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Peter Pan 009 – Chapter IX.THE NEVER BIRD – 006
The Never bird saw at once what he was up to, and screamed her admiration of him; and, alas, Peter crowed his agreement with her.Then he got into the nest, reared the stave in it as a mast, and hung up his shirt for a sail.At the same moment the bird fluttered down upon the hat and once more sat snugly on her eggs.She drifted in one direction, and he was borne off in another, both cheering.Of course when Peter landed he beached his barque in a place where the bird would easily find it; but the hat was such a great success that she abandoned the nest.It drifted about till it went to pieces, and often Starkey came to the shore of the lagoon, and with many bitter feelings watched the bird sitting on his hat.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The Never bird / saw at once / what he was up to, / and screamed / her admiration of him; / and, alas, Peter / crowed his agreement with her.
네버버드는 즉시 / 그가 무슨 짓을 하고 있는지 알아차렸고, / 그의 행동에 찬사를 외쳤다; / 불행하게도, 피터는 / 그녀에게 동의하며 환호했다.
⦁ admiration: 찬사, 감탄 – She gazed at the painting in admiration. (그녀는 그림을 감탄하며 바라봤다.) ⦁ agreement: 동의, 합의 – They reached an agreement after long discussions. (그들은 긴 토론 끝에 합의에 도달했다.) -
Then he / got into the nest, / reared the stave / in it / as a mast, / and hung up his shirt / for a sail.
그러고 나서 그는 / 둥지로 들어가 / 나뭇가지를 세워서 / 마스트로 삼고 / 그의 셔츠를 걸쳐서 / 돛으로 사용했다.
⦁ nest: 둥지, 보금자리 – The bird built a nest in the tree. (그 새는 나무에 둥지를 지었다.) ⦁ mast: 돛대 – The sail is hoisted up the mast. (돛이 돛대에 올라갔다.) -
At the same moment / the bird / fluttered down / upon the hat / and once more / sat snugly / on her eggs.
그와 동시에 / 새는 / 모자 위로 / 날아내려 / 다시금 / 알 위에 / 포근히 앉았다.
⦁ flutter: 펄럭이다, 날개치다 – The butterfly fluttered its wings. (나비가 날개를 펄럭였다.) ⦁ snugly: 포근하게, 아늑하게 – The kitten lay snugly in its bed. (고양이는 침대에서 포근하게 누워 있었다.) -
She drifted / in one direction, / and he was borne off / in another, / both cheering.
그녀는 / 한쪽 방향으로 떠내려갔고, / 그는 / 다른 방향으로 떠내려갔다, / 둘 다 환호하면서.
⦁ drift: 표류하다, 떠내려가다 – The boat started to drift away. (보트가 떠내려가기 시작했다.) ⦁ borne: 나르다, 제공하다 (bear의 과거형) – He was borne aloft by the crowd. (그는 군중에 의해 위로 들렸다.) -
Of course, / when Peter landed, / he beached his barque / in a place / where the bird / would easily find it; / but the hat / was such a great success / that she abandoned the nest.
물론, / 피터가 착륙했을 때, / 그는 배를 해변에 / 새가 쉽게 찾을 수 있는 / 장소에 정박시켰다; / 하지만 그 모자는 / 너무나 성공적이어서 / 그녀는 둥지를 버렸다.
⦁ beach: 해변에 올리다, 정박시키다 – The sailors beached the boat to repair it. (선원들은 선박을 수리하기 위해 해변에 올렸다.) ⦁ abandon: 버리다 – She decided to abandon the old house. (그녀는 오래된 집을 버리기로 결심했다.) -
It drifted about / till it went to pieces, / and often Starkey / came to the shore of the lagoon, / and with many bitter feelings / watched the bird / sitting on his hat.
그것은 / 산산조각이 날 때까지 / 이리저리 떠다니다가, / 종종 스타키는 / 석호의 해변에 와서 / 씁쓸한 감정을 안고 / 새가 그의 모자에 앉아 있는 / 모습을 지켜보았다.
⦁ lagoon: 석호 – The water in the lagoon was clear and calm. (석호의 물은 맑고 고요했다.) ⦁ bitter: 씁쓸한, 비통한 – He felt bitter after the argument. (그는 논쟁 후에 씁쓸함을 느꼈다.)
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