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Peter Pan 007 – Chapter VII.THE HOME UNDER THE GROUND – 011
There were, however, many adventures which she knew to be true because she was in them herself, and there were still more that were at least partly true, for the other boys were in them and said they were wholly true.To describe them all would require a book as large as an English-Latin, Latin-English Dictionary, and the most we can do is to give one as a specimen of an average hour on the island.The difficulty is which one to choose.Should we take the brush with the redskins at Slightly Gulch? It was a sanguinary affair, and especially interesting as showing one of Peter’s peculiarities, which was that in the middle of a fight he would suddenly change sides.At the Gulch, when victory was still in the balance, sometimes leaning this way and sometimes that, he called out, “I’m redskin to-day; what are you, Tootles?” And Tootles answered, “Redskin; what are you, Nibs?” and Nibs said, “Redskin; what are you Twin?” and so on; and they were all redskins; and of course this would have ended the fight had not the real redskins fascinated by Peter’s methods, agreed to be lost boys for that once, and so at it they all went again, more fiercely than ever.The extraordinary upshot of this adventure was—but we have not decided yet that this is the adventure we are to narrate.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
There were, / however, / many adventures / which she knew / to be true / because / she was in them / herself, / and there were still more / that were / at least partly true, / for the other boys were in them / and said / they were / wholly true.
그러나 그녀가 직접 겪어서 진실임을 알고 있는 많은 모험들이 있었고, 더 많은 모험들이 부분적으로나마 진실이었다, 왜냐하면 다른 소년들도 그 모험에 있었고, 그들이 전적으로 진실이라고 했기 때문이다.
To describe them all / would require / a book as large as / an English-Latin, / Latin-English Dictionary, / and the most we can do / is to give / one as a specimen / of an average hour on the island.
그 모든 것을 설명하려면 영어-라틴어, 라틴어-영어 사전만큼 큰 책이 필요하고, 우리가 할 수 있는 최대한은 섬에서의 평균적인 시간을 예로 하나를 주는 것이다.
The difficulty is / which one to choose.
문제는 어떤 것을 선택할지다.
Should we take / the brush with the redskins / at Slightly Gulch?
Slightly Gulch에서 빨간 피부 원주민들과의 싸움을 택해야 할까?
It was / a sanguinary affair, / and especially interesting / as showing / one of Peter’s peculiarities, / which was / that in the middle of a fight / he would suddenly change sides.
그 싸움은 피비린내 나는 일이었고, 특히 흥미로웠는데, 이는 싸움 중간에 피터가 갑자기 편을 바꾼다는 그의 특징을 보여주었기 때문이다.
At the Gulch, / when victory was / still in the balance, / sometimes leaning this way / and sometimes that, / he called out, / “I’m redskin to-day; / what are you, Tootles?”
Gulch에서, 승리가 아직 균형을 잡고 있을 때, 때로는 이쪽으로 기울고 때로는 저쪽으로 기울 때, 그는 외쳤다, “오늘은 내가 빨간 피부야; 너는 뭐야, Tootles?”
And Tootles answered, / “Redskin; / what are you, Nibs?”
Tootles가 대답했다, “나는 빨간 피부야; 너는 뭐야, Nibs?”
and Nibs said, / “Redskin; / what are you Twin?”
그리고 닙스는 말했다, “빨간 피부야; 너는 뭐야 Twin?”
and so on; / and they were all / redskins; / and of course / this would have ended the fight / had not the real redskins / fascinated by Peter’s methods, / agreed to be lost boys / for that once, / and so at it / they all went again, / more fiercely than ever.
등등; 그래서 그들은 모두 빨간 피부가 되었고, 물론 이것은 싸움을 끝냈을 것이다, 만약 진짜 빨간 피부들이 피터의 방법에 매료되어, 그때만큼은 길 잃은 소년들이 되는 것에 동의하지 않았다면, 그래서 그들은 다시 더 격렬하게 싸웠다.
The extraordinary upshot / of this adventure / was—but we have not decided yet / that this is the adventure / we are to narrate.
이 모험의 기묘한 결말은—그러나 우리가 아직 이 모험을 이야기할지 결정하지 않았다.
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