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Peter Pan 011 – Chapter XI.WENDY’S STORY – 005
Off we skip like the most heartless things in the world, which is what children are, but so attractive; and we have an entirely selfish time, and then when we have need of special attention we nobly return for it, confident that we shall be rewarded instead of smacked.So great indeed was their faith in a mother’s love that they felt they could afford to be callous for a bit longer.But there was one there who knew better, and when Wendy finished he uttered a hollow groan.“What is it, Peter?” she cried, running to him, thinking he was ill.She felt him solicitously, lower down than his chest.“Where is it, Peter?”“It isn’t that kind of pain,” Peter replied darkly.“Then what kind is it?”“Wendy, you are wrong about mothers.”They all gathered round him in affright, so alarming was his agitation; and with a fine candour he told them what he had hitherto concealed.“Long ago,” he said, “I thought like you that my mother would always keep the window open for me, so I stayed away for moons and moons and moons, and then flew back; but the window was barred, for mother had forgotten all about me, and there was another little boy sleeping in my bed.”I am not sure that this was true, but Peter thought it was true; and it scared them.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Off we skip / like the most heartless things in the world, / which is what children are, / but so attractive; / and we have / an entirely selfish time, / and then / when we have need / of special attention / we nobly return for it, / confident that / we shall be rewarded / instead of smacked.
우리는 세계에서 가장 무정한 것처럼 뛰어다니지, 즉 아이들처럼, 하지만 그렇게 매력적이지. / 그리고 우리는 몹시 이기적인 시간을 보낸 다음 특별한 주의가 필요할 때 우리는 고상하게 그것을 다시 찾지, / 우리가 보상을 받을 것이라는 자신을 가지고 말이야 / 맞는 대신에.
⦁ selfish: 이기적인 – He made a selfish decision (그는 이기적인 결정을 내렸다) ⦁ confident: 자신 있는 – She is confident in her abilities (그녀는 자신의 능력에 자신이 있다) -
So great indeed / was their faith / in a mother’s love / that they felt / they could afford / to be callous / for a bit longer.
그들의 어머니 사랑에 대한 믿음이 얼마나 큰지 / 그들은 조금 더 무정할 수 있다고 / 느꼈다.
⦁ faith: 신념 – Her faith in her friends is strong (그녀의 친구들에 대한 신념이 강하다) ⦁ callous: 무정한 – His callous remarks hurt her feelings (그의 무정한 말들은 그녀의 감정을 상하게 했다) -
But there was one there / who knew better, / and when Wendy finished / he uttered / a hollow groan.
하지만 거기에는 / 상황을 더 잘 알고 있는 사람이 있었는데, Wendy가 말을 마치자 / 그가 빈 울음을 내뱉었다.
⦁ utter: 말하다 – He uttered a few words (그는 몇 마디 말을 내뱉었다) ⦁ hollow: 빈, 공허한 – There was a hollow sound (공허한 소리가 들렸다) -
“What is it, Peter?” she cried, / running to him, / thinking he was ill. / She felt him solicitously, / lower down than his chest.
“무슨 일이야, Peter?” 그녀는 달려가서 울부짖으며 / 그가 아프다고 생각했다./ 그녀는 그의 가슴보다 아래쪽을 / 걱정스럽게 만졌다.
⦁ cry: 울다, 외치다 – She cried out for help (그녀는 도움을 외쳤다) ⦁ ill: 아픈 – He has been ill for days (그는 며칠 동안 아팠다) -
“Where is it, Peter?”
“어디가 아픈 거야, Peter?”
⦁ where: 어디 – Where is the key? (열쇠가 어디 있니?) ⦁ it: 그것 – I found it (나는 그것을 찾았다) -
“It isn’t that kind of pain,” Peter replied darkly.
“그런 종류의 고통이 아니야,” Peter는 어둡게 대답했다.
⦁ pain: 고통 – The pain was unbearable (고통은 견딜 수 없었다) ⦁ darkly: 어둡게 – He answered darkly (그는 어둡게 대답했다) -
“Then what kind is it?”
“그렇다면 어떤 종류의 고통이야?”
⦁ kind: 종류 – What kind of book is this? (이 책은 어떤 종류의 책이냐?) ⦁ it: 그것 – It is raining (비가 오고 있다) -
“Wendy, you are wrong about mothers.”
“Wendy, 너는 엄마들에 대해서 잘못 생각하고 있어.”
⦁ wrong: 잘못된 – It is wrong to lie (거짓말하는 것은 잘못된 것이다) ⦁ mother: 어머니 – My mother is kind (내 어머니는 친절하다) -
They all gathered round him / in affright, / so alarming was his agitation; / and with a fine candour / he told them / what he had hitherto concealed.
그들은 모두 한데 모였다 / 공포에 질려서, / 그의 불안이 그렇게 무서웠다.; / 그리고 대단한 정직함으로 / 그는 그들에게 이야기했다 / 그가 지금까지 숨겨왔던 것을.
⦁ gather: 모으다 – They gathered information (그들은 정보를 모았다) ⦁ conceal: 숨기다 – She tried to conceal her fear (그녀는 두려움을 숨기려고 했다) -
“Long ago,” he said, / “I thought like you / that my mother would always keep the window open for me, / so I stayed away / for moons and moons and moons, / and then flew back; / but the window was barred, / for mother had forgotten all about me, / and there was another little boy / sleeping in my bed.”
“오래전,” 그는 말했다, / “나도 너와 같이 생각했어 / 어머니가 항상 나를 위해 창문을 열어둘 거라고, / 그래서 나는 떨어져 있었어 / 오랜 세월 동안, / 그리고 나서 다시 날아갔어; / 하지만 창문이 잠겨 있었지, / 어머니는 나를 다 잊어버렸고, / 그리고 다른 작은 소년이 / 내 침대에서 자고 있었지.”
⦁ forgot: 잊다 – I forgot my keys (나는 열쇠를 잊었다) ⦁ barred: 막힌, 금지된 – The gate was barred (문이 닫혀 있었다) -
I am not sure / that this was true, / but Peter thought / it was true; / and it scared them.
나는 이것이 사실인지 확신할 수 없지만, / Peter는 이것이 사실이라고 생각했다; / 그리고 그것은 그들을 겁먹게 했다.
⦁ sure: 확신하는 – Are you sure? (확신하니?) ⦁ scare: 겁주다 – The loud noise scared me (큰 소음이 나를 겁먹게 했다)
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