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Peter Pan 012 – Chapter XII.THE CHILDREN ARE CARRIED OFF – 001
The pirate attack had been a complete surprise: a sure proof that the unscrupulous Hook had conducted it improperly, for to surprise redskins fairly is beyond the wit of the white man.By all the unwritten laws of savage warfare it is always the redskin who attacks, and with the wiliness of his race he does it just before the dawn, at which time he knows the courage of the whites to be at its lowest ebb.The white men have in the meantime made a rude stockade on the summit of yonder undulating ground, at the foot of which a stream runs, for it is destruction to be too far from water.There they await the onslaught, the inexperienced ones clutching their revolvers and treading on twigs, but the old hands sleeping tranquilly until just before the dawn.Through the long black night the savage scouts wriggle, snake-like, among the grass without stirring a blade.The brushwood closes behind them, as silently as sand into which a mole has dived.Not a sound is to be heard, save when they give vent to a wonderful imitation of the lonely call of the coyote.
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The pirate attack had been / a complete surprise: / a sure proof that / the unscrupulous Hook / had conducted it improperly, / for to surprise redskins fairly / is beyond the wit / of the white man.
해적의 공격은 완전히 기습이었다: 악랄한 Hook이 그것을 부적절하게 진행했다는 확실한 증거였다, 왜냐하면 공정하게 레드스킨들을 놀래키는 것은 백인의 지혜 범위를 넘어섰기 때문이다.
By all the unwritten laws / of savage warfare / it is always the redskin / who attacks, / and with the wiliness / of his race / he does it just before the dawn, / at which time / he knows the courage of the whites / to be at its lowest ebb.
야만전의 모든 비공식적인 법칙들에 의해 공격하는 것은 항상 레드스킨이다, 그리고 그의 종족의 교활함으로 인해 그는 새벽 직전에 이를 수행하며, 그 때가 백인들의 용기가 가장 낮은 시기임을 안다.
The white men / have in the meantime / made a rude stockade / on the summit of yonder undulating ground, / at the foot of which a stream runs, / for it is destruction / to be too far / from water.
백인들은 그 동안 저 파도치는 언덕 꼭대기에 거친 울타리를 만들었고, 그 기슭에는 시내가 흐르고 있었다, 물에서 너무 멀리 떨어지는 것은 파멸이기 때문이다.
There they await the onslaught, / the inexperienced ones clutching their revolvers / and treading on twigs, / but the old hands / sleeping tranquilly / until just before the dawn.
그들은 그곳에서 공격을 기다리고 있었다, 경험이 부족한 이들은 그들의 권총을 움켜잡고 나뭇가지를 밟았지만, 숙련된 이들은 새벽 직전까지 평온하게 잠들어 있었다.
Through the long black night / the savage scouts wriggle, / snake-like, / among the grass / without stirring a blade.
긴 어두운 밤동안 야만인 정찰병들은 뱀처럼 풀숲 사이를 비틀거리며 한 잎사귀도 건드리지 않는다.
The brushwood closes behind them, / as silently as sand / into which a mole has dived.
덤불은 그들 뒤로 밀려들며, 두더지가 뛰어든 모래처럼 조용하다.
Not a sound is to be heard, / save when they give vent to / a wonderful imitation / of the lonely call / of the coyote.
그들이 외로운 코요테의 울부짖음을 완벽하게 모방할 때를 제외하고는, 어떤 소리도 들리지 않는다.
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