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Peter Pan 006 Chapter VI THE LITTLE HOUSE 006

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Peter Pan 006 – Chapter VI.THE LITTLE HOUSE – 006

“I think she said, ‘Poor Tootles,’” he whispered.

“She lives,” Peter said briefly.

Slightly cried instantly, “The Wendy lady lives.”

Then Peter knelt beside her and found his button.
You remember she had put it on a chain that she wore round her neck.

“See,” he said, “the arrow struck against this.
It is the kiss I gave her.
It has saved her life.”

“I remember kisses,” Slightly interposed quickly, “let me see it.
Ay, that’s a kiss.”

Peter did not hear him.
He was begging Wendy to get better quickly, so that he could show her the mermaids.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. “I think she said, ‘Poor Tootles,'”/ he whispered.

    “내 생각에 그녀가 ‘불쌍한 투틀스’라고 말했어,”라고 그가 속삭였다.

  2. ⦁ think: 생각하다
    – I think you’re right. (내 생각에 네가 맞아.)

    ⦁ whispered: 속삭였다
    – She whispered a secret to me. (그녀는 나에게 비밀을 속삭였다.)

  3. “She lives,”/ Peter said briefly.

    “그녀가 살아있어,”라고 피터가 간단히 말했다.

  4. ⦁ lives: 살아 있다
    – He lives in New York. (그는 뉴욕에 살아.)

    ⦁ briefly: 간단히
    – The meeting was briefly interrupted. (회의가 잠깐 중단되었다.)

  5. Slightly cried instantly, “The Wendy lady lives.”

    슬라이트리는 즉시 외쳤다, “웬디 여인이 살아있어.”

  6. ⦁ cried: 외쳤다
    – She cried out in joy. (그녀는 기뻐서 외쳤다.)

    ⦁ instantly: 즉시
    – He responded instantly. (그는 즉시 답변했다.)

  7. Then/ Peter knelt beside her/ and found his button.

    그때 피터는 그녀 옆에 무릎을 꿇고 자신의 버튼을 찾았다.

  8. ⦁ knelt: 무릎을 꿇다
    – He knelt in front of the altar. (그는 제단 앞에 무릎을 꿇었다.)

    ⦁ button: 단추
    – I sewed a button on my shirt. (나는 셔츠에 단추를 달았다.)

  9. You remember/ she had put it/ on a chain/ that she wore/ round her neck.

    너는 그녀가 그것을 체인에 달아 목에 걸고 다녔던 것을 기억해.

  10. ⦁ remember: 기억하다
    – Do you remember his face? (그의 얼굴을 기억하니?)

    ⦁ chain: 체인
    – She wore a silver chain around her neck. (그녀는 목에 은색 체인을 걸고 다녔다.)

  11. “See,”/ he said,/ “the arrow struck against this./ It is the kiss/ I gave her./ It has saved her life.”

    “봐,” 그가 말했다, “화살이 이것을 쳤어. 이것은 내가 준 키스야. 그게 그녀의 목숨을 구했어.”

  12. ⦁ arrow: 화살
    – The arrow hit the target. (화살이 과녁을 명중했다.)

    ⦁ kiss: 키스
    – She gave him a kiss on the cheek. (그녀는 그의 뺨에 키스를 했다.)

  13. “I remember kisses,”/ Slightly interposed quickly,/ “let me see it./ Ay, that’s a kiss.”

    “나는 키스를 기억해,” 슬라이트리가 빠르게 끼어들며 말했다, “그것을 보여줘. 아, 그건 키스야.”

  14. ⦁ interposed: 끼어들다
    – He interposed during the conversation. (그는 대화 중에 끼어들었다.)

    ⦁ quickly: 빠르게
    – She answered quickly. (그녀는 빠르게 대답했다.)

  15. Peter did not hear him./ He was begging Wendy/ to get better quickly,/ so that he could show her/ the mermaids.

    피터는 그의 말을 듣지 못했다. 그는 웬디에게 빨리 회복하라고 애원하고 있었다, 그녀에게 인어들을 보여주려고.

  16. ⦁ begging: 애원하다
    – He was begging for help. (그는 도움을 구하고 있었다.)

    ⦁ mermaids: 인어
    – The mermaids swam gracefully. (인어들이 우아하게 수영했다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)