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Peter Pan 007 Chapter VII THE HOME UNDER THE GROUND 003

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Peter Pan 007 – Chapter VII.THE HOME UNDER THE GROUND – 003

By tea-time it was always about two feet high, and then they put a door on top of it, the whole thus becoming a table; as soon as they cleared away, they sawed off the trunk again, and thus there was more room to play.
There was an enormous fireplace which was in almost any part of the room where you cared to light it, and across this Wendy stretched strings, made of fibre, from which she suspended her washing.
The bed was tilted against the wall by day, and let down at 6:30, when it filled nearly half the room; and all the boys slept in it, except Michael, lying like sardines in a tin.
There was a strict rule against turning round until one gave the signal, when all turned at once.
Michael should have used it also, but Wendy would have a baby, and he was the littlest, and you know what women are, and the short and long of it is that he was hung up in a basket.

It was rough and simple, and not unlike what baby bears would have made of an underground house in the same circumstances.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. By tea-time / it was always about two feet high, / and then / they put a door on top of it, / the whole thus becoming a table;

    차 시간까지 / 항상 약 두 피트 높이였고, / 그러고 나서 / 그것 위에 문을 얹어서, / 전체가 테이블이 되었다;

  2. ⦁ door: 문
    – She opened the door quietly. (그녀는 조용히 문을 열었다.)

    ⦁ table: 테이블
    – The book is on the table. (그 책은 테이블 위에 있다.)

  3. As soon as they cleared away, / they sawed off the trunk again, / and thus / there was more room to play.

    그들이 치우자마자, / 다시 나무 몸통을 톱질해 잘랐고, / 그래서 / 놀 공간이 더 많이 생겼다.

  4. ⦁ trunk: 나무 몸통
    – The trunk of the tree is very thick. (그 나무의 몸통은 매우 두껍다.)

    ⦁ room: 공간, 방
    – There is no room for improvement. (개선의 여지가 없다.)

  5. There was an enormous fireplace / which was in almost any part of the room / where you cared to light it, / and across this / Wendy stretched strings, / made of fibre, / from which she suspended her washing.

    거대한 벽난로가 있었고 / 방의 거의 모든 부분에 있어서 / 마음대로 불을 붙일 수 있었고, / 그것을 가로질러 / Wendy는 끈을 걸었으며, / 섬유로 만들어졌고, / 그녀의 빨래를 걸었다.

  6. ⦁ fireplace: 벽난로
    – They sat around the fireplace. (그들은 벽난로 주변에 앉았다.)

    ⦁ suspended: 걸다, 매달다
    – The lamp was suspended from the ceiling. (램프가 천장에 매달려 있었다.)

  7. The bed / was tilted against the wall by day, / and let down at 6:30, / when it filled nearly half the room; / and all the boys slept in it, / except Michael, / lying like sardines in a tin.

    침대는 / 낮에는 벽에 기울어져 있었고, / 6시 30분에 내려와, / 방의 절반을 채웠다; / 모든 소년들이 그 안에서 잤고, / Michael을 제외하고, / 마치 통조림에 든 정어리처럼 누워 있었다.

  8. ⦁ tilted: 기울어진
    – The painting was tilted slightly. (그 그림은 약간 기울어져 있었다.)

    ⦁ sardines: 정어리
    – The can was filled with sardines. (그 통조림은 정어리로 가득 찼다.)

  9. There was a strict rule / against turning round / until one gave the signal, / when all turned at once.

    엄격한 규칙이 있었다 / 돌아서는 것에 대해 / 신호를 주기 전까지는, / 신호를 주면 모두 동시에 돌아섰다.

  10. ⦁ strict: 엄격한
    – He is a strict teacher. (그는 엄격한 선생님이다.)

    ⦁ signal: 신호
    – Wait for my signal. (내 신호를 기다려.)

  11. Michael / should have used it also, / but Wendy / would have a baby, / and he was the littlest, / and you know what women are, / and the short and long of it / is that he was hung up in a basket.

    Michael도 사용했어야 했지만, / Wendy가 / 아기를 데리고 있었고, / 그는 가장 작았다, / 그리고 넌 여자가 어떤지 아니, / 결론적으로 / 그는 바구니에 매달려 있었다.

  12. ⦁ littlest: 가장 작은
    – She was the littlest in her class. (그녀는 반에서 가장 작았다.)

    ⦁ basket: 바구니
    – The eggs are in the basket. (달걀들은 바구니 안에 있다.)

  13. It was rough and simple, / and not unlike what baby bears would have made / of an underground house / in the same circumstances.

    그것은 거칠고 단순했으며, / 아기 곰들이 만들었을 법한 것과 비슷했다 / 지하 집을 / 같은 상황에서.

  14. ⦁ rough: 거친
    – The surface was rough. (표면이 거칠었다.)

    ⦁ underground: 지하의
    – They went into the underground cave. (그들은 지하 동굴로 갔다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)