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Peter Pan 007 – Chapter VII.THE HOME UNDER THE GROUND – 012
Perhaps a better one would be the night attack by the redskins on the house under the ground, when several of them stuck in the hollow trees and had to be pulled out like corks.Or we might tell how Peter saved Tiger Lily’s life in the Mermaids’ Lagoon, and so made her his ally.Or we could tell of that cake the pirates cooked so that the boys might eat it and perish; and how they placed it in one cunning spot after another; but always Wendy snatched it from the hands of her children, so that in time it lost its succulence, and became as hard as a stone, and was used as a missile, and Hook fell over it in the dark.Or suppose we tell of the birds that were Peter’s friends, particularly of the Never bird that built in a tree overhanging the lagoon, and how the nest fell into the water, and still the bird sat on her eggs, and Peter gave orders that she was not to be disturbed.That is a pretty story, and the end shows how grateful a bird can be; but if we tell it we must also tell the whole adventure of the lagoon, which would of course be telling two adventures rather than just one.A shorter adventure, and quite as exciting, was Tinker Bell’s attempt, with the help of some street fairies, to have the sleeping Wendy conveyed on a great floating leaf to the mainland.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Perhaps a better one / would be / the night attack / by the redskins / on the house under the ground, / when several of them / stuck in the hollow trees / and had to be pulled out / like corks.
아마도 더 나은 이야기는 밤에 붉은 피부들이 지하에 있는 집을 공격한 장면일 것입니다. 그들이 여러 명이 나무 속에 갇혀서 마치 코르크처럼 끌어내야 했던 이야기가 있습니다.
Or we might tell / how Peter saved Tiger Lily’s life / in the Mermaids’ Lagoon, / and so made her / his ally.
또는 우리가 피터가 인어의 석호에서 타이거 릴리의 생명을 구하고 그녀를 자신의 동맹으로 만든 이야기를 할 수도 있습니다.
Or we could tell / of that cake the pirates cooked / so that the boys might eat it / and perish; / and how they placed it / in one cunning spot / after another; / but always Wendy snatched it / from the hands of her children, / so that in time / it lost its succulence, / and became as hard / as a stone, / and was used as a missile, / and Hook fell over it / in the dark.
또한 해적들이 소년들이 먹고 죽기를 바라며 만든 케이크에 대한 이야기를 할 수도 있습니다. 그 케이크를 이곳저곳에 교묘하게 숨겼지만, 웬디는 항상 그것을 아이들의 손에서 빼앗아 결국 그것이 신선함을 잃고 돌처럼 단단해져서 무기로 사용되었고, 후크가 어둠 속에서 그것에 걸려 넘어졌습니다.
Or suppose we tell / of the birds / that were Peter’s friends, / particularly / of the Never bird / that built in a tree / overhanging the lagoon, / and how the nest fell / into the water, / and still the bird sat / on her eggs, / and Peter gave orders / that she was not to be disturbed.
또는 피터의 친구였던 새들에 대한 이야기, 특히 석호 위에 나무에 둥지를 지었던 네버버드에 대한 이야기를 할 수도 있습니다. 둥지가 물속으로 떨어졌는데도 여전히 그녀는 알들을 품고 있었고, 피터는 그녀를 건드리지 말라는 명령을 내렸습니다.
That is a pretty story, / and the end shows / how grateful a bird can be; / but if we tell it / we must also tell / the whole adventure / of the lagoon, / which would of course be / telling two adventures / rather than just one.
그것은 아름다운 이야기이며, 끝은 새가 얼마나 감사할 수 있는지를 보여줍니다. 하지만 그것을 이야기하려면 석호의 모든 모험을 함께 이야기해야 하므로, 결국 하나 이상의 두 가지 이야기를 하게 될 것입니다.
A shorter adventure, / and quite as exciting, / was Tinker Bell’s attempt, / with the help of some street fairies, / to have the sleeping Wendy conveyed / on a great floating leaf / to the mainland.
더 짧은 모험이지만 매우 흥미진진했던 것은 팅커벨이 몇몇 거리 요정들의 도움을 받아 자고 있는 웬디를 큰 떠 있는 나뭇잎에 실어 육지로 옮기려 했던 시도였습니다.
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