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Peter Pan 006 Chapter VI THE LITTLE HOUSE 007

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Peter Pan 006 – Chapter VI.THE LITTLE HOUSE – 007

Of course she could not answer yet, being still in a frightful faint; but from overhead came a wailing note.

“Listen to Tink,” said Curly, “she is crying because the Wendy lives.”

Then they had to tell Peter of Tink’s crime, and almost never had they seen him look so stern.

“Listen, Tinker Bell,” he cried, “I am your friend no more.
Begone from me for ever.”

She flew on to his shoulder and pleaded, but he brushed her off.
Not until Wendy again raised her arm did he relent sufficiently to say, “Well, not for ever, but for a whole week.”

Do you think Tinker Bell was grateful to Wendy for raising her arm? Oh dear no, never wanted to pinch her so much.
Fairies indeed are strange, and Peter, who understood them best, often cuffed them.

But what to do with Wendy in her present delicate state of health?

“Let us carry her down into the house,” Curly suggested.

“Ay,” said Slightly, “that is what one does with ladies.”

“No, no,” Peter said, “you must not touch her.
It would not be sufficiently respectful.”

“That,” said Slightly, “is what I was thinking.”

“But if she lies there,” Tootles said, “she will die.”

“Ay, she will die,” Slightly admitted, “but there is no way out.”

“Yes, there is,” cried Peter.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Of course she could not answer yet, / being still in a frightful faint; / but from overhead came a wailing note.

    물론 그녀는 아직 대답할 수 없었지만, / 끔찍한 실신 상태에 있었기 때문이다; / 하지만 머리 위에서 울부짖는 소리가 들렸다.

  2. ⦁ frightful: 무서운
    – He had a frightful dream last night. (그는 어젯밤 무서운 꿈을 꾸었다.)

    ⦁ wailing: 울부짖음
    – The baby’s wailing could be heard for blocks. (아기의 울부짖음이 여러 구역에서 들렸다.)

  3. “Listen to Tink,” said Curly, / “she is crying because the Wendy lives.”

    “팅크의 소리를 들어 봐,” / 커리가 말했다, / “그녀는 웬디가 살아 있다는 이유로 울고 있어.”

  4. ⦁ crying: 울다
    – The boy was crying for his mother. (그 소년은 엄마를 찾아 울고 있었다.)

    ⦁ lives: 살다
    – She lives in a small village. (그녀는 작은 마을에 산다.)

  5. Then they had to tell Peter of Tink’s crime, / and almost never had they seen him look so stern.

    그런 다음 그들은 / 팅크의 범죄를 피터에게 말해야만 했다, / 그리고 그들은 그가 그렇게 엄격하게 보이는 것을 거의 본 적이 없었다.

  6. ⦁ crime: 범죄
    – Theft is a crime. (절도는 범죄다.)

    ⦁ stern: 엄격한
    – The teacher’s stern look silenced the class. (선생님의 엄격한 표정이 교실을 조용하게 만들었다.)

  7. “Listen, Tinker Bell,” he cried, / “I am your friend no more. / Begone from me for ever.”

    “팅커 벨, 들어 봐,” / 그는 외쳤다, / “나는 더 이상 네 친구가 아니야. / 영원히 내 앞에서 사라져.”

  8. ⦁ friend: 친구
    – He is my best friend. (그는 나의 가장 친한 친구다.)

    ⦁ forever: 영원히
    – She wants to stay here forever. (그녀는 여기에 영원히 머물고 싶어한다.)

  9. She flew on to his shoulder / and pleaded, / but he brushed her off.

    그녀는 그의 어깨에 날아갔다 / 그리고 간청했다, / 하지만 그는 그녀를 내쫓았다.

  10. Not until Wendy again raised her arm / did he relent sufficiently to say, / “Well, not for ever, / but for a whole week.”

    웨디가 다시 팔을 올릴 때까지 / 그는 말할 만큼 충분히 관대해지지 않았다, / “그래, 영원히는 아니지만, / 일주일 동안은.”

  11. ⦁ pleaded: (강하게) 간청했다
    – She pleaded for his forgiveness. (그녀는 그의 용서를 간청했다.)

    ⦁ relents: (마음이) 누그러지다
    – Finally, he relents and agrees to make the trip. (결국 그는 마음이 누그러져 여행을 가기로 동의한다.)

  12. Do you think Tinker Bell was grateful to Wendy / for raising her arm? / Oh dear no, / never wanted to pinch her so much.

    팅커 벨이 웬디에게 고마워했다고 생각하냐고요 / 그녀의 팔을 들어 올린 것 때문에? / 아니, 전혀 고맙지 않았어요, / 그녀를 그렇게 꼬집고 싶었던 적이 없었어요.

  13. ⦁ grateful: 고마워하는
    – She was grateful for their help. (그녀는 그들의 도움에 고마워했다.)

    ⦁ pinch: 꼬집다
    – She had to pinch herself to see if she was dreaming. (그녀는 자신이 꿈을 꾸고 있는지 확인하려고 자신을 꼬집어 보았다.)

  14. Fairies indeed are strange, / and Peter, who understood them best, / often cuffed them.

    요정들은 정말로 이상하다, / 그리고 페터는, 그들을 가장 잘 이해했던, / 종종 그들을 때렸다.

  15. ⦁ fairies: 요정들
    – Fairies are often depicted with wings. (요정들은 종종 날개가 있는 모습으로 그려진다.)

    ⦁ cuffed: 때렸다
    – The guard cuffed the unruly prisoner. (경비원이 제멋대로 행동하는 죄수를 때렸다.)

  16. But what to do with Wendy / in her present delicate state of health?

    하지만 웬디를 어떻게 해야 할까 / 그녀의 현재 연약한 건강 상태에서?

  17. ⦁ delicate: 연약한
    – She has a delicate constitution. (그녀는 연약한 체질을 가지고 있다.)

    ⦁ state: 상태
    – He’s in a bad state after the accident. (그는 사고 후에 나쁜 상태에 있다.)

  18. “Let us carry her down into the house,” / Curly suggested.

    “그녀를 집 아래로 데려가자,” / 커리가 제안했다.

  19. “Ay,” said Slightly, / “that is what one does with ladies.”

    “그래,” / 슬라이트리가 말했다, / “그렇지, 그것이 신사들이 숙녀들에게 하는 일이지.”

  20. ⦁ carry: 나르다
    – He can carry heavy loads. (그는 무거운 짐을 나를 수 있다.)

    ⦁ house: 집
    – They just bought a new house. (그들은 방금 새 집을 샀다.)

  21. “No, no,” Peter said, / “you must not touch her. / It would not be sufficiently respectful.”

    “안돼, 안돼,” 피터가 말했다, / “너희는 그녀를 만지면 안 돼. / 그건 충분히 존중하는 일이 아니야.”

  22. ⦁ touch: 만지다
    – Don’t touch the hot stove. (뜨거운 난로를 만지지 마라.)

    ⦁ respectful: 존중하는
    – Always be respectful to your elders. (항상 연장자를 존중해야 합니다.)

  23. “That,” said Slightly, / “is what I was thinking.”

    “그게,” / 슬라이트리가 말했다, / “내가 생각하고 있던 바야.”

  24. ⦁ thinking: 생각
    – I’m thinking about what to do next. (다음에 무엇을 할지 생각하고 있어.)

    ⦁ sufficiently: 충분히
    – His grades were sufficiently high to get a scholarship. (그의 성적은 장학금을 받을 만큼 충분히 높았다.)

  25. “But if she lies there,” / Tootles said, / “she will die.”

    “하지만 그녀가 저기 누워 있으면,” / 투틀스가 말했다, / “그녀는 죽을 거야.”

  26. “Ay, she will die,” / Slightly admitted, / “but there is no way out.”

    “그래, 그녀는 죽을 거야,” / 슬라이트리가 인정했다, / “하지만 방법이 없어.”

  27. “Yes, there is,”/ cried Peter.

    “방법이 있어,” / 피터가 외쳤다.

  28. ⦁ admitted: 인정했다
    – He admitted his mistakes. (그는 실수를 인정했다.)

    ⦁ die: 죽다
    – Plants die without sunlight. (식물은 햇빛 없이 죽는다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)