들이 그들을 향해 나아갈 때 / 호전적인 자세로, / 늑대들은 꼬리를 내리고 / 도망갔다.

  10. ⦁ advanced: 나아가다
    – The army advanced toward the enemy. (군대는 적을 향해 나아갔다.)

    ⦁ terrible: 끔찍한
    – It was a terrible mistake. (그것은 끔찍한 실수였다.)

  11. Now Nibs / rose from the ground, / and the others thought / that his staring eyes / still saw / the wolves.

    이제 닙스가 / 땅에서 일어났고, / 다른 소년들은 / 그가 쳐다보는 눈이 / 여전히 / 늑대들을 보고 있다고 생각했다.

  12. ⦁ rose: 일어났다
    – He rose early in the morning. (그는 아침 일찍 일어났다.)

    ⦁ staring: 쳐다보는
    – She was staring at the painting. (그녀는 그림을 쳐다보고 있었다.)

  13. But it was not / wolves / he saw.

    하지만 그가 본 것은 / 늑대들이 아니었다.

  14. ⦁ saw: 보았다
    – She saw a beautiful flower. (그녀는 아름다운 꽃을 보았다.)

    ⦁ not: ~이 아니다
    – He is not here. (그는 여기 없다.)

  15. “I have seen / a wonderfuller thing,” / he cried, / as they gathered / round him eagerly.

    “나는 훨씬 더 놀라운 것을 봤어,” / 그가 외쳤다, / 그들이 열정적으로 / 그를 둘러모여들 때.

  16. ⦁ seen: 본
    – I have seen this movie before. (나는 이 영화를 본 적 있다.)

    ⦁ wonderfuller: 더 놀라운
    – That’s an even wonderfuller idea. (그것은 훨씬 더 놀라운 아이디어야.)

  17. “A great white bird. / It is flying / this way.”

    “큰 하얀 새가 / 이쪽으로 / 날아오고 있어.”

  18. ⦁ flying: 날고 있는
    – The bird is flying high. (새가 높이 날고 있다.)

    ⦁ great: 큰
    – That is a great achievement. (그것은 큰 업적이다.)

  19. “What kind of a bird, / do you think?”

    “어떤 종류의 새라고 생각해?”

  20. ⦁ think: 생각하다
    – What do you think? (넌 어떻게 생각하니?)

    ⦁ kind: 종류
    – There are many kinds of books. (다양한 종류의 책이 있습니다.)

  21. “I don’t know,” / Nibs said awestruck, / “but it looks so weary, / and as it flies / it moans, / ‘Poor Wendy.’”

    “나는 몰라,” 닙스가 경외심에 차서 말했다, “하지만 그 새는 너무 지쳐 보여, 그리고 날아가면서 / ‘가엾은 웬디야’라고 신음해.”

  22. ⦁ weary: 지친
    – He looked weary after the long trip. (긴 여행 후 그는 지쳐 보였다.)

    ⦁ moans: 신음하다
    – The wind moans through the trees. (바람이 나무 사이로 신음 소리를 냈다.)

  23. “Poor Wendy?”

    “가엾은 웬디?”

  24. ⦁ poor: 가엾은
    – The poor child was crying. (가엾은 아이가 울고 있었다.)

    ⦁ Wendy: 웬디 (이름)
    – Wendy is my friend. (웬디는 내 친구이다.)

  25. “I remember,” / said Slightly instantly, / “there are birds called Wendies.”

    “기억나,” 슬라이틀리가 즉시 말했다, “웬디라고 불리는 새들이 있어.”

  26. ⦁ remember: 기억하다
    – I remember everything. (나는 모든 것을 기억해.)

    ⦁ called: 불리는
    – He is called John. (그는 존이라고 불린다.)

  27. “See, / it comes!” / cried Curly, / pointing to Wendy / in the heavens.

    “봐, / 오고 있어!” / 컬리가 외쳤다, / 하늘의 웬디를 가리키며.

  28. ⦁ pointing: 가리키다
    – He is pointing at the star. (그는 별을 가리키고 있다.)

    ⦁ heavens: 하늘
    – The heavens are clear tonight. (오늘 밤 하늘이 맑다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)