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Peter Pan 009 Chapter IX THE NEVER BIRD 002

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Peter Pan 009 – Chapter IX.THE NEVER BIRD – 002

By working her wings, in a way she had learned since the nest fell into the water, she was able to some extent to guide her strange craft, but by the time Peter recognised her she was very exhausted.
She had come to save him, to give him her nest, though there were eggs in it.
I rather wonder at the bird, for though he had been nice to her, he had also sometimes tormented her.
I can suppose only that, like Mrs.
Darling and the rest of them, she was melted because he had all his first teeth.

She called out to him what she had come for, and he called out to her what she was doing there; but of course neither of them understood the other’s language.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. By working her wings, / in a way she had learned / since the nest fell into the water, / she was able / to some extent / to guide her strange craft, / but by the time Peter recognised her / she was very exhausted.

    날개를 사용해서, / 둥지가 물에 빠진 이후 / 그녀가 배운 방식으로, / 그녀는 어느 정도 / 이상한 배를 / 조종할 수 있었어요, / 하지만 피터가 그녀를 알아차렸을 때쯤에는 / 그녀는 매우 지쳐있었습니다.

  2. ⦁ exhausted: 기진맥진한
    – She felt exhausted / after the long journey. (긴 여행 후 그녀는 / 기진맥진했다.)

    ⦁ recognised: 알아보다
    – He recognised his old friend / in the crowd. (그는 군중 속에서 / 오래된 친구를 알아봤다.)

  3. She had come / to save him, / to give him her nest, / though there were eggs in it.

    그녀는 왔어요 / 그를 구하기 위해, / 그녀의 둥지를 주기 위해, / 비록 그 안에 알들이 있었지만.

  4. ⦁ save: 구하다
    – The hero tried / to save the village. (영웅은 마을을 / 구하려고 노력했다.)

    ⦁ though: 비록 ~일지라도
    – Though it was raining, / they went hiking. (비록 비가 오고 있었지만, / 그들은 하이킹을 갔다.)

  5. I rather wonder / at the bird, / for though he had been nice to her, / he had also sometimes tormented her.

    나는 약간 의아해요 / 새에 대해서, / 왜냐하면 그가 그녀에게 친절했지만, / 때때로 그녀를 괴롭혔기 때문이에요.

  6. ⦁ wonder: 궁금해하다
    – I wonder / what will happen next. (다음에 무슨 일이 일어날지 / 궁금해요.)

    ⦁ tormented: 괴롭힌
    – The bully constantly tormented / the younger kids. (그 불량배는 계속해서 / 어린아이들을 괴롭혔다.)

  7. I can suppose only that, / like Mrs. Darling and the rest of them, / she was melted / because he had all his first teeth.

    나는 단지 추측할 수 있어요, / 달링 부인과 나머지 사람들처럼, / 그녀가 마음이 녹았다고 / 그가 첫 번째 이를 모두 가지고 있기 때문에.

  8. ⦁ suppose: 추측하다
    – I suppose / we should go soon. (나는 우리가 / 곧 가야 한다고 추측해요.)

    ⦁ melted: 마음이 녹은
    – His kind words melted / her heart. (그의 상냥한 말들은 / 그녀의 마음을 녹였다.)

  9. She called out to him / what she had come for, / and he called out to her / what she was doing there; / but of course / neither of them understood / the other’s language.

    그녀는 그에게 소리쳤어요 / 그녀가 왜 왔는지, / 그리고 그는 그녀에게 소리쳤어요 / 그녀가 거기서 뭐하고 있는지; / 하지만 당연히 / 그들 둘 다 이해하지 못했어요 / 서로의 언어를.

  10. ⦁ called out: 소리치다
    – She called out / his name. (그녀는 / 그의 이름을 소리쳤다.)

    ⦁ understood: 이해하다
    – He understood / the lesson perfectly. (그는 수업을 / 완벽히 이해했다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)