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Peter Pan 007 – Chapter VII.THE HOME UNDER THE GROUND – 010
He boasted that he had gone walking for the good of his health.For several suns these were the most novel of all adventures to him; and John and Michael had to pretend to be delighted also; otherwise he would have treated them severely.He often went out alone, and when he came back you were never absolutely certain whether he had had an adventure or not.He might have forgotten it so completely that he said nothing about it; and then when you went out you found the body; and, on the other hand, he might say a great deal about it, and yet you could not find the body.Sometimes he came home with his head bandaged, and then Wendy cooed over him and bathed it in lukewarm water, while he told a dazzling tale.But she was never quite sure, you know.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
He boasted / that he had gone walking / for the good / of his health.
그는 건강을 위해 산책을 다녀왔다고 자랑했다.
For several suns / these were the most novel / of all adventures to him; and John and Michael had to pretend / to be delighted also; otherwise he would have treated them / severely.
여러 날 동안 이것들은 그에게 가장 새로운 모험이었다;그래서 존과 마이클은 그들 또한 즐거운 것처럼 행동해야 했다;그렇지 않으면 그는 그들을 심하게 대했을 것이다.
He often went out alone, / and when he came back / you were never absolutely certain / whether he had had an adventure or not.
그는 자주 혼자 나갔고, 돌아왔을 때 / 그가 모험을 했는지 확실하지 않았다.
He might have forgotten it / so completely / that he said nothing about it; and then / when you went out / you found the body; and, on the other hand, / he might say a great deal about it, / and yet you could not find the body.
그는 그것을 완전히 잊어버려 / 아무 말도 하지 않았을 수도 있다; 그리고 네가 나갔을 때 / 시신을 발견했을 것이다; 반면에, 그는 그것에 대해 많이 말할 수도 있지만 / 시신을 발견하지 못할 수도 있다.
Sometimes he came home / with his head bandaged, / and then Wendy cooed over him / and bathed it / in lukewarm water, / while he told a dazzling tale.But she was never quite sure, you know.
때때로 그는 머리에 붕대를 감고 집에 왔다, / 그러면 웬디는 그를 어르고 / 미지근한 물로 씻겨주었다, / 그가 멋진 이야기를 말하는 동안.하지만 그녀는 결코 확신하지 못했다, 알겠지.
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