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Peter Pan 006 Chapter VI THE LITTLE HOUSE 015

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Peter Pan 006 – Chapter VI.THE LITTLE HOUSE – 015

“Wendy lady,” he said rapidly, “for you we built this house.”

“Oh, say you’re pleased,” cried Nibs.

“Lovely, darling house,” Wendy said, and they were the very words they had hoped she would say.

“And we are your children,” cried the twins.

Then all went on their knees, and holding out their arms cried, “O Wendy lady, be our mother.”

“Ought I?” Wendy said, all shining.
“Of course it’s frightfully fascinating, but you see I am only a little girl.
I have no real experience.”

“That doesn’t matter,” said Peter, as if he were the only person present who knew all about it, though he was really the one who knew least.
“What we need is just a nice motherly person.”

“Oh dear!” Wendy said, “you see, I feel that is exactly what I am.”

“It is, it is,” they all cried; “we saw it at once.”

“Very well,” she said, “I will do my best.
Come inside at once, you naughty children; I am sure your feet are damp.
And before I put you to bed I have just time to finish the story of Cinderella.”

In they went; I don’t know how there was room for them, but you can squeeze very tight in the Neverland.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Wendy lady, / he said rapidly, / for you / we built this house.

    웬디 아주머니, 빨리 말하길, / 당신을 위해 / 이 집을 지었어요.

  2. ⦁ rapidly: 빠르게
    – He spoke rapidly. (그는 빠르게 말했다.)

    ⦁ built: 지었다
    – They built a house. (그들은 집을 지었다.)

  3. Oh, / say you’re pleased, / cried Nibs.

    오, / 기쁘다고 말해줘요, / 닙스가 외쳤다.

  4. ⦁ pleased: 기뻐하는
    – She was pleased with the gift. (그녀는 그 선물을 기뻐했다.)

    ⦁ cried: 외쳤다
    – The crowd cried with joy. (군중은 기쁨으로 외쳤다.)

  5. Lovely, darling house, / Wendy said, / and they / were the very words / they had hoped / she would say.

    예쁜, 사랑스러운 집이에요, / 웬디가 말했다, / 그리고 그들은 / 바로 그 말이 / 그들이 바랐던 / 그녀가 말하길 원했던.

  6. ⦁ lovely: 사랑스러운
    – It was a lovely evening. (사랑스러운 저녁이었다.)

    ⦁ hoped: 희망했다
    – They hoped for the best. (그들은 최선을 희망했다.)

  7. And / we are your children, / cried the twins.

    그리고 / 우리는 당신의 아이들이에요, / 쌍둥이가 외쳤다.

  8. ⦁ children: 아이들
    – The children played in the park. (아이들은 공원에서 놀았다.)

    ⦁ cried: 외쳤다
    – She cried out in surprise. (그녀는 놀라 외쳤다.)

  9. Then / all went / on their knees, / and holding out / their arms cried, / O Wendy lady, / be our mother.

    그러고는 / 모두 무릎을 꿇고, / 팔을 뻗으며 외쳤다, / 오 웬디 아주머니, / 우리의 엄마가 되어 주세요.

  10. ⦁ knees: 무릎
    – He fell to his knees. (그는 무릎을 꿇었다.)

    ⦁ mother: 엄마
    – She is a wonderful mother. (그녀는 훌륭한 엄마이다.)

  11. Ought I? / Wendy said, all shining. / Of course / it’s frightfully fascinating, / but you see / I am only a little girl.
    I have no real experience.

    내가 그래야 하나요? / 웬디가 빛나며 말했다. / 물론 / 정말 매력적이지만, / 알다시피 / 저는 아직 작은 소녀에요.
    저는 정말 경험이 없어요.

  12. ⦁ fascinating: 매력적인
    – The story was fascinating. (그 이야기는 매력적이었다.)

    ⦁ experience: 경험
    – She has a lot of experience. (그녀는 많은 경험이 있다.)

  13. That doesn’t matter, / said Peter, / as if he were / the only person present / who knew all about it, / though / he was really / the one who knew least.

    그건 상관없어요, / 피터가 말했다, / 마치 그가 / 유일하게 그것에 대해 아는 사람인 것처럼, / 하지만 / 실제로 / 그는 가장 몰랐던 사람이었다.

  14. ⦁ matter: 문제
    – It doesn’t matter at all. (전혀 문제가 되지 않는다.)

    ⦁ least: 가장 적은
    – He has the least experience. (그는 가장 적은 경험을 가지고 있다.)

  15. What we need / is just a nice motherly person.

    우리가 필요한 건 / 그저 다정한 어머니 같은 사람이에요.

  16. ⦁ motherly: 어머니 같은
    – She has a motherly touch. (그녀는 어머니 같은 손길을 가지고 있다.)

    ⦁ person: 사람
    – She is a kind person. (그녀는 친절한 사람이다.)

  17. Oh dear! / Wendy said, / you see, / I feel / that is exactly / what I am.

    오, 맙소사! / 웬디가 말했다, / 보세요, / 제가 느끼기에 / 그것이 딱 / 제가 어떤 사람이라는 거에요.

  18. ⦁ exactly: 정확히
    – That is exactly what I mean. (그것이 정확히 내가 말하려는 바이다.)

    ⦁ feel: 느끼다
    – I feel happy today. (오늘 나는 행복하다고 느낀다.)

  19. It is, / it is, / they all cried; / we saw it / at once.

    그렇다, / 그렇다, / 모두가 외쳤다; / 우리는 그걸 / 한 눈에 알아봤다.

  20. ⦁ cried: 외쳤다
    – She cried out in excitement. (그녀는 흥분을 외쳤다.)

    ⦁ at once: 한 번에
    – She completed the task at once. (그녀는 그 일을 한 번에 해냈다.)

  21. Very well, / she said, / I will do / my best.
    Come inside / at once, / you naughty children; / I am sure / your feet / are damp.
    And before / I put you to bed / I have just time / to finish the story of Cinderella.

    좋아요, / 그녀가 말했다, / 최선을 다할게요.
    어서 들어와요, / 말썽쟁이 애들아; / 나는 확신해요, / 너희들의 발이 / 젖었을 거에요.
    그리고 잠들기 전에, / 신데렐라 이야기를 / 마칠 시간이 있어요.

  22. ⦁ naughty: 말썽쟁이
    – He is a naughty boy. (그는 말썽쟁이 소년이다.)

    ⦁ finish: 마치다
    – She needs to finish her homework. (그녀는 숙제를 마쳐야 한다.)

  23. In they went; / I don’t know / how there was room / for them, / but you can squeeze / very tight / in the Neverland.

    그들이 들어갔어요; / 어떻게 자리가 / 있는지는 모르겠어요, / 하지만 네버랜드에서는 / 꽉 끼워 넣을 수 있어요.

  24. ⦁ went: 갔다
    – They went to the park. (그들은 공원에 갔다.)

    ⦁ room: 공간
    – There is room for improvement. (개선할 여지가 있다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)