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Peter Pan 011 – Chapter XI.WENDY’S STORY – 009
“Who are you? How dare you? Go away,” she cried.“You are to get up, Tink,” Nibs called, “and take Wendy on a journey.”Of course Tink had been delighted to hear that Wendy was going; but she was jolly well determined not to be her courier, and she said so in still more offensive language.Then she pretended to be asleep again.“She says she won’t!” Nibs exclaimed, aghast at such insubordination, whereupon Peter went sternly toward the young lady’s chamber.“Tink,” he rapped out, “if you don’t get up and dress at once I will open the curtains, and then we shall all see you in your negligée.”This made her leap to the floor.“Who said I wasn’t getting up?” she cried.In the meantime the boys were gazing very forlornly at Wendy, now equipped with John and Michael for the journey.By this time they were dejected, not merely because they were about to lose her, but also because they felt that she was going off to something nice to which they had not been invited.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
“Who are you? / How dare you? / Go away,” she cried.
“누구냐? / 어떻게 감히 / 여기 오느냐? / 꺼져,” 그녀가 외쳤다.
“You are to get up, / Tink,” Nibs called, / “and take Wendy / on a journey.”
“일어나라, / 팅크,” 닙스가 부르며 말했다, / “그리고 웬디를 / 여행에 데리고 가거라.”
Of course Tink / had been delighted / to hear that Wendy / was going; / but she was jolly well / determined / not to be / her courier, / and she said so / in still more offensive language.
팅크는 당연히 / 웬디가 간다는 이야기를 듣고 / 기뻐했으나; / 그러나 팅크는 되게 잘 / 결심한 상태였다 / 그녀의 운반자가 되지 않기로, / 그래서 그녀는 그렇게 말했다 / 더 공격적인 언어로.
Then she / pretended / to be asleep / again.
그러고는 그녀는 / 잠든 척 / 다시 했다.
“She says / she won’t!” / Nibs exclaimed, / aghast at such insubordination, / whereupon Peter / went sternly / toward the young lady’s chamber.
“그녀가 / 안 한다고 말하네!” / 닙스가 외쳤다, / 그러한 불복종에 / 경악하여, / 그 뒤 피터가 / 엄하게 걸어갔다 / 소녀의 방으로.
“Tink,” he rapped out, / “if you don’t get up / and dress / at once / I will open the curtains, / and then we shall all / see you / in your negligée.”
“팅크,” 그가 말했다, / “너가 일어나지 않으면 / 그리고 옷을 입지 않으면 / 즉시 / 내가 커튼을 열 것이다, / 그러면 우리 모두 / 너를 볼 것이다 / 네 잠옷 차림으로.”
This / made her leap / to the floor.
이것이 / 그녀를 바닥으로 뛰어오르게 / 만들었다.
“Who said / I wasn’t getting up?” / she cried.
“누가 / 내가 일어나지 않는다고 / 했어?” 그녀가 외쳤다.
In the meantime / the boys / were gazing / very forlornly / at Wendy, / now equipped with John / and Michael / for the journey.
그동안 / 소년들은 / 슬프게 / 웬디를 쳐다보고 있었다, / 이제 존과 / 마이클과 함께 / 여행을 위해 준비된.
By this time / they were dejected, / not merely because / they were about to lose her, / but also because / they felt / that she / was going off / to something nice / to which / they had not been invited.
이때쯤 / 그들은 낙담했다, / 그녀를 잃을 것을 / 알고만 있어서가 아니라, / 하지만 / 또한 그들은 느꼈다 / 그녀가 / 좋은 무언가로 떠나는 걸 / 그들이 초대되지 못한.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)