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Peter Pan 007 Chapter VII THE HOME UNDER THE GROUND 004

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Peter Pan 007 – Chapter VII.THE HOME UNDER THE GROUND – 004

But there was one recess in the wall, no larger than a bird-cage, which was the private apartment of Tinker Bell.
It could be shut off from the rest of the house by a tiny curtain, which Tink, who was most fastidious, always kept drawn when dressing or undressing.
No woman, however large, could have had a more exquisite boudoir and bed-chamber combined.
The couch, as she always called it, was a genuine Queen Mab, with club legs; and she varied the bedspreads according to what fruit-blossom was in season.
Her mirror was a Puss-in-Boots, of which there are now only three, unchipped, known to fairy dealers; the washstand was Pie-crust and reversible, the chest of drawers an authentic Charming the Sixth, and the carpet and rugs the best (the early) period of Margery and Robin.
There was a chandelier from Tiddlywinks for the look of the thing, but of course she lit the residence herself.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. But there was one recess / in the wall, / no larger than / a bird-cage, / which was the private apartment / of Tinker Bell.

    하지만 벽에는 한 군데 움푹 들어간 곳이 있었는데, 새장 크기만한 크기로, 팅커벨의 개인 아파트였습니다.

    ⦁ recess: 움푹 들어간 곳
    – The children played in the recess. (아이들이 움푹 들어간 곳에서 놀았다.)

    ⦁ apartment: 아파트
    – She lives in a small apartment. (그녀는 작은 아파트에 삽니다.)

  2. It could be shut off / from the rest / of the house / by a tiny curtain, / which Tink, / who was most fastidious, / always kept drawn / when dressing / or undressing.

    그곳은 작은 커튼으로 집의 나머지 부분과 분리될 수 있었고, 매우 깔끔한 팅크는 옷을 입거나 벗을 때 항상 커튼이 쳐져 있었습니다.

    ⦁ fastidious: 깔끔한
    – He was always fastidious about his appearance. (그는 항상 외모에 깔끔했다.)

    ⦁ drawn: 쳐진
    – The curtains were drawn across the window. (커튼이 창문에 쳐져 있었습니다.)

  3. No woman, / however large, / could have had / a more exquisite boudoir / and bed-chamber combined.

    아무리 큰 여자라 할지라도, 이보다 더 아름다운 작은 침실과 침실을 합쳐서 가질 수는 없었습니다.

    ⦁ exquisite: 아름다운
    – The painting was absolutely exquisite. (그 그림은 정말 아름다웠다.)

    ⦁ combined: 합쳐진
    – The two companies combined their resources. (두 회사는 자원을 합쳤다.)

  4. The couch, / as she always called it, / was a genuine Queen Mab, / with club legs; / and she varied the bedspreads / according to what fruit-blossom / was in season.

    그녀가 항상 부르던 그 소파는, 진짜 퀸 맵, 다리가 있는 소파였고, 그녀는 계절에 따라 과일 꽃에 맞춰 이불을 다양하게 바꿨습니다.

    ⦁ genuine: 진짜의
    – This is a genuine antique. (이것은 진짜 골동품입니다.)

    ⦁ season: 계절
    – The season changed from summer to fall. (계절이 여름에서 가을로 바뀌었다.)

  5. Her mirror / was a Puss-in-Boots, / of which there are now / only three, / unchipped, / known to fairy dealers; / the washstand / was Pie-crust and reversible, / the chest of drawers / an authentic Charming the Sixth, / and the carpet and rugs / the best (the early) / period of Margery and Robin.

    그녀의 거울은, 이제 무결점으로 알려진, 요정 상인들에게 알려진 세 개 밖에 없는 Puss-in-Boots였고, 세면대는 Pie-crust와 리버시블이었으며, 서랍장은 진짜 Charming the Sixth이었으며, 카펫과 러그는 Margery와 Robin의 가장 초기의 것이었습니다.

    ⦁ mirror: 거울
    – She looked at herself in the mirror. (그녀는 거울에 비친 자신을 보았다.)

    ⦁ authentic: 진짜의
    – They have authentic Italian pizza. (그들은 진짜 이탈리아 피자를 제공합니다.)

  6. There was a chandelier / from Tiddlywinks / for the look / of the thing, / but of course / she lit the residence / herself.

    거기에는 분위기를 위해 Tiddlywinks에서 가져온 샹들리에가 있었지만, 물론 그녀는 집을 직접 밝히곤 했습니다.

    ⦁ chandelier: 샹들리에
    – The chandelier hung from the ceiling. (샹들리에가 천장에서 걸려 있었다.)

    ⦁ residence: 집
    – They moved into a new residence. (그들은 새 집으로 이사했다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)