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Peter Pan 008 Chapter VIII THE MERMAIDS LAGOON 012

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Peter Pan 008 – Chapter VIII.THE MERMAIDS’ LAGOON – 012

“Where is the redskin?” he demanded abruptly.

He had a playful humour at moments, and they thought this was one of the moments.

“That is all right, captain,” Smee answered complacently; “we let her go.”

“Let her go!” cried Hook.

“’Twas your own orders,” the bo’sun faltered.

“You called over the water to us to let her go,” said Starkey.

“Brimstone and gall,” thundered Hook, “what cozening is going on here!” His face had gone black with rage, but he saw that they believed their words, and he was startled.
“Lads,” he said, shaking a little, “I gave no such order.”

“It is passing queer,” Smee said, and they all fidgeted uncomfortably.
Hook raised his voice, but there was a quiver in it.

“Spirit that haunts this dark lagoon to-night,” he cried, “dost hear me?”

Of course Peter should have kept quiet, but of course he did not.
He immediately answered in Hook’s voice:

“Odds, bobs, hammer and tongs, I hear you.”

In that supreme moment Hook did not blanch, even at the gills, but Smee and Starkey clung to each other in terror.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. “Where is / the redskin?” / he demanded / abruptly.

    “붉은 피부는 어디 있지?” / 그가 갑자기 물었다.

  2. ⦁ demanded: 요구했다
    – She demanded an explanation. (그녀는 설명을 요구했다.)

    ⦁ abruptly: 갑자기
    – He abruptly left the meeting. (그는 회의를 갑자기 떠났다.)

  3. He had / a playful humour / at moments, / and they thought / this was one / of the moments.

    그는 가끔 / 장난스런 유머를 가졌고, / 그들은 이 순간이 / 그 중 하나라고 / 생각했다.

  4. ⦁ playful: 장난기 많은
    – The dog was in a playful mood. (그 개는 장난기 많은 상태였다.)

    ⦁ moments: 순간들
    – She lived for those precious moments. (그녀는 그 소중한 순간을 위해 살았다.)

  5. “That is / all right, / captain,” / Smee answered / complacently; “we let her go.”

    “그건 / 괜찮습니다, / 선장님,” / 스미가 / 자만스럽게 대답했다; “우리는 그녀를 놓아주었습니다.”

  6. ⦁ answered: 대답했다
    – She answered all the questions correctly. (그녀는 모든 질문에 정확히 대답했다.)

    ⦁ complacently: 자기 만족스럽게
    – He smiled complacently at his reflection. (그는 자기 모습을 보고 자기 만족스럽게 웃었다.)

  7. “Let her go!” / cried Hook.

    “그녀를 놓아줬다고!” / 후크가 외쳤다.

  8. ⦁ cried: 외쳤다
    – The baby cried all night. (아기는 밤새 울었다.)

    ⦁ go: 가다
    – Please let me go. (제발 나를 가도록 해줘.)

  9. “’Twas your / own orders,” / the bo’sun / faltered.

    “그건 / 선장님의 명령이었습니다,” / 항해사가 / 주저하며 말했다.

  10. ⦁ orders: 명령
    – Follow the captain’s orders. (선장님의 명령을 따르세요.)

    ⦁ faltered: 주저하다
    – His voice faltered as he began to speak. (그가 말을 시작하려 하자 그의 목소리가 떨렸다.)

  11. “You called / over the water / to us / to let her go,” / said Starkey.

    “선장님은 / 물 너머로 / 우리에게 / 그녀를 놓아주라고 / 말했다,” / 스타키가 말했다.

  12. ⦁ called: 불렀다
    – She called my name. (그녀가 내 이름을 불렀다.)

    ⦁ water: 물
    – The water was cold. (물이 차가웠다.)

  13. “Brimstone and gall,” / thundered Hook, / “what cozening / is going on / here!”

    “천벌이 있을지어다,” / 후크가 크게 외쳤다, / “여기서 / 무슨 사기가 / 벌어지고 있는 거야!”

  14. ⦁ thundered: 크게 외쳤다
    – He thundered at his employees. (그는 직원들에게 크게 외쳤다.)

    ⦁ cozening: 사기
    – She was accused of cozening the company. (그녀는 회사로부터 사기를 친 혐의를 받았다.)

  15. His face / had gone black / with rage, / but he saw / that they believed / their words, / and he was / startled.

    그의 얼굴은 / 분노로 / 검게 변했지만, / 그는 그들이 / 자신의 말을 / 믿고 있음을 / 보았고, / 그도 놀랐다.

  16. ⦁ rage: 분노
    – His rage was uncontrollable. (그의 분노는 통제할 수 없었다.)

    ⦁ startled: 놀란
    – She was startled by the noise. (그녀는 그 소리에 놀랐다.)

  17. “Lads,” / he said, / shaking a little, / “I gave / no such order.”

    “얘들아,” / 그가 말했다, / 약간 떨며, / “나는 / 그런 명령을 내린 적이 없다.”

  18. ⦁ shaking: 떨리는
    – Her hands were shaking. (그녀의 손이 떨리고 있었다.)

    ⦁ order: 명령
    – He gave the final order. (그는 최후의 명령을 내렸다.)

  19. “It is passing / queer,” / Smee said, / and they all / fidgeted / uncomfortably.

    “참 이상하군요,” / Smee가 말했다, / 그리고 그들 모두 / 불편하게 / 뒤척였다.

  20. ⦁ passing: 꽤
    – It was a passing fancy. (그것은 한순간의 취미였다.)

    ⦁ queer: 이상한
    – That noise was queer. (그 소리는 이상했다.)

  21. Hook raised / his voice, / but there / was a quiver / in it.

    후크가 / 목소리를 높였으나, / 그 속에 / 떨림이 있었다.

  22. ⦁ raised: 올렸다
    – She raised her hand. (그녀는 손을 올렸다.)

    ⦁ quiver: 떨림
    – There was a quiver in his voice. (그의 목소리에 떨림이 있었다.)

  23. “Spirit that haunts / this dark lagoon / to-night,” / he cried, / “dost hear me?”

    “오늘 밤 / 이 어두운 석호를 / 떠도는 영혼이여,” / 그가 외쳤다, / “내 말을 듣고 있느냐?”

  24. ⦁ haunts: 떠돌다
    – The ghost haunts the old mansion. (그 유령은 오래된 대저택을 떠돈다.)

    ⦁ lagoon: 석호
    – They went swimming in the lagoon. (그들은 석호에서 수영을 했다.)

  25. Of course / Peter should have / kept quiet, / but of course / he did not.

    물론 / 피터는 조용히 / 있어야 했지만, / 당연히 / 그는 그러지 않았다.

  26. ⦁ should have: ~했어야 했다
    – You should have called me. (너는 나에게 전화했어야 했어.)

    ⦁ kept: 유지했다
    – He kept the secret. (그는 비밀을 지켰다.)

  27. He immediately / answered in Hook’s voice:

    “Odds, bobs, / hammer and tongs, / I hear you.”

    그는 즉시 / 후크의 목소리로 / 대답했다:

    “이런, / 망치와 집게처럼, / 나는 너를 듣고 있다.”

  28. ⦁ immediately: 즉시
    – She immediately called for help. (그녀는 즉시 도움을 요청했다.)

    ⦁ hammer: 망치
    – He used a hammer to fix it. (그는 그것을 고치기 위해 망치를 사용했다.)

  29. In that supreme moment / Hook did not blanch, / even at the gills, / but Smee and Starkey / clung to each other / in terror.

    그 최고의 순간에 / 후크는 얼굴이 / 창백해지지 않았지만, / 스미와 스타키는 / 서로에게 / 두려움에 / 붙잡혔다.

  30. ⦁ supreme: 최고의
    – She achieved supreme success. (그녀는 최고의 성공을 거두었다.)

    ⦁ terror: 두려움
    – The movie filled her with terror. (그 영화는 그녀에게 두려움을 안겨주었다.)

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